Deep-sea (> 1000 m) Goniasteridae (Valvatida; Asteroidea) from the North Pacific, including an overview of Sibogaster, Bathyceramaster n. gen. and three new species Author Mah, Christopher L. text Zootaxa 2016 4175 2 101 141 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4175.2.1 d7cbc23a-7a4c-4616-83fd-059fb458f7b6 1175-5326 257286 B264C215-000D-42C5-8AC9-B801872CD182 Litonotaster tumidus H.L. Clark, 1920 Figure 5 A–E H.L. Clark 1920 : 83; Maluf 1988 : 34 (table), 118 (list). Comments. Although this species was not encountered as part of the new material included herein, this species is included for the sake of completeness and because other bathyal/abyssal asteroid species have been shown to occur widely along the coast of North America (e.g., Bathymeramaster elegans ). Occurrence. Peru . 4066–5196 m . Material examined. USNM E705, Paratypes . Cerro Azul , Lima , Peru , South Pacific. 13º11’30”S , 78º18’W , 5203 m . Coll . USFC Steamer Albatross , Eastern Pacific Expedition, 21 Nov. 1904 .(2 dry specs, R=2.5, r=1.0; R=2.0, r=1.1)