Paracladopelma Harnisch from the Sino-Indian Region (Diptera: Chironomidae) Author Yan, Chuncai Author Jin, Zhaohui Author Wang, Xinhua text Zootaxa 2008 1934 1 29 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.184929 f0c73773-d05f-4138-9f2b-e8b762bc54a1 1175-5326 184929 Paracladopelma cirratum sp. n. ( Figs 13–17 ) Type material: Holotype male (BDN no. 10647), CHINA : Yunnan Province, Lijiang County, Shigu Town, Chongjianghe River, 1.850 m a.s.l., 25.v.1996 , light trap, X. Wang. Paratype 1 male (BDN no. 09773), Yunnan Province, Eryuan County, Futian Village, Meicihe River, 1.850 m a.s.l., v.1996 , sweep net, B. Wang. Diagnostic characters. The species closely resembles P. jacksoni Zorina in the shape of superior volsella, inferior volsella and anal tergite bands. It can be distinguished by the shape of the anal point, which is parallelsided in basal 2/3 and swollen apically; by the curved setae of the superior volsella; and the straight inner margin of the gonostylus. Etymology. From Latin cirratus , curly, referring to the superior volsella bearing curly setae. Male (n = 1–2). Total length 3.55–3.95 mm. Wing length 2.00–2.10 mm. Total length / wing length 1.78– 1.88. Wing length / length of profemur 2.35–2.36. Coloration . Thorax brown, with dark brown vittae, anterior 1/3 of preepisternum, median anepisternum, and anterior 2/3 of postnotum. Foreleg with basal 3/4 of femur yellowish brown, remainder brown; mid- and hind legs yellowish green with distal 1/6 of femur, basal 1/6 of tibia, and ta2–5 dark brown. Abdomen ( Fig. 13 ) with tergites I–VI yellowish green, tergite VII dark green, and tergite VIII and hypopygium dark brown. Head . AR 1.78–1.84. Ultimate flagellomere 700–710 Μm long. Frontal tubercles cylindrical to round; if cylindrical, 10 Μm long, 5 Μm wide; if rounded, 4 Μm in diameter. Temporal setae 18–19 including 5 inner verticals, 8–9 outer verticals and 5 postorbitals. Clypeus with 11 setae. Tentorium 112–120 Μm long, 30 Μm wide. Palpomere lengths (in Μm): 30–45, 43–50, 120, 125–145, 203–220. Palpomere 5/3 1.69–1.83. Thorax . Antepronotals 5, dorsocentrals 8–9, acrostichals 7–8, prealars 3. Scutellum with 9 (1) setae. Wing ( Fig. 14 ). VR 1.22–1.26. Brachiolum with 2 setae, R with 12–14, R1 with 3–5, R4+5 with 21–24 setae. Squama with 2–4 setae. Legs . Foretibia with 2 subapical setae, 80–105 Μm and 113–118 Μm long; spurs of midtibia 17–20 Μm and 22–25 Μm long, comb with 24–28 teeth, 8–10 Μm long; spurs of hind tibia 15–18 Μm and 25–30 Μm long, comb with 44–45 teeth, 10 Μm long. Mid ta1 with 2–3 sensilla chaetica; hind ta1 with 1 apical sensilla chaetica. Lengths and proportions of legs as in Table 3 . TABLE 3. Lengths (in µm) and proportions of legs of Paracladopelma cirratum sp. n. , male (n = 1–2).
fe ti ta1 ta2 ta3 ta4 ta5 LR
p1 850–890 580–630 1120 510 410 340 110 1.78
p2 800–820 680–730 400–430 200–210 150–160 100–110 80 0.59
p3 920–950 900–940 570–640 310–330 270–280 150 100 0.63–0.68
Hypopygium ( Figs 15–17 ). Tergite IX with 8–10 setae on both sides lateral to anal point. Laterosternite IX with 1–2 setae. Anal point 48–50 Μm long, 5 Μm wide at base, 10–12 Μm wide at apex, parallel-sided in basal 2/3, widest apically. Anal tergite bands T-shaped. Phallapodeme 50 Μm long. Transverse sternapodeme 46–55 Μm long. Superior volsella ( Fig. 17 ) pediform, with 11 strong apical setae including 5–6 curly setae, covered with microtrichia. Inferior volsella with rounded lobe bearing microtrichia. Gonocoxite 88–115 Μm long, inner margin with 3–4 strong setae. Gonostylus 188–190 Μm long, with weak longitudinal keel, inner margin with 26–30 setae in two rows. HR 0.46–0.61, HV 1.87–2.10.
Distribution. The species was collected in Yunnan Province, China .