A foundation monograph of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the New World Author Wood, John R. I. Author Munoz-Rodriguez, Pablo Author Williams, Bethany R. M. Author Scotland, Robert W. text PhytoKeys 2020 143 1 823 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 1314-2003-143-1 F6F11A6EE4FF5A1885CEA2B60AE965A5 344. Ipomoea coriacea Choisy in A.P. de Candolle , Prodr. 9 : 358. 1845. (Choisy 1845: 358) Type. BRAZIL. J.B. Pohl s.n . (holotype BR00006972585, probable isotype W). Description. Undershrub to 2 m, stems ascending or arching stems (rarely (?never) climbing), stout, glabrous, woody. Leaves petiolate, large, coriaceous, 6-14 x 4-9, oblong-elliptic, elliptic or suborbicular, retuse and mucronulate, base broadly cuneate, both surfaces usually glabrous, rarely abaxially tomentellous; petioles 0.4-1 cm. Inflorescence often somewhat "wizened" and scarred, formed of small, pedunculate, somewhat umbellate cymes from the uppermost leaf axils or arising on short lateral branches; peduncle 1-5 cm, stout, often woody; bracteoles triangular, acuminate, 2(-5) mm, moderately persistent; secondary peduncles often present, short, <10 mm long, woody; pedicels 10-22 mm, relatively slender but widened below calyx; sepals very unequal, glabrous, outer 6-8 x 7 mm, ovate, rounded, muricate, inner 13-16 mm, obovate-elliptic, rounded, somewhat scarious, nearly smooth; corolla 6-7 cm long, funnel-shaped, gradually widened from base, pink, glabrous, limb 3.5-7 cm diam., weakly lobed. Capsules 13 x 8 mm, ovoid, glabrous; seeds not seen. Distribution. Endemic to the Cerrado biome in the Planalto of Brazil at about 1000 m and almost restricted to Goias . BRAZIL. Goias : G. Gardner 3710 (K), 3910 (K); W.J. Burchell 7944 (K, BR). Niquelandia . H.S. Irwin 34669 (MO, NY); ibid., Cavalcanti et al. 1580 (CEN, SP); ibid., B.M.T. Walter 1210 (CEN, RB); Campinacu , Faz. Praia Grande, T. Cavalcanti et al. 1841 (CEN, NY); Cavalcante. H.S. Irwin et al. 24241 (MO, NY); Teresina de Goias , W.R. Anderson 7491 (NY); M.A. Da Silva et al. 3359 (IBGE, K). Tocantins : Arraias, A.M. Amorim 9398 (RB). Note. A vigorous woody subshrub which differs from Ipomoea procurrens in its erect or arching woody stems but the two species are not well-defined.