The Early Cretaceous Mesofossil Flora Of Catefica, Portugal: Angiosperms Author Friis, Else Marie Author Crane, Peter R. Author Pedersen, Kaj Raunsgaard Author Mendes, Mário Miguel Author Kvaček, Jiří text Fossil Imprint 2022 2022-12-20 78 2 341 424 journal article 10.37520/fi.2022.016 2533-4069 7522801 Serialis communis E.M.FRIIS, P.R.CRANE et K.R.PEDERSEN, 2019 Text-fig. 17a D e s c r i p t i o n a n d r e m a r k s. The material includes several fruits with three to five permanently adhering seeds assignable to Serialis communis ( Text-fig. 17a ). The fruit wall is thin and typically almost entirely lost by abrasion. The seeds are anatropous, and bitegmic with a thick mesotestal-endotestal seed coat. The micropyle is formed from the inner integument and the micropylar region is seen on the seed surface as a transverse slit in the testa ( Text-fig. 17a ). In all details the seeds are comparable to the type material from the Famalicão mesofossil flora ( Friis et al. 2019c ). A f f i n i t y a n d o t h e r o c c u r r e n c e s. Fruits and seeds assigned to the extinct genus Serialis are among the most diverse fossils in Early Cretaceous mesofossil floras from Portugal and nine different species have been recognized ( Friis et al. 2019c ). Phylogenetic analysis indicates a close relationship of Serialis to Magnoliales , but the genus cannot be placed confidently in any extant taxon within the order. The type material of Serialis communis is from the Famalicão mesofossil flora where S . communis is the most abundant species and more than 2,230 specimens are known. Serialis communis is also reported from the Arazede and Vale de Água localities ( Friis et al. 2019c ) and is also present in the Chicalhão mesofossil flora (“Fruits with co-adhering seeds in row type 1”; Mendes et al. 2014 ).