Taxonomic notes on the Cephenniini (Coleoptera, Scydmaenidae): Status of Coatesia Lea, Cephennomicrus Reitter, and Neseuthia Scott Author Jałoszyński, Paweł text Zootaxa 2008 1696 25 36 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.274088 0488fc0c-9dd6-4030-87d7-9212ab8c7916 1175-5326 274088 Genus Cephennodes Reitter Cephennodes Reitter, 1883 : 420 , type species: Cephennodes simonis Reitter, 1883 (monotypy). Diagnostic characters of Cephennodes were discussed in a previous paper ( Jałoszyński 2007a ). The genus includes two subgenera, Cephennodes s. str. and Fusionodes Jałoszyński, 2007c ( Jałoszyński 2007a ; 2007c ). The subgenera differ in structures of the aedeagus: in Cephennodes s. str. the parameres are free and inserted at the orifice located near the base of the median lobe, in Fusionodes the parameres are largely (or completely) fused to walls of the median lobe, and the orifice is not at the base, but in the middle of the median lobe. Coatesia lata has a general appearance typical for Cephennodes ( Fig. 1 ), and it shows diagnostic characters of that genus: the procoxae separated by long and curved prosternal process, and the pronotum with a pair of lateral ante-basal pits. The aedeagus of this Australian species ( Fig. 2 ) is similar to that of the type species of Cephennodes , C. simonis , with asymmetrical, drop-shaped median lobe, free parameres and the orifice at the base. No characters were found to justify a separate generic placement of Coatesia lata ; this species can be regarded as a very typical representative of Cephennodes s. str.