A new genus and species of Tarsonemidae (Acari: Heterostigmata) from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil Author Lofego, Antonio C. Author Demite, Peterson R. Author Moraes, Gilberto J. text Zootaxa 2015 3986 5 561 568 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3986.5.3 d8500b1d-e804-4cc3-804f-23381ea8e06a 1175-5326 242963 7308F582-47CF-4C78-9481-13C3B73ECCF2 Kaliszewskia gen. nov. Diagnosis. This new genus fits the characterization of Tarsonemini, Tarsoneminae, as described by Lindquist (1986) . However, it can be distinguished from all genera of this tribe by a combination of the following female characteristics: a) setae sc2 , c1 , c2 and d thickened but flexible (tip bent to different directions in mounted specimens), barbed and distally knobbed; b) seta v1 stout, strongly serrated and inserted at the tip of a long flat tubercle; c) seta ps minute; d) femur I with a postero-ventral cone-shaped projection that bears v'' ; e) anterior ambulacral claw of legs II and III distinctly shorter than posterior claw; f) seta 3a inserted distinctly medial end of apodeme 3. The first three characteristics are autapomorphies for the one known species of this new genus ( Cetaratotarsonemus De Leon species have c1 , c2 and d similar to those of the new genus here described, but without distal knobs). The other characteristics are shared with three other genera: a projection on femur I bearing seta v'' is also found in Rhyncotarsonemus Beer ; some Fungitarsonemus Cromroy species have asymmetrical ambulacral claws; and Ceratotarsonemus and Fungitarsonemus have seta 3a inserted anteriad of the medial end of apodeme 3. Description. Adult female. Gnathosoma. Capsule slightly wider than long, sub-triangular, not beaklike anteriorly; palpcoxal setae not observed. Dorsal gnathosomal setae smooth, sharp-tipped. Palpi directed anteriorly, slightly convergent distally, short and robust, each with short seta and short cone-shaped structure. Cheliceral stylets of moderate length, with basal levers hardly distinguishable. Largest diameter of pharynx about one sixth width of gnathosomal capsule, with discrete muscular layer and thinly sclerotized walls; without conspicuous paired gland-like structures posteriorly. Idiosoma . Most setae barbed; setae v1 inserted on tubercles. Some setae ( sc2 , c1 , c2 and d ) moderately elongate, stout, and knobbed. Prodorsal shield extending over base of gnathosoma. Stigmata laterad of base of tubercle bearing v1 , on discrete marginal projection of prodorsal shield; main tracheal trunks with unsclerotized atria, and without sclerotized or divided postatrial structures. Vestigial v2 mediad insertion of sc2 , latter setae more widely spaced from each other than v1 , and inserted near mid-length of prodorsal shield; seta sc2 inserted anterolaterad of sc1 . Posterior margins of tergites not conspicuously concave or emarginate. Setae c1 and c2 obliquely aligned; setae e and f nearly transversely aligned and each pair closer together than setae d . Venter with apodemes 1 fused to each other and to prosternal apodeme to form Y-shaped structure. Apodeme 2 not fused with prosternal apodeme. Prosternal apodeme well sclerotized up to level slightly posterior to medial ends of apodeme 2, then widening and fading to reach sejugal apodeme, which is continuous, but weakened medially. Apodeme 3 slightly arched and transverse, extending from anterior end of trochanters III to level mediad insertion of 3a . Apodeme 4 extending convergently from insertion of 3b to central region of poststernal apodeme. Poststernal apodeme distinct, not bifurcate anteriorly. Anterior margin of coxisternal plates III straight. Setae 3c and 4a absent. Bases of legs IV moderately spaced, separated by interval about 1.5 times width of trochanter IV; tegula moderately long, about as long as basal width, rounded apically. Aggenital plate without setae. Pseudanal setae vestigial. Legs: Ambulacrum of leg I with a single, uncinate claw. Ambulacra of legs II and III with empodia and asymmetrically paired claws, anterior claw much smaller than posterior. Femora I and II without flanges or ridges, but femora I with postero-ventral cone-shaped projection bearing v'' . Legs I and II of moderate length, no segment distinctly elongate; combined length of genu and tibia of leg II subequal with length of tarsus, and femorogenu about 1.5 longer than tibiotarsus. Trochanter III elongate, subelliptical, plate-like, longer than femorogenu III. Leg IV elongate, cylindrical, with femorogenu about 1.5 longer than tibiotarsus. Number of tactile setae (solenidia in parentheses): femur, genu and tibia+tarsus of leg I, 4-4-6+8(1); femur, genu, tibia and tarsus of leg II, 3-3-4-5(1); femorogenu, tibia and tarsus of leg III, 1+3-4-4; femorogenu and tibiotarsus of leg IV, 1+1-1+1. Legs I-III with femoral and genual setation complete, with conspicuously barbed and thickened setae on femur I ( d , l' and l'' ). Tibial sensory cluster of leg I incomplete, without solenidion φ1 and φ2 . Tarsus I with seta pl' present and pl'' absent. Tarsus II without spine-like pl'' . Subunguinal seta ( s ) of tibiotarsus I and unguinal seta u' of tarsi II and III thorn-like. Remarks. In addition to the features mentioned in the diagnosis, the new genus shares the following features with Fungitarsonemus : palpi short and robust, almost totally fused to gnathosomal capsule; seta sc2 inserted anteriad of sc1 ; seta d of femur I stoutened; solenidia of tibia I and pl'' of tarsus II absent (present in some Fungitarsonemus ). The new genus also shares the following features with Ceratotarsonemus , Daidalotarsonemus and Excelsotarsonemus : modified dorsal idiosomal setae and seta l' of femur I stoutened and barbed. An examination of the male and immature will be required to determine the phylogenetic positioning of this new genus in relation to these and other genera. Etymology. This genus is named in memoriam of Marek Kaliszewski, eminent Polish acarologist. Type species. Kaliszewskia ochoai sp. nov.