Generic Revision Of The Dioptinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea: Notodontidae) Part 2: Josiini Author Miller, James S text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2009 2009-06-30 2009 321 675 1022 journal article 10.1206/321.1-1 0003-0090 13126000 Caribojosia youngi Rawlins and Miller Figures 326 , 327 ; plate 31 Caribojosia youngi Rawlins and Miller, 2008: 211– 224. TYPE LOCALITY : Dominican Republic ; Independencia , Sierra de Neiba . TYPE : Holotype ³, leg. J. Rawlins, R . Davidson, C. Young & S. Thompson, Sierra de Neiba just south of crest, 5 km NNW Angel Feliz, 1780 m , 18–14N, 71–47W, 13– 15 Oct 1991 , cloud forest ( CMNH ). DISCUSSION : It seems remarkable that a diurnal moth as large and showy as C. youngi (pl. 31), had gone unnoticed and uncollected until 1991. Nevertheless, its very existence heralds the urgent need to document the biodiversity of endangered habitats such as the Sierra de Neiba. The 20-year biotic survey of Lepidoptera from the Dominican Republic undertaken by Rawlins et al. (CMNH), comprising nearly a quarter million specimens (see Rawlins and Miller, 2008 ), serves as a model for such research. The two dioptines discovered from their work— Caribojosia youngi and Eremonidia mirifica —are nothing short of earth-shattering, whether viewed from the standpoints of biogeography, phylogeny, or basic natural history. DISTRIBUTION : Dominican Republic (AMNH, CMNH). DISSECTED : Paratype ³, Dominican Republic , Independencia , Sierra de Neiba just south of crest, 5 km NNW Angel Feliz , 1780 m , 18–41N, 71– 47W. 13–15 Oct 1991 , leg. J. Rawlins , R . Davidson, C . Young, S . Thompson, Cloud forest , CMNH (genitalia slide no. JSM-568 ) ; Paratype ³, Dominican Republic , Independencia , Sierra de Neiba just south of crest, 5 km NNW Angel Feliz , 1780 m , 18–41N, 71– 47W. 13–15 Oct 1991 , leg. J. Rawlins , R . Davidson, C . Young, S . Thompson, Cloud forest , CMNH (genitalia slide no. JSM-1747 ) ; Paratype , Elías Piña , Sierra de Neiba at crest, 5.5 km NNW Angel Feliz , 1800 m , 18–41N, 71–47W, 15 Oct 1991 , leg. R . Davidson, C . Young, S . Thompson, J . Rawlins, Cloud forest , CMNH (genitalia slide no. JSM-876 ) .