Revision of the genus Theopea Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in Sundaland and the Philippines: Redefinition of the genus Author Lee, Chi-Feng Author Bezdĕk, Jan text Zootaxa 2019 2019-10-10 4683 4 451 507 journal article 25263 10.11646/zootaxa.4683.4.1 48496621-de1a-4490-b866-1ae69d81ecbc 1175-5326 3479609 982FE3FB-5610-44A1-AAE3-659B28F45307 Theopea impressa (Fabricius) ( Figs 1 D–1G, 3) Crioceris impressa Fabricius, 1801: 455 ( Indonesia : Sumatra ); Zimsen, 1964: 103 (two types in Copenhagen). Theopea impressa : Baly, 1864: 238 ; Weise, 1924: 151 (catalogue); Wilcox, 1973: 630 (catalogue); Kimoto, 1990: 234 (cata- logue); Mohamedsaid, 1995a: 264 ( Malaysia : Perak ); Mohamedsaid, 1995b: 5 ( Malaysia : Sabah ); Mohamedsaid, 1999c: 251 (catalogue); Mohamedsaid & Holloway, 1999: 169 (catalogue); Mohamedsaid, 2000c: 355 (material in UKM); Mo- hamedsaid, 2004: 126 (catalogue); Takizawa & Kimoto, 2005: 104 ( Malaysia : Perak ). Ozomena impressa : Gemminger & Harold, 1876: 3596 (catalogue) Ozomena dilaticornis : Dejean, 1836: 379 [nomen nudum]; Dejean, 1837: 403 [nomen nudum]; Gemminger & Harold, 1876: 3596 (as synonym of O. impressa ). Ozomena apiata : Chevrolat, 1836: 379 [nomen nudum]; Chevrolat, 1837: 403 [nomen nudum]; Chevrolat, 1847: 377 (as syn- onym of O. dilaticornis ); Gemminger & Harold, 1876: 3596 (as synonym of O. impressa ). Ozomena mutabilis : Gemminger & Harold, 1876: 3596 (manuscript name by Sturm [nomen nudum] (as synonym of O. impressa ). Theopea impressa malaccana Laboissière, 1940: 38 ( Malaysia : Malacca ); Wilcox, 1973: 630 (catalogue); Kimoto, 1990: 234 (catalogue). syn. nov. Theopea impressa flavicornis Laboissière, 1940: 40 ( Indonesia : Sumatra ); Wilcox, 1973: 630 (catalogue); Kimoto, 1990: 234 (catalogue). syn. nov. Types. Crioceris impressa . Lectotype ( KIEL ), here designated, labeled: “TYPE [p, r] // C: impressa / Sumatra Daldorff [h, w]” . Paralectotype . 1♀ ( KIEL ): “TYPE [p, r]”, without any other label . Theopea impressa malaccana . Holotype ( IRSB , by original designation): “ Malacca [h, w] // Coll. Chapuis [p, w] // V. Laboissière det., 1940: [p] / Theopea impressa / s. sp. malaccana m / Type [h, w] // TYPE [p, pink label] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 38–40, fig. 12–14 [h, w]” . Paratypes . 1♂ ( IRSB ): “ Coll. Chapuis [p, w] // M. R. Belg. [p, w] // V. Laboissière det., 1940: [p] / Theopea / impressa F. / s. sp. malaccana m / Paratype [h, w] // Para- / type [p, o] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 38–40, fig. 12–14 [h, w]” ; 1♀ ( IRSB ): “ V. Laboissière det., 1940: [p] / Theopea / impressa F. / s. sp. malaccana m / Paratype [h, w] // Para- / type [p, o] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 38–40, fig. 12–14 [h, w]” ; 1♀ ( IRSB ): “Restit. 1885. [p, w] // M. R. Belg. [p, w] // V. Laboissière det., 1940: [p] / Theopea / impressa F. / s. sp. malaccana m / Paratype [h, w] // Para- / type [p, o] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 38–40, fig. 12–14 [h, w]” ; 1♀ ( IRSB ): “ Malacca [h, y] // Collect. / Duvivier [p, w] // V. Laboissière det., 1940: / Theopea [p] / im- pressa / ssp. malaccana Laboiss. [h, w] // Para- / type [p, o] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 38–40, fig. 12–14 [h, w]” ; 1♀ ( IRSB ): “ Coll. Chapuis [p, w] // V. Laboissière det., 1940: / Theopea [p] impressa / ssp. malaccana / Laboiss. [h, w] // Para- / type [p, o] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 38–40, fig. 12–14 [h, w]” ; 2♀♀ ( IRSB ): “ Restit. 1885. [p, w] // M. R. Belg. [p, w] // V. Laboissière det., 1940: / Theopea [p] impressa / ssp. malaccana / Laboiss. [h, w] // Para- / type [p, o] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 38–40, fig. 12–14 [h, w]” ; 1♀ ( IRSB ): “ Malacca [h, w] // M. R. Belg. [p, w] // Coll. Chapuis [p, w] // V. Laboissière det., 1940: / Theopea [p] impressa / ssp. malaccana / Laboiss. [h, w] // Para- / type [p, orange label] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 38–40, fig. 12–14 [h, w]” ; 1♂ ( IRSB ): “ M. R. Belg. [p, w] // Coll. Chapuis [p, w] // V. Laboissière det., 1940: / Theopea [p] impressa / ssp. malaccana / Laboiss. [h, w] // Para- / type [p, o] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 38–40, fig. 12–14 [h, w]” . Theopea impressa flavicornis . Holotype ( IRSB , by original designation): “Tamiang / Sumatra / V. Nill [p, w] // V. Laboissière det., 1940: [p] / Theopea / impressa s. sp. flavicornis m. / type [h, w] // TYPE [p, pink label] // cf. Bull. Mus. / Hist. Nat. Belg. XVI, 1940, no 37 / p. 40–41 [h, w]” Paratype . 1♀ ( IRSB ), same labels as holotype but with “Para- / type [p, o]” . Other specimens examined (n= 400). INDONESIA . Java . 2♂♂ , 2♀♀ ( IRSB ), coll. Madon ; Sumatra . 4♂♂ , 1♀ ( ZMUK ) ; 2♂♂ , 1♀ ( MCSN ), Ajer Mantcior , VIII.1878 , leg. O. Beccari ; 1♀ ( RMNH ), Koetoer , VI.1878 ; 1♂ ( RMNH ), Misauw , VII.1878 ; 3♀♀ ( RMNH ), Moera Lamboe , XI.1877 ; 1♀ ( RMNH ), Pajakomba , leg. Rouyer ; 1♀ ( RMNH ), Rawas , V.1878 ; 2♂♂ , 3♀♀ ( BMNH ), Siolak Darna , Korinchi Valley , III.1914 ; 2♂♂ , 2♀♀ ( USNM ), Si- Rambe , XII.1890 III.1891 , leg. E. Modigliani ; 1♂ ( RMNH ), Soeroelangoen , IV.1878 ; 1♂ , 1♀ ( MCSN ), Sungei- Bulu , IX.1878 , leg. O. Beccari ; Aceh (= Atjeh ): 1♀ ( JBCB ), Ketambe , Alas-Tal , 21–25.I.1995 , leg. C. Zorn ; 2♂♂ ( NMPC ), Ketambe , Kutacane , 400 m , 7–19.X.1991 , leg. Barries ; 9♂♂ , 8♀♀ ( NHMB ), Ketambe , Leuser N.P. , 450 m , 26.II.–1.III.1991 , leg. Bocák & Bocáková ; 2♂♂ , 1♀ ( MNHUB ), Ketambe , Urwald , 24.VIII.1991 , leg. Erber ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Lau Gurah , 22.III.1954 , leg. A. H. G. Alston ; Bengkulu (= Benkoelen ): 1♀ ( BMNH ), without de- tailed locality, 1912–1919 , leg. C. J. Brooks ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), Lebong Tandai , 1920, leg. C. J. Brooks ; 4♂♂ , 14♀♀ ( RMNH ), Manna , leg. M. Knappert ; Jambi : 1♂ , 3♀♀ ( BMNH ), Sandaran Agong (= Segara Agung ), Korinchi Lake (= Kerinci Lake ), V.–VI.1914 ; 1♀ ( HNHM ), Soekaranda , leg. Dohrn ; 1♂ ( USNM ), Soekaranda , Lanka-Deli , leg. F. C. Bowditch ; 1♂ , 5♀♀ ( 1♂ , 1♀ : HNHM ; 4♀♀ : MNHUB ), same but with “ I.1894 ; Kerinci : 50♂♂ , 59♀♀ ( NHMB ), Seblat N.P., 24 km NE Tapan , Muara Sako → E env., 2°05’S 101°15’E , 400–550 m , 4–18.III.2003 , leg. Dembický ; 13♂♂ , 6♀♀ ( 10♂♂ , 6♀♀ : NHMB; 3♂♂ : SMNS ), Gn Talamau , 17 km E Simpangempat , 750 m , 21–25.V.2001 , leg. Bolm ; Lampung : 1♂ , 4♀♀ ( JBCB ), Bukit Barisan Selatan N.P., 5 km NW Liwa , 5°04’S 104°04’E , 600 m , 7–17.II.2000 , leg. J. Bezděk ; 1♀ ( NHMB ), same locality, 21.III.2003 , leg. Dembický ; Mentawei Islands : 3 ♀♀ ( ZMUK ) ; North Sumatra : 3♂♂ , 1♀ ( IRSB ), Batu islands , Bodjo island , leg. Weyers , coll. Duvivier ; 2♀♀ ( NMPC ), Medan ; 1♀ ( MCSN ), Prapat , 21.VIII.1981 , leg. J. Wiesner ; 1♂ ( USNM ), Siantar , 1937, leg. Mann ; 2♂♂ , 2♀♀ ( BMNH ), Sirambe , XII.1890 III.1891 , leg. E. Modigliani ; ( 1♀ : IRSB ; 3♂♂ , 7♀♀ : RMNH ) , Tanjung (= Tandjong ) Morawa , Serdang , leg. B. Hagen ; Riau : 3♂♂ , 7♀♀ ( JBCB ), Bukit Tigapuluh N.P., 0°50’S 102°23’E , 18–25.I.2000 , leg. J. Bezděk ; South Sumatra : 4♂♂ , 3♀♀ ( RMNH ), Palembang , leg. M. Knappert ; West Sumatra : 1♀ ( EUMJ ), Anai Anai , 8.I.1978 , leg. S. Nagai ; 2♀♀ ( EUMJ ), Bungus , 8.VIII.1977 , leg. S. Nagai ; 2♂♂ , 2♀♀ ( RBCN ), Padang , V.1991 , coll. U. Arnold ; 2♀♀ ( RBCN ), Paya Kumbuh , Hatan-Vall. , 9–29.X.1991 , leg. A. Rie- del ; 3♀♀ ( RBCN ), Sago Mts. , IV.1991 , leg. S. Jákl ; 1♀ ( RBCN ), Siggalang , III.1991 ; 2♀♀ ( EUMJ ), Sitinjaulaut , 21.VIII.1977 , leg. S. Nagai ; MALAYSIA . Malacca : 2♂♂ , 3♀♀ ( BMNH ), without further information, coll. Baly ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), same but with one additional label: “Wallace” ; 2♀♀ ( MNHUB ) , Perak ; 1♀ ( ZMUK ), Mus. Westerm .; Pahang : 4♂♂ , 3♀♀ ( 3♂♂ : SMNS; 1♂ , 3♀♀ : RBCN), Cameron Highlands , 6–21.IV.1990 , leg. Riedel ; 5♂♂ , 3♀♀ ( EUMJ ), same locality, 10–13.III.2006 , leg. K. Takasuka ; 1♀ ( EUMJ ), same locality, 16.V.2007 , leg. K. Takasuka ; 1♀ ( EUMJ ), same locality, I.–III.2009 , leg. Y. Senda ; 3♂♂ , 12♀♀ ( BMNH ), same locality 22.IV.–7.V.2009 , leg. Baňař & Trýzna ; 1♀ ( JBCB ), same locality, 13–14.V.2011 , leg. Šípek & Vondráček ; 2♀♀ ( BMNH ), Fraser’s Hill , leg. A. M. Lea & his wife; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Semangko Pass , III.1912 ; 2♂♂ , 1♀ ( NMPC ), Tanah Rata , 18–30.IV.2009 , leg. P. Pacholátko ; Perak : 4♀♀ ( ZMUK ), Mus. Hauschild , 12.IX.1914 ; 2♂♂ , 1♀ ( BMNH ), without further infor- mation, leg. Doherty ; 1♂ ( ZSM ), without detailed locality, 1901, leg. Fruhstorfer ; 2♂♂ ( RBCN ), Banjaran Kele- dang, Ulu Chepor , Peninjau Mt. , 22–24.III.2002 , leg. P. Čechovský ; 2♂♂ , 5♀♀ ( NHMB ), Banjaran Titi Wangsa mts. : Kobu mts. ; 11–16.I.1999 , leg. P. Pacholátko ; 1♀ ( RBCN ), same locality, 6–12.V.2001 , leg. P. Čechovský ; 1♂ , 3♀♀ ( BMNH ), Batang Padang , Jor Camp. , 1–19.VI.1923 , leg. H. M. Pendlebury ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), same local- ity, 30.VIII.1922 , leg. F. M. S .; 10♂♂ , 7♀♀ ( BMNH ), 38km NE Gerik , 5°30’N 101°27’E , 350 m , IV.2015 ; 6♀♀ ( BMNH ), Gunung Kledang , 11.1916 ; 1♀ ( USNM ), Lata Iskandar , 1.IX.1992 , leg. D. G. Furth ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Pan- gkor Island (= Ding Ding Island ), 1897, leg. H. N. Ridley ; 2♂♂ ( SMNS ), Taiping , V.–VI.1978 , leg. H. Knorr ; Selangor : 1♂ ( MNHUB ), Bintang , leg. Roettger ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), Bukit Kutu , 13.IV.1931 , leg. H. M. Pendlebury ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), same locality, 19.I.1936 , leg. H. T. Pagdin ; 3♀♀ ( BMNH ), same but with “ 27.IX.1932 ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), same but with “ 30.IX.1932 ; 1♀ ( BMNH ), Genting Bidai ; 3♂♂ , 3♀♀ ( BMNH ), Gombak , 14–26.X.1921 , leg. H. M. Pendlebury ; 3♀♀ ( USNM ), same locality, 16.VII.1957 , USA RU ; 1♀ ( USNM ), same locality, 18.IX1958 , leg. R. Traub ; 1♀ ( EUMJ ), same locality, 12–18.III.2009 , leg. Y. Senda ; 2♀♀ ( BMNH ), Gunung Hitam , XII.1928 ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), same but with “ XII.1929 ; 1♂ ( BMNH ), Hulu Langat , 15.V.1983 , leg. H. F. Chan ; 1♀ ( BMNH ) , Kuala Lumpur , III.1923 , leg. H. M. Pendlebury ; 3♀♀ ( USNM ), same locality, III.–IV.1949 , leg. R. Traub & B. Insoll ; 1♂ , 7♀♀ ( USNM ), same locality, 1950, leg. Army Scrub , Typhus Unit ; 2♂♂ , 1♀ ( USNM ), Ulu Langat , VIII.–XI.1949 , leg. Army Scrub Typhus Unit ; 1♀ ( USNM ), same but with “ III.1950 ; 3♀♀ ( USNM ), Ulu Poravok , 26.VII.1957 , USA RU ; SINGAPORE . 1♂ , 1♀ ( BMNH ), without further information . Redescription. Length 6.4–7.4 mm , width 2.4–2.7 mm . General color ( Figs 1 D–1F) reddish brown; antennomeres III–VII black, VIII–XI white or pale yellow; elytra metallic purple. Antennae filiform in males, but antennomeres V slightly broadened apically, VI and VII strongly swollen and dorsoventrally flattened, VI subapically slightly narrowed, VII subapically moderately narrowed, ventral surface smooth without setae ( Fig. 3A ), length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.3: 0.8: 0.8: 0.8: 1.2: 1.2: 1.0: 0.9: 0.8: 1.1, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 3.4: 1.1: 2.9: 2.9: 2.5: 2.4: 2.4: 3.7: 3.6: 3.2: 4.7; filiform in females ( Fig. 3B ), length ratios of antennomeres I–XI 1.0: 0.4: 0.6: 0.8: 0.7: 0.9: 1.0: 0.9: 0.8: 0.8: 1.0, length to width ratios of antennomeres I–XI 3.2: 1.7: 2.6: 3.1: 2.9: 3.8: 4.0: 3.9: 3.7: 3.6: 4.3. Elytra elongate and parallel-sided, 2.1x longer than wide; disc with dense, coarse punctures, arranged into longitudinal rows, those surrounding scutellum relatively smaller; with one weak longitudinal ridge between two longitudinal rows of punctures, basally abbreviated. Tarsomeres I of front legs not modified in males. Aedeagus ( Figs 3 C–3E) slender, 6.4x longer than wide; apex lanceolate, with median, deep, narrow notch, from apex to apical 1/4; sides widest at apical 1/4, gradually narrowed towards basal 1/4; tectum well sclerotized, abruptly narrowed near apex, apex acute; straight in lateral view, slightly curved near base; triangular sclerites small; internal sac with one median elongate sclerite, apex acute, basally connected with laterally flattened sclerite, covered with stout setae. Gonocoxae ( Fig. 3G ) elongate, widest at apical 1/6, both gonocoxae combined together from basal 1/3 to apical 1/6; apices narrowly rounded, each gonocoxa with eight setae along outer margin from apex to apical 1/6; with one pair of short lateral processes at basal 2/5. Ventrite VIII ( Fig. 3F ) elongate and well sclerotized; disc with several long setae laterally and near apical margin, and with dense, short setae along apical margin; spiculum extremely slender. Receptacle of spermatheca ( Fig. 3H ) strongly swollen; pump slender and strongly curved; proximal spermathecal duct deeply inserted into receptacle, narrow and short. FIGURE 3. Diagnostic characters of Theopea impressa (Fabricius) . 3A. Antenna, male; 3B. Antenna, female; 3C. Aedeagus, dorsal view; 3D. Aedeagus, lateral view; 3E. Aedeagus, ventral view; 3F. Abdominal ventrite VIII; 3G. Gonocoxae; 3H. Spermatheca. Variation. Some specimens from Sumatra and most of specimens from West Malaysia have black antennomeres VIII in males but more or less blackish in females ( Fig. 1G ). Diagnosis. Specimens of T. impressa are similar to those of T. chungi sp. nov. in color pattern but they differ in possessing modified antennomeres VI and VII in males (modified antennomeres VII and VIII in males of T. chungi sp. nov. ) and distinct longitudinal ridges on the elytra (reduced longitudinal ridges on the elytra in T. chungi sp. nov. ). In addition, the aedeagi of males of T. impressa have a relatively narrower notch on the apex of the aedeagus and well developed lateral sclerites of the internal sac (relatively broader notch on apex of aedeagus and poorly developed lateral sclerites of internal sac in T. chungi sp. nov. ). Remarks. Laboissière (1940) described populations from Peninsular Malaysia as a new subspecies, T. impressa malaccana that differs from the nominal subspecies in having black antennomeres VIII in both sexes. In fact, most females from Peninsular Malaysia have pale yellow antennomeres VIII. Moreover, two female paratypes share this characters. In addition, some individuals from Sumatra have black antennomreres VIII as described for T. impressa malaccana . Another subspecies, T. impressa flavicornis , with entirely yellow antennae, should be regarded as variations within populations since no such color pattern occurs in others from the same islands. Both subspecies are synonymized as nominal T. impressa because the distinguishing characters refer only to the variable color of the antennae. Distribution. Indonesia ( Java , Sumatra ), West Malaysia .