Synopsis of Lestes from Brazil with description of Lestes demarcoi sp. nov (Zygoptera: Lestidae) Author Lencioni, F. A. A. Private researcher, Rua Anibal, 216, d. Coleginho, Vila Zezé, Jacareí, CEP (ZIP) 12310 - 780, ão Paulo, Brazil. Author Neiss, U. G. Instituto de Criminalística, Departamento de Polícia Técnico-Científica, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Author Dutra, S. L. Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins, Laboratório de Coleções Biológicas e Paleontológicas, Biologia, Avenida Paraguai (esq. Uxiramas), Bairro Cimba, Araguaína, Tocantins, CEP 77824 -- 838, Brazil. Author Furieri, K. S. Laboratório de Ensino de Zoologia, Departamento de Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas, CEUNES, UFES, BR 101 Norte, Km 60, Bairro Litorâneo, São Mateus, CEP 29932 - 540, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Author Juen, L. Ecology and Conservation Laboratory, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Augusto Correia, No 1 Bairro Guamá, Belém, Pará- - CEP 66.075 - 110, Brazil. Author Batista, J. D. 0000-0002-3734-6844 Entomology Laboratory of Nova Xavantina, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, Nova Xavantina, Brazil. joanadarcb @ yahoo. com. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3734 - 6844 Author Vilela, Diogo S. Private researcher. Rua Jaime Bilharinho, 575, Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-06-22 4990 3 511 541 journal article 5561 10.11646/zootaxa.4990.3.4 e86f591b-7b3e-4002-a5e1-ddc97b53e744 1175-5326 5027008 0719C7D3-E84F-44B2-BD67-3BB61DFD7B6B Lestes minutus Selys, 1862 Fig. 08 ( —App), Fig. 21 ( —habitus), Fig. 29 ( —habitus), Fig. 37 (C— S8–S10), Fig. 39 (C— basal plate), Fig. 40 (H— pectoral color pattern). Etymology : minutus = Latin for minute, tiny. Lestes minuta Selys, 1862: 305 (description of male, distribution); Kirby 1890: 161 (data on species description and distribution); Davies & Tobin 1984: 32 (data on publication and distribution); De Marmels 1990: 336 (presence in Venezuela as L. mediorufus Calvert, 1909 ); Bridges, 1994 : (VII) 155 (data on publication, type depository, type locality and references); Lencioni 2005: 96 , Fig. 55 (A–C) (data on description, data on type locality, data on type deposition, data on distribution, data on larval description, synonymy with L. mediorufus , illustrations of appendages in lateral and mediodorsal views, thorax in ventral view form Calvert 1909 ); Costa et al. 2006: 60–61 , Fig. 26 (appendages dorsal view, key for adult males); Garrison et al. 2010: 117 (data on species); Lencioni 2017: 109–110 , Fig. 44A–E , 45A–B (data on description, type locality, type deposition, distribution, and larval description, appendages in lateral, mediodorsal and dorsal views, female S 8–10 in lateral view, thorax in ventral view, male and female habitus). Types. Syntypes in IRSNB (examined). Larva described. No. Material examined. ( 2 ♂♂ + 1 ♀ ): 1 ♀ Brazil : São Paulo , São Paulo , Av Itacira , 42, 06.i.2001 , F.A.A. Lencioni leg. ; 1 ♂ Venezuela : Edo Bolivar , small stream and ponds, 7 km E of Parupa ( PN Canaima), 1200m , 1–3.viii.1987 , T. W. Donnelly leg. ; 1 ♂ Brazil : Goiás , Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros , , S.L. Dutra & M.C. Almeida leg. Synonyms . Lestes mediorufus Calvert, 1909 ( Lencioni 2005 ) . Distribution. Brazil ( Roraima , Goiás , Mato Grosso , São Paulo ), Venezuela and Trinidad . Diagnostic characters . —Cercus in lateral view: basal 2/3 straight with the apical 1/3 forming an almost right angle, tip rounded, medial expansion visible, rectangular, with the apical edge of the bottom margin with a long spine. Cercus in mediodorsal view: base of cercus with a short distally–directed spine, medial expansion a little wider than the base with the mesal edge concave and covered with spine–like setae. Paraproct in lateral view: 4/5 the length of cercus, finger–like with the tip little expanded and covered with pale setae. Paraproct in dorsal view: finger–like with a spoon–like tip. FIGURE 8. Lestes minutus : A—Appendages, lateral view; B—Appendages, mediodorsal view. —Basal plate: species belonging to basal plate group 3 ( Fig. 38 ), with dorsal side twice the length of the dorsal section of posterior side. Dorsal section of posterior side and posterior section of ventral side subequal ( Fig. 39C ). Pectoral color pattern as Fig. 40H .