Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Phasmatodea II: Review of the Dataminae Rehn & Rehn, 1939 (Phasmatodea: Heteropterygidae) of China, with descriptions of one new genus and four new species Author Wai-Chun, George Ho text Zootaxa 2013 3669 3 201 222 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3669.3.1 86456ec2-1b61-45b2-beac-a1e3429c873b 1175-5326 222271 01ECEAD2-9551-4593-8DCE-95B1FCBAB20A Planispectrum hainanensis (Chen & He, 2008) comb. nov. ( Figs. 20–23, 25–26 ) Pylaemenes hainanensis , Chen & He, 2008: 359, fig. 322: A–C. Type . Holotype : Ƥ, Jianfengling, Hainan Province, China , 12.XI.1983 , Chen Zhen-Yao (SYSBM). Other specimens examined. [ 7 males , 5 females , 12 eggs ] 2Ƥ, 6 eggs , Yinggezui, Yinggeling Nature Reserve, Baisha Country, Hainan Province, China , 27.IX.2010 , George Ho Wai-Chun (GH); 13, 2Ƥ, 6 eggs , Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Changjiang Country, Hainan Province, China , 9.V.2011 , George Ho Wai- Chun (GH); 3, Exianling Limestone Forest, Dongfang Country, Hainan Province, China , 12.VI.2011 , George Ho Wai-Chun (GH); 3, Yinggeling Nature Reserve, Baisha Country, Hainan Province, China , 17.VI.2011 , George Ho Wai-Chun (GH); 233, Shangxi Nature Reserve, Wanning Country, Hainan Province, China , 4.VII.2011 , George Ho Wai-Chun (GH); 233, Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Ledong Country, Hainan Province, China , 11.VII.2011 , George Ho Wai-Chun (GH). Diagnosis. This species is allied to Planispectrum hongkongense Zompro, 2004 [ Hong Kong , China ] but differs by strongly emarginate posterior margin of anal segment, legs with short brownish setae and distinctly lamellate meso- and metafemora. Description. Male ( Figs. 20–22 ). Smaller and thinner than female. Dark brown. Body rough and punctulate. Head: Rounded. Occiput slightly convex, with two rows of six short tubercles. Median furrow distinct. Eyes oval, shorter than the second antennal segment, with a short carina behind eyes. Antennae with 16 segments, almost reaching apices of protibiae, dark brown as body, but subapical and apical segments light brown. The first segment broadened, median carina slightly elevated, with two short tubercles on the outer edge, the anterior one longer than the posterior one; second segment about a half the length of the first segment. Third segment cylindrical, shorter than the second segment. Fourth to tenth segment disc-like. Apical segment almost as long as the first segment, apices pointed. Thorax: Obviously punctulate. Pronotum as long as or slightly longer than head, anterior margin incurved, posterior margin truncate, gradually expanded posteriorly, with two rows of two humps before transverse sulcus. Mesonotum parallel-sided, with a short blackish carina antero-laterally and with a distinct median line and two flattened humps at the posterior margin. Metanotum broader than long, 2 x length of median segment, with vshaped carina at posterior margin. Abdomen: Ventral surface less punctured than thorax, not punctured on dorsal surface. Median segment with x-shaped carina medially. Second to ninth terga with an x-shaped carina medio-posteriorly and a short lateral carina. Anal segment broadly emarginated at posterior margin. Poculum with an indistinct median carina, posterior margin broad. Cerci small and flattened, semicircular, apices rounded, surpassing the posterior margin of the poculum. Legs: Covered with indistinct and short brownish setae. Lacking distinct armature. Antero-dorsal and posterodorsal carinae of meso- and metafemora slightly elevated with lobes. Female ( Figs. 23 ). Larger and robust than the male. Brown. Thorax and abdomen dorso-ventrally flattened, covered with short setae, granules and tubercles. Head: Rounded. Occiput convex, with short tubercles. Eyes rounded, longer than the second antennal segment, with a short carina behind eyes. Antennae with 18 segments, just surpassing the apices of profemora. The first segment broad, triangular in cross section, outer edge with two spine-like tubercles, 3 x length of second segment. Thorax: Surface rough. Pronotum trapezoid, broader than head, anterior margin curved inward. Mesonotum moderately expanded posteriorly, longer than the combined length of head and pronotum, anterior margin elevated. With distinct median carina, posterior apex bifurcated. Metanotum almost parallel-sided, 2 x length of median segment, as broad as the posterior margin of mesonotum. Abdomen: Median segment as broad as metanotum, with x-shaped carina. Second to eighth terga with xshaped carina medially. Eighth and ninth terga with a short tubercle postero-laterally. Second to fifth terga equal in length and width. Sixth and seventh terga tapering posteriorly. Ninth tergum with crest-like structure medioposteriorly, posterior apex emarginate. Anal segment with broad emargination posteriorly, shorter than ninth tergum. Subgenital plate short, reaching middle of the anal segment, with median and lateral carinae. Cerci invisible. FIGURES 20–26. Planispectrum spp. 20. P. h ai n an e n si s (Chen & He, 2008) comb. nov. , male, apex of abdomen, lateral view [scale bar 5 mm]. 21. P. h a i n a n e n s i s (Chen & He, 2008) comb. nov. , male, apex of abdomen, dorsal view [scale bar 5 mm]. 22. P. h a i n a n e n s i s (Chen & He, 2008) comb. nov. , habitus of male, Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Ledong Country, Hainan Province, China [scale bar 5 mm]. 23. P. h a i n a n e n s i s (Chen & He, 2008) comb. nov. , female, apex of abdomen, dorsal view [scale bar 5 mm]. 24. P. hongkongense Zompro, 2004 , female, apex of abdomen, dorsal view [scale bar 5 mm]. 25. P. hainanensis (Chen & He, 2008) comb. nov. , egg capsule, dorsal view [scale bar 1 mm]. 26. P. h a i n a n e n s i s (Chen & He, 2008) comb. nov. , egg capsule, lateral view [scale bar 1 mm]. Legs: Thick and short. Covered with short brownish setae. Profemora shorter than antennae, slightly curved basally, dorsal carinae with slight elevations. Antero-dorsal and postero-dorsal carinae of meso- and metafemora elevated with small lobes. Male measurements in Table 4 . Eggs ( Figs. 25–26 ). Capsule dark brown, with blackish spots, oval-shaped, posterior pole rounded; surface densely punctulate and sparsely covered with pale setae. Operculum nearly rounded, punctured as capsule, with blackish spots. Collar black. Micropylar plate shape like reverse ‘Y’, both ends diverging and surrounding the capsule, but both ends not connected; margin of the plate black. Micropylar cup small, placed at the anterior apex of median line. Median line distinct, nearly reaching to the posterior pole. Measurements. Length 2 mm , width 1.8 mm , height 2 mm . Notes. Chen and He (2008: 359) originally placed this species in Pylaemenes Stål, 1875 . By examination of Lengths (mm.) Male
the type, the small size and flattened body are diagnostic for Planispectrum and here transferred. The male and
eggs are described for the first time.
Distribution. Endemic to Hainan (Jianfengling, Yinggeling, Bawangling, Exianling and Shangxi), China.
TABLE 4. Measurements of Planispectrum hainanensis (Chen & He, 2008) comb. nov. Body 18.0–20.5 Head 1.8 Antennae 4.0–4.5 Pronotum 1.8–2.0 Mesonotum 3.0–3.5 Metanotum 1.5–2.0 Median segment 0.8–1.0 Profemora 3.0 Mesofemora 2.5–3.0 Metafemora 3.5 Protibiae 2.8–3.0 Mesotibiae 2.0–2.5 Metatibiae 2.8–3.0