A review of the Anatolian Gomphocerus Thunberg, 1815 (Orthoptera: Acrididae Gomphocerinae) via morphological and bioacoustics characters: data suggesting a new species, a new subgenus and three new statuses Author Mol, Abbas 0000-0003-2582-1377 Department of Emergency Aid and Disaster Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aksaray University, Aksaray, TURKEY abbasmol 19 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2582 - 1377 abbasmol19@gmail.com Author Şirin, Deniz 0000-0001-5475-173X Department of Biology, Faculty of Art & Science, Tekirdag Namık Kemal University, 59030, Tekirdag, TURKEY denizsirin 19 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5475 - 173 X denizsirin19@gmail.com Author Taylan, Mehmet Sait Department of Biology, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Hakkari University, Hakkari, TURKEY Author Sevgili, Hasan 0000-0002-7289-6243 Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic, Faculty of Art & Science, Ordu University, Ordu, TURKEY hsevgili @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7289 - 6243 hsevgili@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2023 2023-10-12 5353 5 401 429 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5353.5.1 journal article 272974 10.11646/zootaxa.5353.5.1 e156c15d-3df9-49d3-b93a-bc7eb4deae7d 1175-5326 10010058 91974351-A87C-446D-9069-9424B92D9BC2 Gomphocerus ( Gomphocerus ) eyluldenizi Mol, sp. n. Gomphocerus sibiricus turcicus Mistshenko : Karabağ 1958: 146 ; Gomphocerus sibiricus turcicus Mistshenko : Weidner 1969: 206 ; Gomphocerus sibiricus turcicus Mistshenko : Demirsoy 1977: 225 ; Gomphocerus sibiricus Linnaeus, 1767 ; Güneş 1984: 137 ; Gomphocerus sibiricus turcicus Mistshenko : Çıplak et al . 1999: 766; Gomphocerus sibiricus turcicus Mistshenko : Mol & Zeybekoğlu 2013: 98 ; Gomphocerus sibiricus turcicus Mistshenko : Mol et al . 2017 . Diagnosis . G. eyluldenizi is similar to G. turcicus and G. transcaucasicus species with tegmina and alea characters of both sexes, fusion of cubital-1 and cubital 2 fields and enlarged tip of tegmina ( Fig. 8 ). On the other hand, this beautiful species differs from the morphologically closest G. turcicus and G. transcaucasicus species with several characters as, frontal carinae is distinctly depressed, the tegmina does not reach tip of the abdomen and the length of the frontal tibia is 2.5–2.77 times its width in female ( Fig. 9 ). Description . Male ( Holotype ): Head and pronotum ( Fig. 7 ): Head as wide as pronotum. Vertex acute angular and smooth fastigium, with faint median carina and raised. Vertical diameter of the eye/minimum width of vertex 1.60, in paratypes 1.45–1.71, vertical diameter of eye/subocular groove 1.55, in paratypes 1.40–1.53. Vertical faveolae long, its margins slightly curved some paratypes , 3 times longer than wide, in paratypes 3.5–4. Frontal carinae divergent downward, as rounded edges distinct between antennae, with a distinctly depression at the ocellum, expanded below ocellum, and indistinctly in profile. Antennae filiform with apical club, 1.4 times longer than head plus pronotum, in paratypes 1.3. Its longest medial segment 3.1 times as long as wide, in paratypes (1.22) 1.77–2.8; the ratio of the length to width of the sixth segment from the head on the antenna clavatus is 2, in paratypes 1.66–2.91. Pronotum widened, its frontal margin convex hind margin angular; feebly inflated, scarcely gibbose in prosoma and mesosoma in profile. Median carina distinct and entire. Typical transversal sulcus (third sulcus) distinctly curved, located behind middle of the median carina, cut behind the middle of the median carina, length of the in front of the transversal sulcus/length of the behind the transversal sulcus 1.66, in paratypes 1.29–1.66. The maximum/ minimum width between lateral carinae 2.38, in paratypes 2.4–4.0. Front tibia pear-shaped ( Fig. 9 ), its length 2.51 times of its maximum width, in paratypes 2.5–2.77. Hind femur is long, its length 4.18 times of its maximum width, in paratypes 4.0–4.76. Mesosternal interspace wide, 1.6 times wider than long, in paratypes 1.45–2.83. FIGURE 6. Male calling song of G. ( Gomphocerus ) turcicus (a complete phrase (A), three complete syllables from first part of song (B) and three complete syllables and pulses from last part of song (C)). Thorax : Tegmina ( Fig. 8 ) not reach of tip of the abdomen; apical portion of the tegmen (from the end of the first radial to the apex) exist, tegmen 3.2 times as long as maximum width, in paratypes 3.40–3.80. Stigma found in 2/5– 3/5 apical half of tegmen, the length Pc-field/the length of tegmen 0.31, in paratypes 0.27–0.33; the greatest width of costal field/ the greatest width of precostal field 1.42, in paratypes 1.30–1.50, the greatest width of costal field/the greatest width of subcostal field 3, in paratypes 2.5–3.20; subcostal vein nearly smooth, radial vein slightly sinuate S-shape, the Cubital-1 and Cubital-2 vein fused with one another here and there Cu-2 field distinct. Tympanal opening semicircle shaped, its medial height nearly 1.60 times of its medial width, in paratypes 1.50–1.79. The alae as long as the tegmen in both sexes. Abdomen ( Fig. 10 ): Cerci in male 2.28 times as long as wide in paratypes 1.90–2.50; nearly reach the apex of anal tergum. Middle of anal tergum widened like a channel; ephiphallus two lobes, anterior projection of ephiphallus spicular, cingular valves of penis longer than apical valves. Measurements of holotype (in mm). Body 14, head 2, pronotum 3.7, tegmina 10.5, hind femur 9. Female ( Allotype ) : Head and pronotum ( Fig. 7 ): Head slightly wider than pronotum. Vertical diameter of the eye/minimum width of vertex 1.33–1.63, vertical diameter of eye/subocular groove 1.13–1.30. Vertical faveolae and frontal carinae as in the male. Antennae filiform, slightly widened, shorter than head plus pronotum, its longest medial segment 1.50–2.64 times as long as wide, the ratio of the length to width of the sixth segment from the head on the antennae clavatus is 1.1–2.5. Pronotum widened, its frontal margin slightly convex, hind margin widened angular. Length of the in front of the transversal sulcus/length of the behind the transversal sulcus 1.19–1.59. The maximum/minimum width between lateral carinae 2.5–3.0. Hind femur long, its length 3.77–4.5 times of its maximum width, Mesosternal interspace wide, 1.67–2.44 times wider than long. FIGURE 7. Dorsal and lateral view of head and pronotum, and antennae in both sexes of Anatolian Gomphocerus taxa. Thorax : Tegmina ( Fig. 8 ) generally surpass tip of the abdomen not reach hind femur; tegmen 3.69–4.5 times as long as maximum width. Costal field with white band in basally, the greatest width of costal field/ the greatest width of precostal field 0.88–1.15, the greatest width of costal field/the greatest width of subcostal field 4–5; subcostal vein nearly smooth, radial vein generally slightly sinuate S-shape ; the Cubital-1 and Cubital-2 field distinct, narrowed. Tympanal opening semicircle shaped, its medial height nearly 1.56–1.77 times of its medial width. Abdomen ( Fig. 10 ): Cerci 1.3–1.54 times as long as wide, not reach the apex of anal tergum; subgenital plate widened apically with narrow and shortly cavity. Coloration . In general appearance head plus pronotum blackish brown, abdomen yellowish brown dorsally and body yellowish brown ventrally, from vertex to clypeus brownish, clypeus and genea yellowish brown sometimes black in female; mouthparts yellowish white; the pronotum brownish black, inner and outer side of lateral carinae sometimes blackish, terga blackish. Tegmina brownish with dark spots along precostal and medial field and around the stigma; hind femur brownish dorsally and yellowish ventrally with an oblique blackish band dorsally and internally. Previous records from Turkey . Erzurum : Palandöken Mountains (B̧y̧k Ģney Mountains), ( Demirsoy 1977 ). Material examined . Erzurum : Palandöken Mountains , N 39.823889 , E 41.291944 , 2890 m ., 22.viii.2015 , 10 males , 9 males (leg. A. Mol , M.S.Taylan & D. Şirin ) (deposited in ASUBTAM) . Etymology . The new species name refers to Eyļl and Deniz Mol who are the children of the first author. Remarks . This species has not been assessed for the IUCN Red List (2022-2). The distribution of the G. eyluldenizi sp. n. is restricted and its habitats are strongly under the threat of the anthropogenic effects such as winter sports activities (many ski resorts), and overgrazing. The species should be considered as a Critically Endangered (B1ab (i, iii)) status on the basis of the extent of occurrence criteria of IUCN (https://www.iucnredlist.org/).