Systematic revision and total evidence phylogenetic analysis of the Andean family Metasarcidae Kury, 1994 (Opiliones: Laniatores), with description of two new genera and twenty new species Author Benedetti, Alipio Rezende Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal: 11.461, 05422 - 970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil & Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais, campus Sao Joao Evangelista, Av. Primeiro de Junho, 1043, Sao Joao Evangelista, MG, Brazil Author Pinto-da-Rocha, Ricardo Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal: 11.461, 05422 - 970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil text Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 2022 2022-08-16 80 309 388 journal article 1864-8312-80-309 D5C0468B99A14EF39237D9BC51A8BDA3 11907D1B6F665D96B5FD2F9751431366 3.38. Lumieria woodyalleni gen. et sp. nov. Figs 6B , 11E, F , 14A, B , 24E, F , 29B Description. MALE: Measurements ( n =1) DSW: 5.4; DSL: 5.8; CL: 1.3. FIVL: 11,8. ChL: 3.5. Coloration : (Fig. 24E ) Pedipalpus and chelicerae brown-orange, dark in tone. DS, free tergites and legs reddish brown; dry-marks around the scutal grooves and on the carapace. Distal parts of legs and lateral parts of free tergites dark brown. Dorsum : (Fig. 6B ) Anterior margin of carapace with median elevation, covered with a few scattered granules. Ocularium with pronounced median depression; a pair of spines, the right one bifurcated. Area I divided (although the division is barely conspicuous in the region close to the longitudinal groove that divides the area); with a lateral and a median pair of small tubercles. Area II with two lateral tubercles. Area III with two long spines, directed posteriorly, located at elevations of integument, totally granulate. Area IV with five sparse tubercles. Lateral margins of DS with granules, except on carapace. Posterior margin of the DS and free tergite I smooth, each one with an acuminate tubercle. Free tergites II-III with two lateral acuminate tubercles. Chelicerae : (Fig. 6B ) Segment I granular. Segment II with few granules; finger with four teeth. Segment III with three teeth. Pedipalpus : Coxa with 1-2 retrodorsal tubercles. Trochanter with a ventroapical setiferous tubercle. Femur with a ventrobasal setiferous tubercle; a ventral row of 3-4 small granules; a small proapical tubercle. Patella with a small proapical tubercle. Tibia: prolateral II, retrolateral iIii. Tarsus: prolateral Iii, retrolateral Iii. Venter : Coxa I with a median row of 4-5 setiferous tubercles. Coxae II-IV with granules throughout their surface. Rows of small tubercles between the coxae II-III and III-IV. Genital area slightly granulate. Free sternites with rows of small granules. Anal operculum granulate. Legs : (Figs 6B , 11E, F ) Coxae I-II each one with a prolateral and a retrolateral apophysis. Coxa III with a prolateral apophysis. Coxa IV with few sparse granules. Trochanters I-III smooth. Trochanter IV with 1-2 retroapical tubercles. Femur I-III unarmed, with small granules. Femur IV with sparse granules; a retrolateral row of 24 tubercles, these of varying size, most with acuminate apex. Patellae I-IV unarmed, with few granules. Tibiae I-III unarmed and few granular. Tibia IV with a retrolateral row of 16 acuminate tubercles along the basal 3/4 . Tarsal segmentation: ( n =1) 8, 18, 10, 11. Penis : (Fig. 14A, B ) VP rectangular, with distal margin slightly concave; VP strongly thick and straight in lateral view. MS C1-C5 subapical long and straight (some with curved apex); MS A1 basal, short and straight. Lateral sacs long, with acuminate apex; with short T3-like microsetae. Stylus extended and wide, with swollen apical region; with many small apical projections. Dorsal process absent. Promontory slightly convex. - FEMALE: Measurements ( n =1) DSW: 5.5; DSL: 6.4; CL: 1.5. FIVL: 11.5. ChL: 1.5. (Fig. 24F ) Chelicerae not swollen. Femur-tibia IV unarmed. Tarsal segmentation ( n =1) 8, 16, 9, 11. Figure 25. Live specimens of Metasarcus . A M. bergmani sp. nov. , male; B female; C M. clavifemur (Roewer, 1929), male; D female; E M. fellinii sp. nov. , male; F female; G M. kurosawai sp. nov. , male; H female. Diagnosis. Similar to Lumieria antonionii gen. et. sp. nov. by combination of following characters: ocularium with a pair of spines, area I divided, a long pair of spines in area III, free tergites with large tubercles (Fig. 6B ) and femur-tibia IV with a retrolateral row of tubercles (Fig. 11E, F ). Differs from Lumieria antonionii gen. et. sp. nov. because the division of the area I is less conspicuous; area II not invading the area I; carapace and scutal areas with very few granules (Fig. 6B ); male femur IV with more than 20 retrolateral acuminate tubercles (Fig. 11E, F ); VP with distal margin slightly concave (Fig. 14A, B ). Derivatio nominis. The specific epithet of masculine gender, in the genitive form, dedicated to the American filmmaker, actor, musician and writer Heywood Allen (born Allan Stewart Koenigsberg in 1935), known as Woody Allen. Distribution. (Fig. 29B ) PERU. Junin . Near Comas. Material examined. Type material : Holotype , ' PERU , Junin , Centro Turistico Ilpa , near Comas , 1°42′37.1″S 75°04′20.2″W , 27/IV/2011 , R. Pinto-da-Rocha , A. Benedetti , J. Ochoa & D. Silva leg. (MUBI) - Paratype , 'ditto' (MZSP 51851).