Review of the American genus Bolostromus Ausserer, 1875 with the description of fourteen new species (Araneae, Cyrtaucheniidae) Author Dupérré, Nadine 0000-0003-2195-878X text Zootaxa 2023 2023-07-17 5317 1 1 88 journal article 57758 10.11646/zootaxa.5317.1.1 2ec8e36f-be42-4c2a-b488-0a8640f80ead 1175-5326 8153783 A88A6184-36E3-4FDD-9BE0-862EC7361ED7 Bolostromus holguinensis Rudloff, 1996 Figs 9 , 10 , map 1 Bolostromus holguinensis Rudloff, 1996a: 12 , f. 1–5 (Description female from Cuba ). Type material. Cuba , El Yayal , Holguín Province y en La Farola , Guantanamo Province . Holotipo (num. 5–16). Museo Historia Natural en Holguín, Cuba. Not examined. Paratipo (num. 5–17). Naturkundemuseum Berlin , Alemania . Examined. [ ZOOL . Mus. Berlin Kat: Nr. 30738, female paratype , Cuba , Holguin Cuchilla del toa, Leg. Rudolff 5.3.94 Det. Rudolff 1996]. Paratipo, Museum für Naturkunde und Vorgeschchte Dessau, Alemania. Not examined . FIGURE 9. Bolostromus holguinensis Rudloff, 1996 . Female (paratype from Berlin). A. Habitus, dorsal view. B. Habitus ventral view. Scale bars: 1.0mm. FIGURE 10. Bolostromus holguinensis Rudloff, 1996 . Female (paratype from Berlin). A. Carapace, dorsal view. B. Sternum, ventral view. C. Carapace, lateral view. D. Leg I, retrolateral view. Scale bars: A, B: 1.0mm; C, D: 0.5mm. Diagnosis. Females most resemble B. panamanus but are distinguished from the latter and all other species by the following combination of characters: internal genitalia with short spermathecae without lobes (see Rudolph 1996: fig. 5), and leg I with black pattern ( Fig. 10D ). Description. Female ( paratype from Berlin ): Measurements. Total length: 7.69; carapace length: 3.84; carapace width: 3.06; carapace height: 1.95; abdomen length: 3.85. CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace almost rectangular slightly wider medially, margin sinuous; pars cephalica dark orange; pars thoracica orange, smooth; cephalic groove not well defined, without pit medially; fovea broad, procurved ( Fig. 10A ); caput elevated ( Fig. 10C ). Sternum 2.33/1.59, light yellow, smooth; posterior sigillae oval, other sigillae inconspicuous ( Fig. 10B ). Labium orange without cuspule. Endites quadrangle; orange-brown with six cuspules; serrula not observed. Chelicerae dark orange; rastrellum with 17 spines. EYES: AME: 0.16; ALE: 0.23; PLE: 0.15; PME: 0.11; interdistances: AME: 0.01; AME-ALE: 0.07; PME: 0.39; PME-PLE: 0.03; LE: 0.03; ocular quandangle 0.77/ 0.85/0.31. ABDOMEN: oval, dark gray dorsally and light gray ventrally ( Fig. 9A, B ). Spinnerets: median spinnerets: 0.48; lateral spinnerets: 0.84/0.47/0.66. LEGS: Orange-brown except legs I–II with black markings. Coxae I–II with inner short stiff setae. Metatarsi I–II with apical scopulae; tarsi I–II with complete scopulae ( Fig. 10D ); III–IV without scopulae. LEGS MEASUREMENTS: I 10.15 (3.16/1.70/2.46/1.71/1.12); II 8.70 (2.68/1.20/2.08/1.64/1.10); III 5.92 (2.03/0.98/0.98 /1.05/0.88); IV 10.32 (2.92/1.35/2.80/2.00/1.25); leg formula: 4123. GENITALIA: See Rudolph (1996: fig. 5). Distribution. Only known from Cuba . Natural History. Specimens were collected in mountain pine forests. Females build 20 to 25cm long tubeshaped burrows without covers, covering the entire interior with silks (Rudolph 1996). Note. Bolostromus holguinensis was described by Rudolph (1996) the female holotype was deposited in Cuba , one paratype was deposited in Berlin (ZMB), and one paratype in Dessau (MNVD), Germany . The specimen in Dessau is currently misplaced and could not be found, the specimen from Berlin was the only one available, the redescription of the species is based on the paratype specimen from Berlin which is unfortunately juvenile.