Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) IV. The sakaiella species group, with descriptions of fifteen new species Author Wang, Shuxia Author Jia, Yanyan text Zootaxa 2019 2019-03-04 4563 3 491 515 journal article 28133 10.11646/zootaxa.4563.3.5 85b3a8bb-92c0-4d89-b6fe-3dfee3303b0b 1175-5326 2601419 09B1A278-9403-45E3-A3D7-1CE020411948 Promalactis bornensis Wang , sp. nov. ( Figs 14 , 30 , 40 ) Type material. MALAYSIA : Holotype , Kalanggaan ( 6.07°N , 116.60°E ), Gunung Kinabalu , Borneo , 1400 m , 9¯ 13.VIII.2005 , coll. W. Mey and K. Ebert , slide No. MNHU-NK011 (MNHU). Paratype : 1♀ , same data as holotype, slide No. MNHU-NK009 ( MNHU ) . Diagnosis. This new species is similar to P. arciformis sp. nov. It can be separated from the latter by the female genitalia with a T-shaped signum, which is elongate in P. arciformis sp. nov. More diagnostic characters of the two species are given in the diagnosis of P. arciformis sp. nov. Description. Adult ( Fig. 14 ) wingspan 14.0¯15.0 mm. Head with vertex snowy white, frons and occiput dark brown. Labial palpus with second segment yellow on inner surface, yellowish brown on outer surface; third segment black except white at base, longer than second segment, pointed at apex. Antenna with scape white; flagellum with basal 2/5 white, distal 3/5 white and dark brown on dorsal surface, dark brown on ventral surface. Thorax and tegula dark brown. Forewing deep ocherous yellow, black along basal 2/3 of costal margin; dorsum with two spots: basal spot sub-elliptical, blackish brown edged with a white line along outer margin, distal spot sub-rectangular, black mixed with deep grey, its inner margin edged with a white line from dorsum to fold, slightly oblique inward to basal 2/3 of cell; deep grey fascia from basal 3/5 of costal margin oblique outward to tornus, its inner margin edged with black scales, forming a triangular balck spot anteriorly, its outer margin with a white spot anteriorly; distal patch black mixed with deep grey, extending to tornus along termen and joined with preceding fascia, surrounding a large round ocherous yellow area; cilia ocherous yellow around apex and along termen, distal part of costal margin and dorsum deep grey. Hindwing and cilia grey. Foreleg black, tarsus white at apex of each tarsomere on outer side; midleg pale grey on inner side, black on outer side; hindleg yellow on ventral side, greyish black on dorsal side, tarsus white at apex of each tarsomere on dorsal side. Male genitalia ( Fig. 30 ): Uncus broad U-shaped, connected by a narrowly arched band basally; lateral arms triangular. Gnathos with lateral arms triangular, curved inward, larger and longer than uncus arms; median process cylindrical, thick and straight, nearly as long as lateral arms. Tegumen short and broad, concave at middle in small triangle anteriorly. Valva wide, subparallel, bilobed distally: dorsal lobe large, narrowed at base, elliptically dilated distally, extending straightly upward, bearing a tuft of short and long spines on outer margin distally, forming an elliptical spinous area; ventral lobe obtuse at apex, with a few apical denticles, with two pre-dorsoapical spines, one large dorsoapical spine almost straight upward. Sacculus about 1/3 width of valva, with a triangular dorsal process at basal 1/4 that bears a few long spines and one short spine, with dense setae and fused with valva distally. Saccus as long as lateral lobe of juxta, wide at base, narrowed to basal 1/3, then subparallel to a rounded apex. Juxta with strong lateral lobes reaching middle of uncus, pointed at apex; basal lobe narrow triangular. Aedeagus slender, slightly curved, pointed at apex, slightly longer than valva; cornutus absent. Female genitalia ( Fig. 40 ): Apophyses anteriores about 1/3 length of apophyses posteriores. Lamella postvaginalis of overlapped two layers. Ductus bursae as long as corpus bursae, with granules in basal 3/5. Corpus bursae large, elliptical, with dense granules; signum somewhat T-shaped from ventral view, consisting of an irregular basal plate and two thorns of unequal length. Distribution: Malaysia . Etymology. This epithet refers to Borneo, Malaysia where the type locality is.