A conspectus of the flower fly genus Allograpta (Diptera: Syrphidae) with description of a new subgenus and species Author Mengual, Ximo Author Ruiz, Carlos Author Rojo, Santos Author Ståhls, Gunilla Author Thompson, Christian text Zootaxa 2009 2214 1 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189912 be611bcb-0759-4dc2-b67a-68fc5efa93af 1175-5326 189912 Subgenus Claraplumula Shannon Claraplumula Shannon 1927 : 8 . Type-species, latifacies Shannon (original designation). Diagnosis. Face straight, with tubercle; oral opening about twice as long as wide, with oral apex at level of antennal base; antennal pits broadly separated; plumula well developed, long; subscutellar pile fringe abundant, dense; wing extensively microtrichose, only narrowly bare basally, without apical dark macula ; alula broad, about 1.5 times as broad as cell BM; metasternum pilose; abdomen oval. Included species. NEOTROPICAL : ** latifacies Shannon 1927 : 8 ( Claraplumula ) Ecuador , Peru .