A contribution to the knowledge of New World Bruchinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae): taxonomic revision of Ctenocolum Kingsolver & Whitehead, with description of five new species
Albuquerque, Felícia Pereira De
Manfio, Daiara
Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele Stramare
journal article
Key to the species of
femur with second tooth of pecten regular in profile until apex (
Figs. 75–78
); hind tibia on outer surface with row of denticles (
Figs. 4
), apex lightly or moderately emarginated beside mucro (
Figs. 75–78
) (Group
)..... 2
femur with second tooth of pecten gradually increasing in size until middle and decreasing towards apex (
Figs. 66–74
); hind tibia on outer surface without row of denticles, apex strongly emarginated beside mucro (
Figs. 66–74
) (Group
)............................................................................................ 5
2 (1). Antennomeres 8–10 darker than the others (
Figs. 18, 19, 21
63, 65
); internal sac at apex laterally with short tuft of setae (
Figs. 90
); tegmen, lateral lobe at apex without membranous projection (
Figs. 99–100, 102
- Antennomeres 8–10 the same color as the others (
Figs. 20
); internal sac at apex laterally with long tuft of setae (
Figs. 5
); tegmen at apex of lateral lobe with membranous projection (
Fig. 7
C. salvini
3 (2).
femur on external ventral margin without toothed carina (
Fig. 75
C. acapulcensis
femur on external ventral margin with toothed carina (
Figs. 76
)..................................... 4
4 (3).
femur with denticles on the external ventral margin (
Fig. 76
); pygidium of female with sparse setae on two basal “C” pattern areas, on four lateral small areas and on a larger median area (
Fig. 51
C. janzeni
femur without denticles on external ventral margin (
Fig. 78
); pygidium of female with sparse setae on two lateral areas and on rectangular conspicuous area extending from basal to submedian region (
Fig. 52
C. tuberculatum
5 (1). Dorsum mostly with yellowish gray setae, forming a “C” pattern on each elytron (
Fig. 10
); pronotum with sparse setae that exposes the integument and forms a rounded area on anterior region (
Fig. 10
C. colburni
- Dorsum never mostly yellowish gray; when mostly yellow gray, not forming a conspicuous pattern on each elytron like a “C” (
Figs. 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
); pronotum with sparse pubescence exposing the integument forming an oval, wide area from anterior to posterior region, divided or not by transversal and longitudinal strip of denser setae (
Figs. 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
)................................................................................. 6
6 (5). Elytral striae with deeply impressed punctures (
Figs. 15, 16
)................................................... 7
- Elytral striae with moderately impressed punctures (
Figs. 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14
)................................ 8
7 (6). Pygidium at median basal region with moderately impressed punctures; tegmen of lateral lobes with “ U” emargination (
Fig. 97
C. punctinotatus
Albuquerque & Ribeiro-Costa
sp. nov.
- Pygidium at median basal region with deeply impressed punctures; tegmen of lateral lobes with “V” emargination (
Fig. 98
C. pygospilotos
Albuquerque & Ribeiro-Costa
sp. nov.
8 (6). Elytral stria 4 with tooth closer to anterior margin of elytra than base of the tooth of stria 3................
C. biolleyi
- Elytral stria 4 with tooth closer to base of tooth of stria 3 than to anterior margin of elytra...................... 9
9 (8). Pronotum with median gibbosity divided by transversal sulcus; antenna pale brown or brown with antennomeres 3–11 darker at apex; male genitalia, internal sac with inverted Y-shape sclerite (
Fig. 79
C. aquilus
Albuquerque & Ribeiro-Costa
sp. nov.
- Pronotum with median gibbosity not divided by transversal sulcus; antenna brown and dark brown or brown to dark brown, never with antennomeres 3–11 darker at apex; male genitalia, internal sac with different forms of sclerites (
Figs. 81–83
)................................................................................................ 10
10 (9). Elytra, striae 3 and 4 with conspicuous teeth at base (
Fig. 11
); male genitalia, internal sac at submedian region with squamous hollow sclerite (
Fig. 81
C. martiale
- Elytra, striae 3 and 4 with less conspicuous teeth at base (
Figs. 13, 14
); male genitalia, internal sac with different form of sclerite (
Figs. 82, 83
)........................................................................... 11
11(10). Ocular index 4.7–7.0 (
Figs. 26, 27
); pygidium oval in male (
Figs. 38, 39
) and triangular in females (
Figs. 49, 50
)..... 12
- Ocular index 4.5 (
Fig. 30
); pygidium oval in male (
Fig. 42
) and female....................................................................................................
C. triangulatus
& Ribeiro- Costa
sp. nov.
12(11). Male genitalia, lateral lobes of tegmen with internal margin near end of emargination forming a "U" (
Fig. 95
C. podagricus
- Male genitalia, lateral lobes of tegmen with internal margin near end of emargination forming a “V” (
Fig. 94
C. milelo
Albuquerque & Ribeiro-Costa
sp. nov.