Generic Revision Of The Dioptinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea: Notodontidae) Part 2: Josiini Author Miller, James S text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2009 2009-06-30 2009 321 675 1022 journal article 10.1206/321.1-1 0003-0090 Josia fusigera Walker Plate 32 Josia fusigera Walker, 1864: 133 . TYPE LOCALITY : (Sine patria). TYPE : Syntype , ex Norris Collection ( BMNH ). Josia fusifera Druce, 1885a: 149 . TYPE LOCALITY : Nicaragua , Chontales . TYPE : Syntype , leg. T . Belt ( BMNH ). Josia flexuosa Hering, 1925: 528 , fig. 71e. New synonymy . TYPE LOCALITY : ‘‘Mexico’’. TYPE : Syntype ³/ , leg. Deppe ( ZMH ). Josia diminuata Hering, 1925: 528 , fig. 71e. New synonymy . TYPE LOCALITY : ‘‘Honduras’’. TYPE : Holotype , leg. ‘‘Wittk.’’ ( ZMH ). DISCUSSION : Josia fusigera can be recognized by it relatively large size (FW length 5 18.5–22.0 mm), and by having broad, light yellow-orange FW and HW stripes. The stripes in both wings are truncate at their apices. Although the species occurs from Nicaragua north to Mexico , the majority of material in collections is from the latter country. After performing a series of dissections to compare genitalia morphology across a range of specimens, I here propose flexuosa Hering , along with its so-called subspecies diminuata Hering , as synonyms of fusigera . In all these, male and female genitalia are identical. My studies also confirm that the name fusifera Druce should be retained as a synonym of fusigera , following Bryk (1930) . DISTRIBUTION : Mexico (AMNH, ARTC, BMNH, CMNH, LACM, MNHN, USNM, ZMH); Guatemala (BMNH, CMNH, USNM); Honduras (BMNH, CMNH, USNM, ZMH); Nicaragua (BMNH, OUMNH). DISSECTED : ³, Mexico , Coatepec , leg. J. Brooks , BMNH (genitalia slide no. JSM-341 ) ; ³, Mexico , Veracruz , Henry Edwards Collection , AMNH (genitalia slide no. JSM-286 ) ; ³, Mexico , Veracruz , AMNH (genitalia slide no. JSM-290 ) ; , Mexico , Veracruz , Orizaba , Jun 1913 , leg. C.C. Hoffmann , AMNH (genitalia slide no. JSM-287 , wing slide no. JSM-174 ) ; , Mexico , Veracruz , AMNH (genitalia slide no. JSM-291 ) ; , Honduras , R . Sarstoon , leg. Blancaneau , BMNH (genitalia slide no. JSM-342 ) .