The bodemeyeri and the convexicollis species groups of the genus Geodromicus Redtenbacher, 1857, and additional taxonomic and faunistic data for some species of the Eastern Palaearctic Region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae) Author Shavrin, Alexey V. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-11-29 5213 5 451 496 journal article 198847 10.11646/zootaxa.5213.5.1 2a26dfdb-0e17-40a1-b5fd-14787882b9d1 1175-5326 7381607 B16F6ED4-A8C2-4F3D-A5DD-20537DE0CF01 Geodromicus (s.str.) convexicollis Luze, 1903 ( Figs. 28–39 ) Geodromicus convexicollis Luze, 1903: 112 ; Luze 1904: 78 , Coiffait 1970: 144 , Zerche 1992: 111 ; Hlavač et al . 2016: 2 Geodromicus (s.str.) hauserianus Bordoni, 1984: 42 ; Zerche 1992: 111 , Kashcheev & Ishkov 2001: 101 Geodromicus cylindricus Tronquet, 1981: 74 syn.n. Type material examined: Holotype of Geodromicus convexicollis Luze, 1903 , : ‘globulicollis Zett. | Taschkent, | Akunin’ <handwritten>, ‘convexicollis | Luze’ <handwritteb>, ‘205’ <printed>, ‘c. Eppelsh. | Steind. d.’ <printed>, ‘Co- | Typus’ <pink, printed>, ‘ Holotypus | Geodromicus | convexicollis Luze, 1903 | Zerche 1991’ <printed> ( NMW .) Holotype of Geodromicus (s.str.) hauserianus Bordoni, 1984 , ( Fig. 29 ; dissected): ‘OST-BUCHARA | Tschitschantan | Nufswald F.Hauser 1898.’ <printed>, ‘HOLOTYPUS’ <red, printed>, ‘ Geodromicus (s.str.) | hauserianus n.sp. | Det. A. Bordoni 19[printed] 83 | holotypus ’ <handwritten> ( NMW ) . Paratypes : 2 ♀♀ (on one pin): ‘OST-BUCHARA | Tschitschantan | Nufswald F.Hauser 1898.’ <printed>, ‘PARATYPUS’ <red, printed; 2 labels>, ‘ Geodromicus (s.str.) | hauserianus n.sp. | Det. A. Bordoni 19[printed] 83 | paratypi ♀♀ ’ <handwritten> ( NMW ) . Holotype of Geodromicus cylindricus Tronquet, 1981 , (aedeagus and apical abdominal segment are glued on the same card with the specimen): ‘Band I Amir 2600 m 14.VIII.[19]75’ <handwritten>, ‘Afg[h]an[istan]. G.M[eurgues]. et O.L[edoux].’ <handwritten>, ‘Museum Paris Coll J. Jarrige’ <handwritten>, ‘TYPE’ <red, printed>, ‘ Geodromicus | cylindricus n.sp’ <handwritten> ( MHNH ). Additional material examined. KAZAKHSTAN : EAST KAZAKSTAN REGION : 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ : Tyshkan tract, 6 km E Sarybel. 1200 m a.s.l. 12.05.1985 . V.G. Shilenkov leg. (cSh, ZMUC ); 4 ♀♀ : Tyshkan-tau Mts., Tyshkan R., 10 km N Sarybel. 2000 m a.s.l.. 19.05.1995 (cZ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : same data, 44°30N , 80°04E . 1800 m a.s.l. 28.07.2002 . Müller-Motzfeld leg. (cA); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Tarbagatay, below Pik Sarymobe, Kalymuvat. 1250 m a.s.l. 05.08.2001 . Müller-Motzfeld leg. (cA); 3 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ : Tarbagatay, Bazar R. 22.08.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 3 ♂♂ , 6 ♀♀ : same data. 21.08.1988 (cSh, ZIN ); 7 ♀♀ : Altai, Katon-Karaga, Sarymsakty R.15– 19.07.1989 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : Altai, Tauchilik and Karakoba rivers. 11.08.1989 . V. Kashcheev leg. (cSh); 4 ♂♂ : same data. 16.08.1988 ( BMNH , cSh, ZIN ); 1 ♀ : Chingistay [Shyngystay], 49°11′33.0″N 85°57″06.8′E′. 896 m a.s.l. V. Kashcheev leg. (cSh); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Sorvenok R. near Aksubas Mt. 12– 14.08.1989 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Sarym-Sakty Mts., Ozernaya R., valley. 2300 m a.s.l. 15– 20.07.2007 . A. Plutenko leg. (cSch); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : southern slope of Kurchum Mts., 10 km N Urunkhayka. 1500 m a.s.l., near water. 28.07.1988 . I.I. Kabak leg. ( ZIN ); TURKISTAN : 1 ♂ : 15 km E Kaskasu. Meadow-steppe zone, stream, in mosses. 12.07.1983 . B.V. Iskakov leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ : 13 km SE Kaskasu. Subalpine zone, stream, in mosses. 11.07.1983 . B.V. Iskakov leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ : Ugam Mts., Sary-Aygyr gorge, 42°11′08″N 70°19′59″E . 07.08.2012 . S.V. Kolov leg. (cKh); 1 ♂ : Aksu-Zhabagly Nature Reserve, Zhabagly R., Kshi-Kaindy. 16.06.2011 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : same data, Koksay R. 02.07.2001 (cSh); 1 ex. : Bolshoy Baldabrek R. pass, above Darbal. 27.04.1967 . E.L. Guryeva leg. ( ZIN ); JAMBYL : 22 ♂♂ , 29 ♀♀ : Kyrgyz Mnt., Merke R, Merke. 12.06.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. (cSh, ZIN ); 3 ♂♂ , 5 ♀♀ : same data. 30.06.2011 (cSh); 2 ♂♂ , 7 ♀♀ : Bukhtarma R., Dzhambul. 10.08.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 2 ♂♂ : same R., near Archaty. 12.08.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. (cSh); 2 ♀♀ : same R., Chingistay [Shyngystay]. 30.08.2010 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 4 ♂♂ , 14 ♀♀ : Chylik R., Sarybastau Pass. 15.06.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Karatau Mt. Zhamantas R., 43°52′05″N 68°11′55″E . 731 m a.s.l. 10.05.2010 . A.V. Ivanov leg. (cSh); 1 ♀ : Karatau. 16.05.1974 . S.Yu. Gryuntal leg. ( ZMM ); 1 ♀ : Kungey Mnt., Kolbastau Pass. 27.07.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); JETISU : 20 ♂♂ , 19 ♀♀ : Dzhungar Alatau, Usek R. 10.07.2005 . V. Kashcheev leg. (cSh, ZIN ); 15 ♂♂ , 35 ♀♀ , 6 exs. : same data, Kesken-Terek R. 18– 28.08.1988 (cSh, ZIN ); 5 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ : same data, Kokjota Mnt., Topolevka. 27.06.2006 ( ZIN ); 4 ♂♂ , 10 ♀♀ : same data, Argynkaty R. 31.08.2006 ( BMNH , cSh, ZIN ); 6 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : same data, Kapal R. 1620 m a.s.l. 02.08.1984 . V. Kashcheev leg. (cSh, ZIN ); 4 ♀♀ : same data, Tentek R., Kokzhar. 25.08.2006 ( BMNH , ZIN ); 4 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : same data, Burkhan R. 12.08.2004 (cSh); 1 ♂ : same data, Oisaz-Chizhe R. 06.07.1990 (cSh); 1 ♀ : same data, foothills of Berbokan Mts., environs of Uspenovka, arm of Orto-Tentek R. t=14°C, pH=5.4. 13.08.1991 . A. Shatrovsky leg. (cA); ALMATY : 57 ♂♂ , 66 ♀♀ : Ketmen Mnt., Dolaity R. 09– 15.07.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. (cSh, ZIN ); 2 exs. : same Mnt., Bolshoy Ketmen. 16.06.1988 . В. V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 12 ♂♂ , 4 ♀♀ : same data. 18.07.1988 (cSh, ZIN ); 4 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ : same data, Bolshoy Ketmen Pass. 20.07.2009 (cSh, ZIN ); 1 ♂ : S Ketmen Pass, 43°20′N , 80°19′E . 2750 m a.s.l. 31.07. Müller-Motzfeld leg. (cA); 7 ♂♂ , 13 ♀♀ : Ketmen Mnt., Bolshoy Kyrgisal. 10.06.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 19 ♂♂ , 13 ♀♀ : same data. 13.07.2009 ( ZIN ); 4 ♂♂ , 6 ♀♀ : same Mnt., Shalkydysu R. 17.07.1988 . V. Kashcheev (cSh, ZIN ); 1 ♂ : same Mnt., Avat R. 14.07.2008 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 6 ♂♂ , 16 ♀♀ : Ile Karatau, Zhynishke R. 20.06.1988 . V. Kashcheev (cSh, ZIN ); 13 ♂♂ , 23 ♀♀ : same data. 22.08.1988 ( BMNH , cSh, ZIN ); 1 ♀ : Chilik R., Bartogay reservoir, 43°19′21″N 78°29′57″E . 06.09.2012 . Kolov leg (cKh); 32 ♂♂ , 46 ♀♀ : Kyrgyzsay Pass, 43°18′40.3′N′ 079°32′26.9′E. 12.07.2009 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN , cSh); 1 ♂ , 18 exs. : Kungey, Chilik R., Sarybastau Pass. 12– 15.06.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ : Ile Alatau, Batan R., Chin-Turgen. 25.06.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 2 ♀♀ : same data, Big Almaty Lake. 28.06.1991 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 11 exs. : Zhinishke, Zhinishke R. 17.06.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 2 exs. : same data, Koksay Pass. 20.06.1988 ( ZIN ); 4 exs. : same data, Assy Pass. 24.06.1988 ( ZIN ); 1 ♀ : Kungey Alatau, near Alma-Ata, 77°00′N 43°10′E . 2500–3500 m a.s.l. 07.1990. J. Kolibáč leg. ( NHMB ); 1 ♀ : SW environs of Saryzhaz, 89°42′48″N 54°79′30″E. 2000–2300 m a.s.l. D. Král leg. ( NHMB ); 2 exs. : Burakozhyr. 31.08.1988 . V. Kashcheev leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ex. : 73 км S Glinkovo, Boralday R. Near water. 24.05.1986 . B.V. Iskakov leg. ( ZIN ); UZBEKISTAN : NAVOI : 3 exs. : ‘T[u]rk[e]st[an]. Mnt. Nurata Uchum Glazunow 1892’ ( ZIN ); TASHKENT : 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : ‘Ouzbekistan 8–68 Mts Tschimgan 1500 m H.C.’ ( MHNH ); 1 ♀ : Bolshoy Chimgan. 05.07.1981 . K. Majer leg. ( MNHUB ); 1 ex. : Chimgan, 12 Klyuchey. 20.07.1924 . Yu. Martynova leg. ( ZIN ); 11 exs. : Chimgan. 30.07.1920 . I. Ivanov leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ex. : Uganskiy Mts., 20 km N Khumsan. 16.05.1966 . V.A. Zaslavskiy leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ex. : same data, valley of Ugan River. 17.05.1963 . E.L. Guryeva leg. ( ZIN ); 2 exs. : Tashkent. 17.07.1925 . Petrova leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ : ‘Zangi Bazar Süd- Turkestan K. Küchler S. G. 8. V. 1913 ’, ‘ Bodemeyeri Bernh. ’, ‘Bernhauer determ.’, ‘ Geodromicus Bodemeyeri cotyp. Bernh.’, ‘Frankfurt/Main Senckenberg- Museum’ ( SF ); 1 ex. : Angren R. 23.09.1963 . O.L. Kryzhanovsky ( ZIN ); 5 ♂♂ , 11 ♀♀ : Chatkal Mt. range, Okhangaron District, 6 km NW Irtash, Iertash [Yertoshoy] River (right confluent of Okhangaron River), 41°10′40.7″N 70°16′17.9″. 2400 m a.s.l. 05– 06.08.2021 .A.V. Shavrin leg. ( BMNH , cSh); 3 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : same data, 41°10′46″N 70°17′28.7″E . 1900 m a.s.l. 03.08.2021 (cSh); 1 ♂ : same data, Aksay R., snow spot. 41°30′46.0″N 70°02′32.9″E . 2200 m a.s.l.. 09– 10.08.2021 . A. Anicthchenko leg. (cSh); 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : same data, 41°10′24.3″N 70°16′06.5″. 2500 m a.s.l. 05– 06.08.2021 . A. Shavrin leg. (cSh); 1 ♂ : Sublikay. 24.07.2017 . Yu.G. Arzanov leg. (cSh); FERGANA : 1 ♀ : Pamir Alai, Chamsaabad. 1800 m a.s.l. 14.07.1984 . D. Wrase leg. (cSch); SYRDARYA : 1 ex. : Chimchanka R. 22.07.1924 . O. Martynova leg. ( ZIN ); SAMARKAND : 2 ♀♀ : Aman Kutan, environs of Samarkand. 1200 m a.s.l. 16– 18.05.1974 . A. Pfeffer leg. ( NMPC ); KASHKADARVA : 1 ♂ : Yakkabagskiy District, Kalta-Kol. 07.09.1993 . 1400 m a.s.l. K. Kolesnichenko leg. (cSh); KYRGYZSTAN : TALAS : 1 ♀ : Kyrgyzskiy Mts., Kegety Valley. 2800 m a.s.l. 03.06.1994 . W. Dolin leg. (cSch); 1 ♂ : ‘Talass-Tal. Fischer’ ( SNMB ); CHUI : 1 ♀ : Kyrgyzskiy Mts., 5 km S Bishkek Orto-San. 01.10.1992 . S.V. Ovchinnikov leg. (cSh); 3 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ : Sosnovka, Kara-Balta R. Stones near river, Semenovia transiliensis . 18.05.1943 . K.V. Arnoldi leg. (cSh, ZMM ); 1 ♂ : Kungey- Alatoo Mts., upper course of Tschon-Kemin R. ca. 42°47′N 76°19′E . 2200–2500 m a.s.l. 08.1999. Hetzel leg. (cF); 1 ♀ : Kara-Balta. 27.05.1995 . S. Ovchinnikov leg. (cSh); YSSIK-KOL : 3 ♂♂ , 4 ♀♀ : Terskey-Alatoo Mts., valley of Chon-Kyzyl-Suu R., 2650 m a.s.l., under stones near water. 01.07.1988 . V. Yanushev leg. (cSh, ZMM ); 1 ex. : same Mts. and R., 2500–2700 m a.s.l. 02.07.1959 . Zaslavskiy leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Terskey-Alatau, Ottuk valley, 42°21N 79°03E . 3000 m a.s.l. 25.07.2000 . Müller-Motzfeld leg. (cA); 1 ♂ : Chichkan Valley near pass, 42°11′N , 72°58′E . 2370 m a.s.l. 31.07.1999 . Müller-Motzfeld leg. (cA); 3 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : ‘Turkestan Issyk-Kul V.M. Duchor’ ( MZHF ); NARYN : 2 ♂♂ , 4 ♀♀ : Inner Tian Shan, 8–14 km NE Son-Kul Lake, ca. 41°52′N 75°21′E . 3100–3600 m a.s.l. 08.1999. Hetzel leg. (cF); 1 ♀ : Ala Arteche. 2000 m a.s.l. 09.07.1984 . D. Wrase leg. (cSch); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : At-Bashi. 22– 24.08.1995 . S. Saluk leg. (cSh); 1 ♂ , 3 ♀♀ : Son-Köl region, 41°43′53N , 75°05′03E . 3000 m a.s.l. 14.07.2000 . Müller-Motzfeld leg. (cA); JALAL-ABAD : 3 exs. : Fergana mt. Range, Arstanbab. 28.05.1961 . L. Medvedev leg. ( ZIN ); 2 exs. : same data. 2600 m . 27– 28.05.1961 . E.L. Guryeva leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ : Chatkal Mts., Arkit. 1400 m a.s.l. 14.09.1945 . K. Arnoldi leg. ( ZMM ); OSH : 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : West Tian Shan, Yarodar. Stream, litter and under stones. 24– 25.06.1983 . K. Eskov leg. ( ZMM ); 2 ♂♂ , 3 ♀♀ : Lailak Dist., Sarken-Gush rivers. 2100 m a.s.l. 9.6.1996 . A. Putschkov leg. (cSch, cSh); 1 ♀ : Zaalayskiy Mts., Bardabo outpost. 3200–3400 m a.s.l. 19– 20.07.1996 . V.A. Mikhailov leg. (cA); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Alai Valley, Kelte-Bulak R. near Unkur. 3100 m a.s.l. 22.07.1999 . Müller-Motzfeld leg. (cA); 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : Alai, White Mts. near Kara Kintyk, 39°42′N , 73°27′E . 3200 m a.s.l. 21.07,1999. Schubert leg. (cA); 1 ♀ : Alai valley, Belye Gory, Kysyl R. 21.07.1999 . Müller-Motzfeld leg. (cA); 1 ex. : northern slopes of Alai Mts. Under stones. 01.08.1938 . M. Chirkun leg. ( ZIN ); 2 exs. : ‘Alai. 4.IV.1899 ’ ( ZIN ); TAJIKISTAN : SUGHD : 6 ♂♂ , 3 ♀♀ : ‘Seravschan Dschai-See’ ( NMW , MHNH ); 3 exs. : ‘Sevarschan Lac. Dschai Glasunow 1892’ ( ZIN ); 1 ♀ : ‘Turkestan Dshai-See Rutschin Pass Glasunov’( BMNH ); 1 ♀ : ‘Seravshan Turkestan’ ( MHNH ); 1 ♂ : ‘Seravschan Turkestan’, ‘asiaticus Solsk.’ ( IRSNB ); 1 ♂ : ‘Turkestan Seravschan’( BMNH ); 1 ♀ : ‘Turkestan Seravschan Kulikulan L.’ ( NMPC ); 1 ♀ : ‘Turkestan Lac. Kulikulan Glasunov 1892’( NMPC ); 2 ♀♀ : ‘Seravschan Kulikulan S’, ‘Turkestan’ ( MZHF , NMPC ); 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ : ‘Seravshan Kuli Kulansee’, ‘im 250 km de Tashkent’ ( MHNH ); 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ , 4 exs. : ‘Turkestan Lac. Kulikulan Glasunov 1892’ ( NMW , ZIN ); 2 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Zeravshan Mts., environs of Kulikulan. 25.08.1940 ( ZMUC ); 1 ♂ : ‘Co-Type’, ‘ ’, ‘Seravschan Kulikulan—S, Turkestan, convexicollis’, ‘ex coll. Luze’, ‘COTYPUS Geodromicus convexicollis Luze. ’, ‘M. Cameron Bequest. B.M. 1955-147.’ ( BMNH ); 1 ♀ : ‘ ’, ‘Seravchan Kulikulan. S’, ‘Turkestan’, ‘Glasunow’, ‘convexicollis’, ‘COTYPUS Geodromicus convexicollis G. Luze’, ‘ Geodromicus convexicollis Luze’( NMPC ); 1 ♀ : ‘ ’, ‘TURKESTAN LAC. KULIKULAN Glasunov 1982’, ‘COTYPUS Geodromicus convexicollis Luze’, ‘ Geodromicus convexicollis 3273 Luze’, ‘Collection Arthur Spälti’ ( MHNG ); 1 ♀ : ‘Turkestan Lac. Kulikulan Glasunov 1892’, ‘COTYPUS Geodromicus convexicollis Luze’, ‘Sammlung Dr. J. B. Jörger Masans-Chur 1957’ ( NHMB ); 2 exs. : ‘Seravschan Boschara Glasunow 1892’ ( ZIN ); 6 ♂♂ , 3 ♀♀ : Seravshan, Kette Masor. 2300 m a.s.l. 20.05.1984 . Mikhailov leg. ( NHMB ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Seravshan Mts., Zavron Valley. 2100–3000 m a.s.l. 12– 13.07.1990 . M. Schulke & D. Wrase leg. (cSch); 1 ♂ : same Mts., north slope. Marguzorskiye lakes. 24.05.1984 . V. Mikhailov leg. (cSch); 1 ♀ : same Mts., north slope, gorge, near Mazor. 02.06.1984 . V. Mikhailov leg. (cSch) 2 exs. : Iskanderdarya near sources. 12.08.1947 . Kirichenko leg. ( ZIN ); 1 ♂ : Syr-Darja, Kanibadam. 22.04. ( ZMM ); 1 ♂ : ‘OST-BUCHARA Tschitschantan [Vorukh]. Coll.Hauser 1898’ ( FMNH ); 1 ♂ : Turkesrtan Mts., north slope of Shakhristan Pass. 28.06.1983 . S. Alekseev leg. (cR); NOHIYAHOI TBEI JUMHURÎ : 1 ♂ : Gissar Mts., Kondara. 1200–1300 m a.s.l. 20– 23.05.1988 . V.G. Shilenkov leg. ( ZMUC ); 1 ex. : same data. 14.09.1937 . Gussakovskiy leg. ( ZIN ); 2 ♂♂ : same Mts., Ziddi. 2400–2700 m a.s.l. 19.06.1982 . Jelinek leg. (cZ, NMPC ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Hissar-Alai, Adjuk-Cleft nr. Warsob. 01– 03.07.1990 . M. Schülke leg. (cSch); 2 ♀♀ : southern slope of Petr I Mts., Sangvor Reserve, Lyuli-Kharvi. 23.08.1975 (cSh); KHATLON : 1 ♀ : ‘Ost-Buchara Kuljab’ ( NMW ); VILOYATI MUKHTORI KűHISTONI : 1 ♂ : Vanchskiy District, valley of Banch R. near environs of Banchskiy forestry. 17.05.1982 . V. Mikhailov leg. (cSch); 1 ♀ : Stchugnanskiy Mts., environs of botanical garden. 2200–2300 m a.s.l.. 05.05.1978 . V. Mikhailov leg. (cSch) 1 ex. : Dalvaz, Kala-i-Khum. 1820 m a.s.l.. 05– 12.07.1989 . Grabichevskiy leg. ( ZIN ); AFGHANISTAN : BADAKSHAN : 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ : Badakshan Mts., Shiwa Lake. 2800 m a.s.l. 20.07.2008 .C. Reitter leg. (cF); LOCALITY NOT SPECIFIED : 1 ♀ : ‘Ala-Tau.Syr.D[arya]. 6.08.’‘A. LEBEDEV’, ‘ bodemeyeri Bh. det. Bernh.’, ‘planicollis Brnh. Typus unic.’, ‘Chicago NHMus M. Bernhauer Collection’ ( FMNH ); 1 ex. : ‘Alatau Geb. E. Fischer’ ( ZIN ). FIGURES 28–30. Habitus of Geodromicus convexicollis : 28—Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzsay Pass, 29—holotype of G . hauserianus , 30—Uzbekistan, Iertash. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. Redescription. Measurements (n=500): HW: 0.65–0.93; HL: 0.55–0.67; OL: 0.27–0.30; TL: 0.10–0.20; AL: 3.13–3.55; PL: 0.85–1.18; PWmax: 1.04–1.68; PWmin: 0.73–0.93; ESL: 1.49–1.98; EW: 1.63–2.26; MTbL (averaged): 1.30; MTrL (averaged): 0.62 (MTrL 1–4: 0.35; MTrL 5: 0.27); AW: 1.49–2.20; AedL: 0.97–1.30; BL: 4.30–7.20 ( holotype of G . convexicollis : 5.00; holotype of G . hauserianus : 6.60; holotype of G . cylindricus : 6.00). Habitus as in Fig. 28–30 . Body brown to reddish-brown or black, sometimes with paler (yellowish or reddish) elytra and paratergites of abdomen; mouthparts, antennae and legs yellow-brown to brown (antennae in some specimens yellowish, or with paler antennomeres 1–3, femori (except apical portions) and tarsi). Head with traces of shallow transverse meshes in apical portion and/or isodiametric or subdiagonal meshes on infraorbital portions; neck with dense and coarse isodiametric micropunctation; medioapical portion of pronotum in some specimens with very indistinct transverse microreticulation; abdomen with very dense transverse or isodiametric microsculpture. FIGURES 31–36. Aedeagus of Geodromicus convexicollis (Figs. 31–32: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzsay Pass; Fig. 33: Kazakhstan, Kaskasu; Fig. 34: Kazakhstan, Ketmen Mnt.; Fig. 35: Tajikistan, Kulikulan; Fig. 36: Kyrgyzstan, Terskey-Alatoo Mts.): 31, 33–36—parameral view, 32—lateral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. Head 1.1–1.3 times as broad as long, with slightly or strongly convex supra-antennal elevations, with moderately deep and wide anterio-median depression; temples moderately convex, 1.5 times to slightly more than twice as long as longitudinal length of eyes, gradually rounded or sometimes with subacute angle between posterior margin of eye and distinct postocular ridge in some specimens; interocellar depression subrectangular or subtrapezoidal, large and deep, separated from infraorbital portions by moderately deep and long foveae, reaching level of middle length or apical third of eyes. Ocelli small or moderately large, distance between ocelli about as long as or slightly longer than distance between ocellus and posterior margin of eye. Punctation variable, fine or moderately large and deep, sparse or dense, usually denser and deeper in middle and sometimes finer and sparser on infraorbital portion. Antennomere 3 slightly longer and narrower than antennomere 2, 4–5 slightly narrower and shorter than 3, 6–8 slightly longer than 5, 9–10 slightly longer than 8, apical antennomre 1.3–1.7 times as long as 10. Pronotum transverse, 1.4–1.8 times as broad as long, from widest middle or anterior third sharply narrowed toward short or moderately long subparallel mediolateral portions; middle portion without longitudinal depression, with transverse, shallow or moderately deep mediobasal depression. Punctation variable. moderately sparse, about as that or slightly larger than that on middle portion of head, or distinctly denser, larger and deeper, usually sparser in/or middle and mediobasal portions (some specimens without punctures in front of mediobasal depression). Elytra slightly broader than long and slightly or significantly broadened posteriad, 1.6–1.7 times as long as pronotum. Punctation variable, about as that on pronotum or distinctly denser, larger and deeper, usually denser and coarser in parascutellar portion, and finer and sparser along suture. Metatibia about twice as long as metatarsus. Abdomen distincly narrower than elytra, with two large and transverse tomentose spots in middle of abdominal tergite IV (sometimes indistinct in some specimens). FIGURE 37. Distribution of Geodromicus convexicollis in the Middle Asia. FIGURE 38–39. Habitats of Geodromicus convexicollis in Uzbekistan, Chatkal Mts., Iertash River. Male. Pronotum wide, usually strongly convex. Profemuri and protarsomeres 1–4 distinctly widened. Apical margin of abdominal tergite VIII straight, rounded or slightly concave. Apical margin of abdominal sternite VIII concave. Median lobe very wide, from apical third strongly narrowed toward rounded or subacute apex; parameres slightly broadened apicad, reaching or exceeding apex of median lobe, with four short apical setae; internal sac weakly sclerotized, without visible structures except narrow and moderately short flagellum in middle or basal portion ( Figs. 31, 33–36 ). Lateral aspect of the aedeagus as in Fig. 32 . Female. Pronotum moderately small, somewhat narrow, less convex. Profemuri and protarsomeres 1–4 narrow. Apical margin of abdominal tergite VIII straight or rounded. Apical margin of abdominal sternite VIII rounded. Comparative notes. Based on the coloration, body length and the general shape of the body, G . (s.str.) convexicollis is similar to Central Asian G . (s.str.) kashmirensis , from which it can be distinguished by slightly more transverse pronotum and moderately narrow apical portions of the parameres. From all species of the convexicollis group it differs by the very wide median lobe. Distribution. Geodromicus (s.str.) convexicollis is widely distributed in the Middle Asia, and known from Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan and north-eastern Afghanistan ( Fig. 37 ). Bionomics. Specimens were collected at elevations from 700 to 3600 m a.s.l. and were taken from under stones near streams and rivers, or were sifted from the gravel, soil, drift and mosses. Some specimens were collected from under stones near snow spots. It was collected together with specimens of G . (s.str.) macrothorax in several localities of south-eastern Kasakhstan (Saryhastau Gorge, Kokjota Mnt., and Dzhungar Alatau). The localities in Chatkal Mts. ( Uzbekistan ) as in Figs. 38–39 . Remarks. Geodromicus convexicollis Luze, 1903 was originally described based on one specimen (“Nach einem männlichen Exemplare beschrieben.”) from Tashkent, Uzbekistan . Zerche (1992) studied the holotype and redescribed the species. Bordoni (1984) based on the holotype and three paratypes described G . hauserianus from “Ost. Buchara, Tschiftschantan…”. It was synonymized by Zerche (1991) with G . (s.str.) convexicollis without the study of the type specimens. I studied the type specimens in NMW (see above) and confirmed this synonymization here. Geodromicus cylindricus Tronquet, 1981 was originally described from “ Afghanistan : Baudi-I-Amir”. I studied the holotype and found that this specimen is conspecific with other specimens of G . (s.str.) convexicollis . Sketchy aedeagus provided by Tronquet (1981) is also similar to other studied specimens of G . convexicollis . Thus, I synonymized it with G . (s.str.) convexicollis .