Additional six new species of Neotrichia Morton 1905 (Insecta: Trichoptera Hydroptilidae) from Roraima state, Brazil Author Neto, Jaime De Liege Gama 0000-0003-3670-3894 Universidade Estadual de Roraima-UERR, Coordenação de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde. & jaimebio @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3670 - 3894 Author Passos, Mahedy Araujo Bastos 0000-0001-9423-4403 Centro Estadual de Educação Profissional Prof. Antônio de Pinho Lima (CEEP / RR). & mahedypassos @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9423 - 4403 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-11-18 4881 1 179 188 journal article 8003 10.11646/zootaxa.4881.1.11 b0e3126c-4b5a-413a-b46f-7456fffe326b 1175-5326 4425658 4083C6BC-10C2-47EF-A95C-0F64BF26F986 Neotrichia mucajai sp. nov. Figures: 4A–4D Diagnosis . This species does not fit well into any of the Species Groups of Marshall (1979) as defined by Keth et al. (2015) . The male of Neotrichia mucajai sp. nov. resembles Neotrichia botka Oláh & Johanson 2011 in the long subgenital plate ( Fig. 4A , sg) and elongate, rod-shaped bracteoles ( Figs 4A, 4C , br). The new species differs from N. botka by segment IX having a long and slightly bifid process posteroventrally ( Fig. 4C ), and by the easily discernible segment X ( Figs 4A, 4B ). Description . Male (in alcohol): Dark brown, with length of each forewing 1.1 mm ( holotype ). Postoccipital setal warts pronounced, large, ovoid. Antennae each with 18 articles; scape normal, cylindrical, slightly longer than pedicel; flagellomeres each as long as pedicel, cylindrical. Maxillary palp formula I-II-IV-III-V (shortest to longest), first two articles shorter than wide. Mesoscutellum with anterior margin convex; metascutellum convexly subtriangular. FIGURE 4. Neotrichia mucajai sp. nov. , male genitalia. 4A, left lateral; 4B, ventral; 4C, dorsal; 4D, phallus, left lateral. br = bracteole (paired), ed = ejaculatory duct, ia = inferior appendage (paired), mp = membranous posterolateral process of segment IX (paired), pj = posterolateral projection of segment IX (paired), pr = paramere, sg = subgenital plate, vlp = ventrolateral process of segment X (paired), X = lobes of segment X (paired). Male genitalia. Segment IX retracted in segment VIII, anterolateral margins produced anterad at midheight in lateral view ( Fig. 4A ), anterodorsal margin V-shaped in dorsal view ( Fig. 4C ), anteroventral margin U-shaped in ventral view ( Fig. 4B ); dorsal surface with pair of protrusions each bearing apical seta ( Figs 4A, 4C ); posterolateral margins each with projection at midheight bearing 3 apical and subapical setae ( Figs 4A , dotted lines in 4B, pj); posterolateral margin sclerotized mesally, with paired membranous processes slightly longer than inferior appendages each bearing short apical seta and a small median projection also ending in a short seta ( Figs 4 A–4C, mp). Segment X membranous, fused with dorsum of segment IX, in lateral view large, tapered to blunt apex, and with pair of membranous ventrolateral processes bearing apical setae ( Figs 4A, 4B , vlp); in dorsal view, with deep mesal incision, pair of lateral lobes tapering apically and directed posterocaudad ( Figs 4A, 4C, X ). Subgenital plate in lateral view long, dorsally sclerotized and with apically downturned beak-like apex ( Fig. 4A , sg); in ventral view long, wide basally and tapered to slightly quadrate apex, incised medially and flanked by a pair of apicolateral spines directed mesad ( Fig. 4C , sg). Bracteoles elongate, rod-shaped ( Figs 4A, 4C , br). Inferior appendages long, slender, tapering apically ( Figs 4A, 4C , ia). Phallus slender distally, ending in sclerotized apical spine; paramere surrounding shaft and extending short distance posterad ( Fig. 4D , pr); ejaculatory duct protruding apically ( Fig. 4D , ed). Female, larva, pupa, and egg. Unknown. Holotype male. BRAZIL : Roraima : Iracema municipality, Vicinal Campos Novos (Fazenda Rancho Fundo), small order stream, 2°21’26.22”N , 61°23’38.98”W , 209 m a.s.l. , 16 Mar. 2018 , Pennsylvania light trap , J.L. Gama Neto , leg. (alcohol; MPEG ). Distribution : Brazil ( Roraima , type locality only). Etymology. The specific name “ mucajai ” is a noun used in apposition, referring to the Mucajai River, a western tributary of the Branco River.