A review of the subgenus Diestrammena (Gymnaeta) from China (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae Aemodogryllinae) Author Zhang, Feng Author Liu, Xian-Wei text Zootaxa 2009 2272 21 36 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.191004 2bab18f9-ed12-4300-ba0a-3473f98b73bd 1175-5326 191004 Diestrammena (Gymnaeta) fallax sp. n. ( Figs. 37–40 ) Diagnosis. Male. Head with fastigium of vertex divided into two conical tubercles. Legs long and slender; Fore femora about 2.0 times as long as the pronotum, beneath unarmed, the internal knee lobe with 1 short spine, external knee lobe with 1 long movable spur; fore tibiae beneath with 1 internal and 2 external spurs, a small median spine between the paired apical spurs. Mid femora beneath unarmed, the internal and external knee lobe with 1 long movable spur; mid tibiae beneath with 1 internal and external spur, a short spine between the paired apical spurs. Hind femora beneath unarmed, hind tibiae above on each side with 49–63 spines, which grouped in series, super internal spur of hind tibiae little shorter than the metatarsus ( Fig. 37 ), tarsus keeled beneath. Male genitalia as Figs. 39–40 . Female. Subgenital plate with 3 triangular lobes ( Fig. 38 ), ovipositor short, rather longer than the half of hind femora. Measurements (in mm): length of body 11.5–13.0, pronotum 4.2– 4.5, fore femora 8.5–9.0, hind femora 16.5–17.5, ovipositor 10.0– 10.5 mm Coloration . Body yellowish brown, mottled with dark brown blotches. Holotype 3, paratypes 43, 4 ƤƤ, Yunnan (Tenchong Dahaoping), 17.IX.1991 , leg. Liu, Zu-Yao et al. Discussion. This new species resembles D. (G.) racovitzai ( Chopard, 1916 ) , but differs in the shapes of male genitalia and female subgenital plate. Distribution . Known only from China (Yunnan).