Notes on the occurrence of Gampsocoris Fuss, 1852 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Berytidae) in Poland Author Taszakowski, Artur text Fragmenta Faunistica 2015 2015-12-31 58 1 1 6 journal article 54092 10.3161/00159301FF2015.58.1.001 e4d0207e-4521-4b50-ae39-1b0aacfc5021 2391-5846 6251762 Gampsocoris punctipes (Germar, 1822) ( Fig. 1 .) Gampsocoris punctipes is a rather xerophilic species ( Péricart 1984 ). It inhabits mainly warm and dry, open areas ( Wachmann et al. 2007 ), and prefers sandy soils. Imagines and larvae occur close to their host plants. These plants are mainly representatives of the family Fabaceae from the genus Ononis L. : O. spinosa L. and O. repens L. , which are indicated as host plants in most parts of the geographic range of this species. In Scotland it is known to feed on O. reclinata L. , in Ukraine it is reported from O. arvensis L ., in Crimea – on O. leiosperma Boiss. Gampsocoris punctipes was also reported on many other plants: in France Pulmonaria L. (Boraginaceae) and Melissa L. (Lamiaceae) (in Poland also reported on Melissa L. by Strawiński 1956 ), in Marocco Phlomis crinita Cav. (Lamiaceae) , in Israel Salvia rubifolia L. (Lamiaceae) and Heliotropium L. (Boraginaceae) , in Crimea Potentilla taurica Willd. and P. astracanica Jacq. ( Rosaceae ), Ajuga L. (Lamiaceae) and Melandrium album Garcke (Caryophyllaceae) . The species was reported to suck the drops on glandular hairs of plants of the genus Ononis L. These insects also puncture the leaves and stems ( Péricart 1984 ). Gampsocoris punctipes overwinters as adults, which are active from early spring. Mating takes place in May. Eggs are laid from the end of May or beginning of June until the end of July (by individuals from overwintering generation). Females lay eggs singly on the stems and leaves, and also on glandular hairs. Embryogenesis lasts about a week (20–25°C). Larvae emerge from the beginning of June. Larval growth takes a few weeks and the first adults of the new generation appear at the beginning of July. It is likely that a second and perhaps a third generation is produced in the same year; development continues to the end of September. From July to August the insects often become very numerous and occur both on the host plants as well as on the neighboring plants. Hibernation takes place from October, in the vicinity of host plants in the soil ( Péricart 1984 ). Literature data. t h e B a l t i c C o a s t (Pobrzeże Bałtyku): CF55: the Hel Peninsula: 3exx., 07 Jul 2007 , ruderal scrub (Łęgowski i Lis 2008), CF34: Gdynia ( Smreczyński 1954 ), XA54: Wielka Wieś, VV67: Wolin Island ( Smreczyński 1954 ); t h e P o me r a n i a n L a k e D i s t r i c t (Pojezierze Pomorskie ): VV72: Szczecin ( Schmidt 1928 ); the Lubelska Upland ( Wyżyna Lubelska): EB69: Ruda Czechowska (Puławy), edge of the forest, 10 Aug 1953 ( Strawiński 1963 ), GB03: near Gródek, meadow habitat, steep slope close to the shrubs, Aug ( Strawiński 1959 ); L o w e r S i l e s i a ( Śląsk Dolny): XS36: Leśnica as Berytus punctipes ( Scholtz 1847 ) and as Metacanthus punctipes (Scholtz 1931) ; t h e R o z t o c z e U p l a n d: FA59: Hamernia (on Melissa sp. ) 17 Aug 1953 ( Strawiński 1956 ); t h e W e s t e r n S u d e t y M o u n t a i n s (Sudety Zachodnie): XR18: Kłodzko ( Smreczyński 1954 ); t h e W e s t e r n B e s k i d y M o u n t a i n s (Beskidy Zachodnie): DV39: Niedźwiedź, wet meadow, 18 Aug ( Smreczyński 1906 , Smreczyński 1910 ), DV78: Rytro, DV77: Piwniczna, DV87: Łomnica, DV86: Żegiestów, DA00: Maków Podhalański ( Smreczyński 1954 ); the Nowotarska Basin (Kotlina Nowotarska): DV26: Zakopane ( Smreczyński 1954 ); t h e E a s t e r n B e s k i d y M o u n t a i n s (Beskidy Wschodnie): FA11: east of Przemyśl, by the Hołubla brook, 15 Jun, FA10: Spława near Bircza, 07 Jun ( Smreczyński 1908 ) as Metacanthus elegans ; the Bieszczady M o u n t a i n s: FV25: Lutowiska 16 Jun 1975 (Cmoluchowa i Lechowski 1977); t h e P i e n i n y M o u n t a i n s: DV57: Krościenko ( Smreczyński 1954 ); “G a l i c j a” ( Nowicki 1864 ). Fig. 1. Distribution of Gampsocoris punctipes (Germ.) in Poland; black dots – literature data, white dots – new data. New records. the E a ster n B es kid Mo unt ai ns (Beskidy Wschodnie): EV18: Gładyszów, geographical coordinates: 49º30'26"N , 21º15'35"E . More than a dozen individuals were captured 25 Aug 2013 using sweep-net. Further searching at this site revealed the presence of an extremely abundant population. The specimens mostly inhabited Ononis L. (a few or more individuals per plant), being also present on neighboring plants. Both, adults and larvae were observed. The habitat comprised the old road crossing the meadow, which was transformed into the shallow ravine by flowing water. The site was relatively well sunlit and warm. EV38: Krempna, geographical coordinates: 49º30'25"N , 21º30'4"E . Four individuals were captured 10 Aug 2014 using sweep-net on meadow, on Ononis L. EV 17: Blechnarka, geographical coordinates: 49º25'0"N , 21º12'44"E . Two individuals were captured 20 May 2014 in anthropogenic habitat.