Revision of the Palaearctic and Oriental representatives of Lachnocrepis LeConte and Oodes Bonelli (Coleoptera: Carabidae), with special account on Chinese species Author Guéorguiev, Borislav 0000-0002-8532-0657 Author Liang, Hongbin 0000-0002-9668-1167 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-09-08 4850 1 1 89 journal article 8579 10.11646/zootaxa.4850.1.1 686337a2-1528-43d0-ae32-68ca023d8df3 1175-5326 4407072 18AA0411-0E54-4922-84C7-608EAC68D281 6. Pseudoodes emeishanicus sp. n. ( Figs 9 A–G, Table 2 ) Type material . Holotype , somewhat in teneral condition, 2011 VIII 21 D [day], 1400m Huang Hao leg., Inst. of Zoology, CAS, Sichuan , Emeishan Xixinsuo Temple [w, p] // China , Sichuan , Emeishan, Xixinsuo, 1400m , 2011.8.21 D HUANG Hao collector, Institute of Zool., CAS [w, p] ( IZAS ). TME: 1 specimen . TGE: 1♂ . Diagnosis . This species is separated from other members of the species group by its shorter pronotum (PW/ PL>1.65), with the least pointed anterior angles, shaft of median lobe long and narrower ( Fig. 9F ) and male protarsomere 2 barely longer than wide (W/Lp2: 1.13). The species is most similar to P . tianlinensis but the latter species has anterior angles of pronotum more distinctly pointed, shaft of median lobe broader ( Fig. 13G ) and male protarsomere 2 distinctly longer than wide (W/Lp2: 1.26). Description . Habitus . Specimens of moderate size (BL: 13 mm , BW: 5.2 mm ), with ovate, subconvex body ( Fig. 9A ). Ratios and measurements . See Table 2 . Color and luster . Body dark brown, appendages rufous. Integument moderately shiny, without iridescence. Punctuation . Dorsal surface without punctuation; prosternum and metasternum at sides, and metepisternum moderately punctate; pro- and mesoepisternum nearly smooth; abdominal ventrites punctate at sides. Head . About half as wide as pronotum ( Table 2 ). Mentum tooth with apex truncate, with distinct paramedial border ( Fig. 9C ). Thorax . Pronotum ( Fig. 9B ) with sides slightly rounded toward posterior angles (PW/PB: 1.06); maximum width in posterior third; laterobasal impressions shallow; base nearly straight; anterior angles rounded, moderately projected. Prosternum with median longitudinal sulcus distinct, deeper and located more posteriad than in P . tianlinensis ; prosternal process elliptic, more narrowly rounded apically than in other species of “ rambouseki ” group except P . tianlinensis ( Fig. 9D ). Metepisternum significantly wider than long (MA/MM: 1.53), with lateral margin convex, coadunation with epipleuron short, located anteriorly ( Fig. 9E ). Elytra . Apical sinuation weak, poorly defined. Basal margin distinct laterally, not forming distinct denticle at shoulder, disappearing medially at level between striae 2 and 3. Parascutellar striola distinct, but shallow, punctiform, less impressed than other striae; striae 1–3 superficially punctate anteriorly, remaining striae impunctate. Intervals 1–7 subconvex, interval 8 appreciably more convex than others. Legs . Metacoxal basal sulcus reduced at side, barely reaching lateral third. Male mesotibia slightly dilated distally. Protarsomeres 1–3 of male moderately dilated, with second tarsomere scarcely wider than long (W/Lp2: 1.13). Male genitalia . Median lobe ( Figs 9F, G ) with basal bulb moderately long, narrow; shaft long, barely swollen medially; apex short, curved ventrally; apical lamella short, widely rounded. Female genitalia . Unknown. FIGURE 9. Pseudoodes emeishanicus sp. n. , holotype. A: habitus and labels; B: head and pronotum; C: mentum (white spots show locations of submental setiferous punctures); D: prosternal process; E: right metepisternum and metacoxa; F: median lobe of aedeagus, left lateral view; G: same, dorsal view. Scale lines = 2 mm (Fig. A); = 1 mm (Figs B, E); = 0.5 mm (Figs C–D, F–G). Etymology . The name refers to Mount Emei, where the type specimen was collected. Distribution . Presently known only from Mount Emei, Leshan City, Sichuan Province , China . Bionomics . The collector, Mr. Huang told us that the holotype was caught on the mountain road from Xixinsuo Temple to Wannian Temple, just after a rainfall. Notes . The holotype is partly teneral, with genitalia incompletely chitinized. Thus, its brownish coloration may not be indicative for fully mature individuals.