The Mantispidae of the West Indies with special reference to the Dominican Republic (Neuroptera: Mantispidae) Author Hoffman, Kevin M. Author Oliver S. Flint, Jr. Author Perez-Gelabert, Daniel E. text Insecta Mundi 2017 2017-06-30 2017 559 1 15 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5168387 1942-1354 5168387 243D760B-6CEA-49EF-A20D-FD135DF7C620 Leptomantispa antillesensis Hoffman , new species ( Fig. 4 , 7–11 ) Diagnosis . The male of this species is distinguished from L. hispaniolaensis by the dorsolateral lobe of the ectoproct bulging laterally and extending well posteriad of the spiculate ventromesal lobe. In coloration it can be recognized by: having the face with a dark, transverse band below the antennae, from which usually extends a ventrally directed mesal line; the antennal flagellomeres being uniformly brown; by the almost uniformly brown pronotum often showing a pair of paler, submesal, oval maculae near the anterior margin; by the mesonotum being broadly brown mesally, paler laterally and a brown mesal mark on the mesoscutellum; the metanotum may show a V-shaped mesal macula open anteriorly, continuing posteriad as a mesal dark mark – all these thoracic markings are often wholly or partially obscured and the thorax may appear almost uniformly brown. Male coloration . Head yellow, vertex with anterior half brown to between antenna except along ocular margins, yellow T-shaped mark medially, transverse stripe beneath antennae, nearly reaching ocular margins, distal margin convex on either side of midline, brown stripe along midline from beneath antennae and onto labrum; mandibles yellow proximally, reddish-brown distally, other mouthparts yellow, palps with distal segment yellow-brown; antenna with scape yellow with posterodistal margin brown, pedicel yellow anteriorly, light brown posteriorly, flagellum entirely light brown or with distal two-thirds yellow; eyes metallic silver to purple. Prothorax with pronotum reddish-brown dorsally and laterally, yellow ventrally, paired short longitudinal yellow stripes from anterodorsal margin and ending anteriad of maculae, ventral midline often brown; posterodorsal membrane brown, posteroventral membrane pale yellow; pleural sclerites brown, sternum light brown, membrane pale yellow; leg with coxa and trochanter yellow, femur dark reddish-brown anterolaterally, basal fifth yellow, yellow posterolaterally with reddish-brown spots at one-fourth length posteriorly and at apex, spines reddish-brown, tibia with basal fourth yellow, remainder dark reddish-brown with posterolateral surface yellow, tarsus reddish-brown. Pterothorax with scuta brown, midline and wing bases yellow, yellow anterolaterally except at anterolateral angle of mesonotum, scutella yellow with midline brown; pleura yellow, anterior membrane with midline brown along basal third, mesopreepisternum brown dorsomedially, mesanepisternum speckled lightly with brown, katepisterna with posteroventral corner brown, metanepisternum and katepimera sometimes with brown along anterior margin; legs each with coxa yellow with outer condyle brown, remainder of leg yellow; forewing membrane hyaline, Sc space light amber, pterostigma brick red, 1AP with asperous region brown, most veins brown, RA basad of sc-ra yellow dorsally, Cu, AA, and AP1 yellow basally; hindwing similar to forewing, RA and Cu entirely brown. Abdomen with tergites yellow, sometimes with light reddish-brown posteromedially, ectoprocts light reddish-brown basally; pleura yellow with reddish-brown medially or entirely reddish-brown; sternites yellow, sternite IX with apex light reddish-brown medially, midline sometimes light reddish-brown. Female coloration . Same as for males, except for the following. Head with frons with posterior half pale reddish-brown; yellow markings on profemur, protibia, and all three thoracic nota obscure; pterothorax with pleura reddish-brown, sutures between anepisterna and katepisterna dull yellow, coxae reddish-brown, trochanter reddish-brown posterolaterally; abdomen with sclerites light reddishbrown to reddish-brown. Thoracic morphology . Pronotum 5.5–6.5 times as long as width at maculae in dorsal view; pterothoracic scutella with combined 3–5 pores on each side, tarsal claws with 3–5 teeth each, males and females with both wings collectively on each side with combined 6–8 veins leaving RP posteriorly, forewing lengths of males 6.2–10.3 mm , of females 6.3–11.3 mm . Male pregenital abdominal apparatus . Tergites III–IV each with paired patches of 8–15 small circular pores total in one transverse row on posterior margin on each side, IV–V each with paired patches of 20–40 small circular pores total closely packed into inverted U-shaped band on each side anterolaterally, posterior arm of U-shaped band shorter than anterior arm, especially on tergite IV, tergites V–VI with intersegmental membrane invaginated into single-lobed anteriorly-truncate pocket extending anteriorly two-fifths length of tergite V, tergite V 2.5–3.0 times as long as VI. Male terminalia . Ectoprocts each ovoid in dorsal view ( Fig. 9 ), dorsolateral lobe is much expanded laterad and extends well posteriad of the ventromedial lobe which is sclerotized, flattened posteriorly, abruptly truncate along inner margin, with 20–30 short thickened setae dorsally and posteriorly; sternite IX pentagonal in ventral view, posterior margin broadly rounded medially; gonarcus with median lobe projecting from posterior surface ( Fig. 8 ), flattened posteriorly and projecting slightly posteriad from gonarcus before curving dorsally, slightly curved anteriorly, twice as long as wide, apex rounded; gonocoxites ( Fig. 7 ) each as wide distally as basally in lateral view, distal three-fifths slightly curved laterally, apex rounded; mediuncus with anterior third subquadrate to semicircular in lateral view, 2–3 times as high as remainder, apex forked in posterior view; pseudopenal membrane nearly circular in posterior view, covered with golden dorsally-projecting microspines; hypomeres present as paired, small, circular sclerites; pseudopenis sclerotized, spine like in posterior view, slightly longer than pseudopenal membrane and as long as gonarcal median lobe, flattened laterally. Female terminalia . Ectoprocts as long as to slightly longer than gonocoxites; sternite VIII strongly curved posteriorly, slightly longer medially than laterally, medial fifth with posterior margin shallowly concave; bursa with entrance lightly sclerotized, remainder membranous to lightly sclerotized; spermatheca with proximal section as wide as medial section ( Fig. 10–11 ), distal section 2.0–2.5 times as wide as proximal, diverticulae present as thin transverse rod connected medially to inner margin of spermatheca, proximal section with first bend right laterad of medial section, medial section with 2–3 bends, fertilization canal duct slightly curved at base, remainder inverted U-shaped in ventral view, fertilization canal sloping basad of apex. Size. Length of forewing: male 6.2 – 10.3mm ; female 6.3 – 11.3mm . Biology . Adults have been captured at lights and have been collected year round. Distribution . PUERTO RICO ; BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS (Great Camanoe, Guana, Tortola); UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS (St. Croix, St. John , St. Thomas); ANGUILLA ; DOMINICA ; GUADALUPE . Etymology . Named for the general name of the island group, the Antilles, where the species is found. Type material . Holotype male ( USNM ), 103 paratype males , and 115 paratype females ( AMNH , BPBM , CMNH , CNC , LSAC , MCZ , MSU , PMNH ) . Holotype label data: “BRIT. VIRGIN ISLS . / Guana Island / 1-14 July 1984 / S. E. & P. M. Miller ”, “ HOLOTYPE / Leptomantispa / antillesensis Hoffman / det: K. M. Hoffman 1991”. Condition of holotype : color excellent, left protarsomeres II-V absent, wings unspread, forewing length 9.0 mm; abdominal segments III-X detached, cleared, in glycerin filled microvial on pin beneath labels . Paratypes . PUERTO RICO : Carib [bean] Nt [ational] For [est], Luquillo Div [ision], EI Yunque Rec [reation] Ar [ea], 26.v.1986 , E. G. Riley & D. A. Rider , 1♀ ( LSAC ) ; Carib. Nat. For. , El Yunque , 600 m , 18°20’N , 65°10’W , 6-8.i.1988 , M.S. Adams , 1♀ ( CMNH ) ; Carib. Nat. For. , El Yunque , 600 m , 18°20’N , 65°30’W , 22-25.v.1987 , M.S. Adams , 3♂ ( CMNH ) ; Cayey , Carite Forest , 25.viii.1969 , R . Bonilla , blacklight trap , 1♂ ( NMNH ) ; EI Verde , vi.1967 , J. Maldonado , 1♂ , 1♀ ( NMNH ) ; Maricao , Bosque Estatal de Maricao , 3.3. km SW Maricao , 18-09-39N, 67-00-08W, 550 m , , J. Rawlins , C. Young , R . Davidson, W . Zanol, S . Thompson , M. Klingler , forest, 2♀ ( CMNH ) ; Salines , 6.x.1945 , light trap , 1♀ ( NMNH ) ; Vista la Sierra , Luquillo Forest , 14.vii.1969 , H. & A. Howden , 1♀ ( CNC ) ; Maricao St [ate] Forest , vii.1987 , J. Maldonado C., at light, 2♂ , 1♀ ( NMNH ) ; same locality except, 10.viii.1987 , 1♂ ( NMNH ) ; Rio Grande , El Verde Station , 3.1 km WNW Pico El Yunque , Sierra de Luquillo , 18-19-15N, 65-49-11W, 355 m , , C. Young , R . Davidson, M . Klingler , J. Rawlins , S. Thompson , 1♂ , 1♀ ( CMNH ) . BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS : Great Camanoe Island , 1/ 3mi ESE Cam Bay , 20.iii.1974 , C.L. Remington , 2♂ , 1♀ ( PMNH ). Guana Island , 1-14.vii.1984 , S.E. & P.M. Miller , 6♂ , 5♀ ( NMNH ) ; same data, except, 0-80m , 5-23.vii.1985 , 8♂ , 10♀ ( NMNH ) ; same locality, 19-22.vii.1985 , plus North Bay , Coccoloba forest, sea level, U. V . light trap , 20♂ , 31♀ ( NMNH ) ; same locality, except, 13-26.vii.1986 , S.E. Miller & M. G. Pogue , 13♂ , 6♀ ( NMNH ) ; same data plus, clubhouse, 40-60m , light trap , 4♂ , 2♀ ( NMNH ) ; same locality, 18-19.vii.1988 , S.E. Miller & C. O’Connell , Bishop Museum + Acc. #1988.350, 1♂ ( BPBM ) ; same data except l 1.vii.1988 , 2♀ ( BPBM ) ; same data except 12.vii.1988 , 1♂ , 1♀ ( BPBM ) ; same data except 13.vii.1988 , 3♂ ( BPBM ) ; same data except 12.vii.1988 , UV light trap, 1♂ , 1♀ ( BPBM ) ; same data except 10.vii.1988 , 1♂ ( BPBM ) ; same locality, 0-80 m , 9-23.vii.1987 , S.E. Miller & V .O. Becker , 2♂ , 7♀ ( BPBM ) ; same locality, 0-80 m , 24-31.x.1990 , 2♂ , 3♀ ( BPBM ). Tortola , Sopers Hole , 5.iv.1958 , J.F.G. Clarke , 1♂ , 2♀ ( NMNH ) . U S VIRGIN ISLANDS : St. Croix , Orangegrove , W. End , 6-16.vii.1967 , E. L. Todd , 1♀ ( NMNH ) ; St. Croix , Southwest Cape , 15.ii.1967 , H.E. & M.A. Evans , 1♂ ( MCZ ) ; St. Croix , West , Sprat Hall Estate , 1-15.i.1983 , ETOH / lite trap of John Yntema , leg. Paul A. Godwin , 2♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 1-15.xii.1983 , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 1-15.iv.1983 , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 16-31.x.1982 , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 1-15.xii.1982 , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 1-15.ix.1983 , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 1-15.xi.1982 , 1♂ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 16-31.viii.1983,1 ( PMNH ) ; same data except 1-15.v.1984 , 1♂ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 16- 31.xii.1982 , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 16-30.xi.1983 , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 1-15.iv.1984 , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 1-14.ii.1983 , 1♂ , 2♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 1-15.iii.1983 , 1♂ , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except , 1♂ , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same locality, 7.ii.1986 , at lite, leg. Paul A. Godwin , 09109, 1♂ ( PMNH ) ; same data except ii.1987 , 09110-09112, 2♂ , 1♀ ( PMNH ) ; same data except 13.ii.1986 , 1♂ ( PMNH ). St. John , Cinnamon Bay , 10-17.ii.1969 , H. E. Evans , 2♂ ( MCZ ) ; same locality, 19-24.ii.1967 , H. E. Evans , 1♂ ( MCZ ) ; St. John , Coral Harbor , 12-14.ii.1969 , H. E. Evans , 1♂ , 1♀ ( MCZ ) ; St. John , Est. Carolina , NW of Coral Bay , 250ft , 20.v.1982 , W.B. Muchmore , at uv light, 1♀ ( MSU ) ; same data, except 26.v.1982 , 1♂ ( MSU ) ; St. John , Lameshur Bay , VIERS , ii-iii.1984, W.B. Muchmore , 1♀ ( MSU ) ; St. John , Leinster Bay , 21.ii.1967 . H.E. & M.A. Evans , 1♂ ( MCZ ) ; St. John , Virgin Island Natl. Park , 19-27.vii.1972 , Alice Gray , 3♂ , 8♀ ( AMNH ). St. Thomas , C. V .I., 10.iii.1979 , M. Ivie , 1♂ ( MSU ) ; St. Thomas , Estate Lilliendahl , 1000ft , 15.x.1978 , M. Ivie , 1♂ ( MSU ) ; St. Thomas , Magens Bay , gut at S end, 1.viii.1980 , M. Ivie & C.A. Jennings , at UV light, 1♂ ( MSU ) ; St. Thomas , Red Hook , 1.viii.1980 , M. Ivie , at uv light, 1♂ , 1♀ ( MSU ) . ANGUILLA : Rendevous Bay , 11-VIII-1993 , R .M. Baranowski , 1♂ , 2♀ ( FSCA ) . DOMINICA : 0.5mi. S of Pont Casse , 8.iv.1964 , O.S. Flint , Jr. , 2♀ ( NMNH ) ; 0.4mi. E of Pont Casse , 6.v.1964 , O.S. Flint , Jr. , 1♀ ( NMNH ) ; Fond Figues , 6. iv.1964 , O.S. Flint , Jr. , 1♀ ( NMNH ) ; same, but 7.v.1964 , 1♀ ( NMNH ) ; Cent [ral] For [est] Res [erve], 25.iv.1965 , D. R . Davis , 1♀ ( NMNH ): South Chiltern , 25-27.v.1965 , D. R . Davis 1♂ ( NMNH ) . GUADALUPE : Grande Terre , July 1963 , J. Maldonado C., 2♂ , 2♀ ( NMNH ) .