Revision of the genus Theopea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Sundaland and the Philippines: Redefinition of the genus Author Lee, Chi-Feng Author Bezdĕk, Jan text Zootaxa 2019 2019-10-10 4683 4 451 507 journal article 25263 10.11646/zootaxa.4683.4.1 48496621-de1a-4490-b866-1ae69d81ecbc 1175-5326 3479609 982FE3FB-5610-44A1-AAE3-659B28F45307 Theopea lunduensis Mohamedsaid ( Figs 5 D– 5I , 7) Theopea lunduensis Mohamedsaid, 1998a: 69 ; Mohamedsaid, 1999b: 16 (catalogue); Mohamedsaid & Holloway, 1999: 169 (catalogue); Mohamedsaid, 2000c: 355 (material in UKM); Mohamedsaid, 2004: 127 (catalogue). Theopea nigricollis : Maulik, 1936: 286 (part, misidentification ). Theopea elegantula : Kimoto, 1989: 199 (part, misidentification ). Theopea sepilokensis Mohamedsaid, 2000: 303 ; Mohamedsaid, 2000c: 355 (material in UKM); Mohamedsaid, 2004: 127 (catalogue). syn. nov. - Types . Theopea lunduensis . Not studied. (Most of types deposited in the Centre for Insects Systematics , Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia , Bangi ) . Theopea sepilokensis . Not studied ( holotype deposited in the Centre for Insects Systematics, Universiti Kebang- saan Malaysia , Bangi; two paratypes in the Insect Collection of the Forest Research Centre, Sandakan, Sabah ). Specimens examined (n= 212). BRUNEI . Temburong : 1♀ ( BMNH ), Ridge NE of Kuala Belalong , 300 m , X.1992 , leg. J. H. Martin ; 1♂ , 1♀ ( BMNH ), Kula Belalong FSC, 115°7’E 4°34’N , 8.II.–13.III.1992 , leg. N. Mawdsley ; 2♀♀ ( SMNS ), same locality, 15.III.1993 , leg. C. Häuser ; 1♂ ( JBCB ), Ulu Temburong N.P., 5– 19.I.2014 , leg. P. Kočárek ; INDONESIA . East Kalimantan : 1♂ , 1♀ ( NMPC ), 50 km W of Balikpapan , PT Fajar Surya Swadaya , 1°13.4’S 116°22.6’E , 66 m , 27–30.XI.2011 , leg. J. Hájek , J. Schneider & P. Votruba ; South Kalimantan : 2♂♂ ( BMNH ), Pengaron , leg. Doherty , Fry Coll. , 1905.100; 3♂♂ ( 2♂♂ : NMPC; 1♂ : USNM ), Martapura , 1891, leg. Doherty ; Sumatra : 3♂♂ ( MNHUB ), Soekaranda , I.1894 , leg. Dohrn ; LAOS . 1♂ ( BPBM ) , Vientiane , 31.V.–3.VI.1960 , leg. S. Quate & L. Quate , determined as T. elegantula by Kimoto, 1987; MALAYSIA . Johor : 1♂ ( NHMB ), Endau-Rompin N.P. , Palau Jasin , 2°31’N 103°21’E , 19.III.1998 , leg. Dembický & Pacholátko ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Kota Tinggi , VIII.1917 ; Kelantan : 1♂ ( RBCN ), Road between Kampong Raja and Gua Musang , 1–28.IV.2006 , leg. P. Čechovský ; Pahang : 6♂♂ , 6♀♀ ( NHMB ), Benom Mts. , 15km Kampong Dong , 1.IV.1998 , leg. Dembický & Pacholátko ; 5♂♂ , 1♀ ( NMPC ), Cameron Highlands , 22–27.IV.2009 , leg. J. Hájek ; 15♂♂ , 5♀♀ ( BMNH ), same locality, 22.IV.–6.V.2009 , leg. Baňař & Trýzna ; 1♂ , 1♀ ( JBCB ), Lata Lembik , 30 km NE of Raub , 22.IV.–15.V.2002 , leg. E. Jendek , O. Šauša ; Perak : 1♀ ( RBCN ), Ringlet , 23.IV.–5.V.2001 , leg. P. Čechovský ; 1♀ ( NHMB ), Taman Negara , Kula Tahan , 22–29.VI.1997 , leg. S. Xaxantsea ; 3♂♂ , 1♀ ( JBCB ), same locality, 5–9.III.2007 , leg. V. Hula , L. Purchart , F. Růžička ; 1♀ ( NMPC ), Tanah Rata , 18–30.IV.2009 , leg. P. Pacholátko ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), leg. Doherty , Fry Coll. , 1905.100.; 1♀ ( RBCN ), Banjaran Keledang , Ulu Chepor , Peninjau Mt. , 22–24.III.2002 , leg. P. Čechovský ; 1♂ ( NHMB ), Banjaran Titi Wangsa mts. : Kobu mts. ; 11–16.I.1999 , leg. P. Pacholátko ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Batang Padang , VI.1923 , leg. F. N. C .; 1♀ ( BMNH ), same locality, 3.VI.1923 , leg. H. M. Pendlebury ; 2♂♂ , 3♀♀ ( BMNH ), 38km NE Gerik , 5°30’N 101°27’E , 350 m , IV.2015 ; 1♀ ( USNM ), Kula Who , 1.IX.1992 , leg. D. G. Furth ; Penang : 1♀ ( BMNH ) , Penang Hills , Ayer Itam , 18.XII.1963 , leg. H. T. Pagden ; Sabah : 2♂♂ , 6♀♀ ( SMNS ), Batu Punggul Resort , 24.VI.–1.VII.1996 , leg. J. Kodada ; 3♂♂ , 5♀♀ ( BMNH ), Bettotan , Nr. Sandakan , 25.VII.–12.VIII.1927 , leg. C. B. K. & H. M. P .; 1♀ ( SEHU ), Bunsit , 3.XII.1984 , leg. K. Maruyama ; 1♀ ( JBCB ), Crocker Mt. , Gn. Emas , 15–27.IV.1993 , leg. I. Jeniš ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), Danum Valley , 4°58’N 117°47’E , 29.X.–7.XI.1986 , leg. P. Eggleton ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), same locality, VI.1999 , leg. H. Mendel ; 2♂♂ , 2♀♀ ( BMNH ), same locality, 25–29.VII.2012 , leg. M. Geiser ; 1♂ ( EUMJ ), Kenigau. 11.IX.1980 , leg. S. Nagai ; 1♂ ( EUMJ ), same locality, 19.VIII.1983 , leg. Y. Notsu ; 2♀♀ ( BMNH ), Mt. Kinabalu , Mesilau Trail , 20.III.1964 , leg. S. Kueh ; 2♀♀ ( NHMB ), Km 53 road KK-Tambunan, E slope Gn. Emas , 1–5.IV.2000 , leg. Bolm ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Kudat , 11.IX.1927 , leg. C. B. K. & H. M. P .; 3♂♂ ( SEHU ), Poring , 10–24.IV.1979 , leg. N. Nishikawa ; 1♂ , 2♀♀ ( EUMJ ), same locality, 27–29.IV.1980 , leg. M. & A. Saki ; 1♂ , 1♀ ( SMNS ), 17–30.VII.1994 , leg. C. L. Häuser ; 1♂ ( SMNS ), same but with “ 15–30.XII.1995 ; 1♀ ( SMNS ), same locality, 29.XI.–2.XII.1996 , leg. W. Schawaller ; 2♂♂ , 4♀♀ ( BMNH ), Samawang , 10–15.VII.1927 , leg. C. B. K. & H. M. P .; 8♂♂ , 8♀♀ ( USNM ), Sandakan , leg. Baker ; Sarawak : No detailed locality, 1♀ ( BMNH ) ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Bidi , 1908-9, leg. C. J. Brooks ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), same but with “ 16.I.1909 ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), same but with “ 20.II.1909 ; 3♂♂ , 4♀♀ ( BMNH ), Mt. Dulit , 12.VIII.–4.X.1932 , leg. B. M. Hobby & A. W. Moore ; 1♀ ( JBCB ), Gn. Gading N.P., 30.V.2003 , leg. J. Štastný ; 1♀ ( SMNS ), same locality, 9–12.III.2008 , leg. W. Schawaller ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), R. Kapah trib., of R. Tinjar , 20.X.1932 , leg. Native collector ; 1♀ ( EUMJ ), Lambir N.P. , Miri , 19.II.1995 , leg. M. Kawanabe ; 2♂♂ , 6♀♀ ( BMNH ), Lundu , I.1914 , leg. G. E. Bryant ; 3♂♂ , 10♀♀ ( BMNH ), Mt. Matang , XII.1913 , leg. G. E. Bryant ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), same but with “ 16– 30.XII.1913 ; 2♀♀ ( BMNH ), same but with “ XII.1913 I.1914 ; 5♂♂ , 12♀♀ ( BMNH ), same but with “ I.1914 ; 4♀♀ ( BMNH ), same but with “ I.–II.1914 ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Gn. Mulu. N.P., IV.1978 ; 1♂ , 1♀ ( BMNH ), same locality, V.–VIII.1978 , leg. P. M. Hamond & J. E. Marshall ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), Niah , 3°49’N 113°46’E , 9–17.X.1976 , leg. P. S. Cranston ; 7♀♀ ( BMNH ), Quop , II.–III.1914 , leg. G. E. Bryant ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Retuh , 4. V. 1914 , leg. G. E. Bryant ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), Between Tinjar & Rumah Bulan ding, 10.XI.1932 , leg Native collector ; Selagor : 1♂ ( USNM ), Ke- pong, VIII.1949 , leg. Army Scrub Typhus Unit. FIGURE 7. Diagnostic characters of Theopea lunduensis Mohamedsaid. 7A. Antenna, male; 7B. Antenna, female; 7C. Antenna, male, large individual; 7D Aedeagus, dorsal view; 7E. Aedeagus, lateral view; 7F. Aedeagus, ventral view; 7G. Abdominal ventrite VIII; 7H. Gonocoxae; 7I. Spermatheca. Redescription. Length 6.8–8.7 mm , width 2.4–2.7 mm . General color ( Figs 5 D– 5I ) bluish black, elytra metallic green or purple; antennomeres black, but IX and X white. Antennae filiform in males, but antennomeres V–VII slightly swollen ( Fig. 7A ), length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.3: 0.8: 0.9: 1.0: 0.9: 1.0: 1.0: 0.9: 0.9: 1.0, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 3.1: 1.4: 3.1: 3.4: 3.5: 3.3: 3.5: 3.8: 4.4: 4.1: 4.7; more slender in females ( Fig. 7B ), length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.3: 0.7: 0.9: 0.9: 0.9: 0.9: 0.9: 0.8: 0.8: 1.0, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 3.5: 1.3: 3.1: 3.9: 3.9: 3.9: 3.9: 4.2: 4.1: 4.3: 5.3. Elytra elongate and parallel-sided, 2.0x longer than wide; disc with dense, coarse punctures, arranged into longitudinal rows, with one weak longitudinal ridge between two longitudinal rows of punctures, three or four ridges near suture basally abbreviated. Tarsomeres I of front legs swollen in males; subparallel in females. Aedeagus ( Figs 7 D–7F) extremely slender, 8.8x longer than wide; apex lanceolate, with median, deep, narrow notch, from apex to apical 1/6; sides widest at apical 1/8, gradually narrowed towards middle; tectum well sclerotized, apically tapering; straight in lateral view; triangular sclerites small; internal sac with one median, elongate sclerite, about 0.3 as long as aedeagus, apex acute, connected with laterally flattened sclerite at basal 1/3, covered with stout setae. Gonocoxae ( Fig. 7H ) elongate, widest at apical 1/7, both gonocoxae combined together from basal 1/6 to apical 1/7; apices narrowly rounded, each gonocoxa with eight setae along outer margin from apex to apical 1/6; with one pair of short lateral processes at basal 2/5. Ventrite VIII ( Fig. 7G ) elongate and well sclerotized; disc with several long setae laterally and near apical margin, and with dense, short setae along apical margin; spiculum extremely slender. Receptacle of spermatheca ( Fig. 7I ) strongly swollen; pump slender and strongly curved; proximal spermathecal duct deeply inserted into receptacle, narrow and short. Variations. Specimens display great variation on the color patterns of the antennae. Some specimens have white antennomeres VIII–X but XI entirely black. A few specimens have VI–XI yellow but XI apically darkened ( Fig. 5G ). Some specimens have almost entirely yellow antennae except four basal antennomeres dorsally darkened, and XI apically darkened ( Fig. 5H ). Large males (> 8.0 mm) have antennomeres VI to VIII swollen ( Fig. 5I ) (length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.3: 0.8: 1.1: 1.1: 1.3: 1.2: 1.1: 1.0: 1.0: 1.2, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 2.7: 1.1: 2.4: 3.1: 2.9: 2.3: 2.3: 2.5: 3.1: 3.6: 4.7 ( Fig. 7C )). Remarks. Although types of T. lunduensis and T. sepilokensis were not available for study, specimens fitting the original descriptions of these two species were studied. They are definitely the same species since they have the same diagnostic aedeagal characters. One specimen collected in Laos was misidentified as Theopea elegantula by Kimoto (1989) , but belongs to this species. Maulik (1936) illustrated a female of T. nigricollis with totally black antennomere XI. In fact, only T. lunduensis possesses this character. Diagnosis. Theopea lunduensis is the only species of this species group that occurs in Borneo. Specimens are easily recognized by their black bodies, metallic green or blue elytra, and lack of modified antennomeres in males. Distribution . Brunei , Malaysia , Indonesia ( Kalimantan ), Laos