Deep-sea (> 1000 m) Goniasteridae (Valvatida; Asteroidea) from the North Pacific, including an overview of Sibogaster, Bathyceramaster n. gen. and three new species Author Mah, Christopher L. text Zootaxa 2016 4175 2 101 141 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4175.2.1 d7cbc23a-7a4c-4616-83fd-059fb458f7b6 1175-5326 257286 B264C215-000D-42C5-8AC9-B801872CD182 Hippasteria Gray 1840 Gray 1840 : 279; 1866: 9; Perrier 1875 : 271; (1876: 86); Sladen 1889 : 341; Fisher 1911 : 223; Verrill 1914 : 300; Koehler 1924 : 178; Mortensen 1927 : 88; Dons 1937 : 17; Fisher 1940: 125; Djakonov 1950 : 51 (1968: 42); Bernasconi 1964 : 253; Halpern 1970: 183; A.M.Clark & Courtman-Stock 1976 : 63; Clark and Downey 1992 : 246; H.E.S. Clark & McKnight, 2001 : 54; Mah et al. 2010 : 284. (as Hippasteria ) Dons 1937 : 17 [as Hippasteria ( Euhippasteria ) ] Dons 1937 : 17 [as Hippasteria ( Nehippasteria ) } Fisher 1905 : 311; 1911: 237; Spencer & Wright 1966 : U58; A.M. Clark 1993 : 251; Mah et al. , 2010 : 276 (as Cryptopeltaster ) Codoceo & Andrade 1978 : 379 (as Criptopeltaster ). Comment. Hippasteria and related taxa have been the subject of recent revisionary work ( Mah et al. , 2010 ; Mah et al. 2014). Cryptopeltaster 1905 was found to be a synonym of Hippasteria by Mah et al (2014). Most genera of hippasterines, especially Evoplosoma and Hippasteria have been observed to show some predation on cnidarians, mostly on octocorals ( Mah et al. 2010 ; Mah 2015), with some observations of feeding on sea anemones by H. phrygiana in the Atlantic (review in Mah et al. 2010 ).