On linyphiid spiders (Araneae) from the Eastern and Central Mediterranean kept at the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Geneva Author Tanasevitch, Andrei V. text Revue suisse de Zoologie 2011 2011-03-31 118 1 49 91 journal article 10.5962/bhl.part.117799 0035-418X 6311696 Stemonyphantes serratus sp. n. Figs 84-92 HOLOTYPE : Ƌ, Turkey , Bursa Province , 20 km from Bursa , 1300 m a.s.l., Fagus & Pinus forest, sifting litter, 12. V .1976 , leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl. PARATYPE : 1 Ƌ, Turkey , Bursa , Uludağ , above station, 1900-2000 m a.s.l. , under stones, 12.V.1976 , leg. C. Besuchet & I. Löbl. ETYMOLOGY: The specific name, an adjective, refers to the shape of the anterior apophysis of the tegulum. DIAGNOSIS: The species is characterised by the shape of the upper branch of the cymbium, as well as by the saw-toothed anterior tegular apophysis. DESCRIPTION : Male paratype . Total length 4.35. Carapace 2.00 long, 1.55 wide, reddish brown, with a narrow grey margin. Chelicerae 0.75 long. Leg I 6.90 long FIGS 84-86 Stemonyphantes serratus sp. n. , Ƌ paratype , from Uludağ, Turkey . (84, 85) Metatarsus I and II, respectively. (86) Right palp, retrolateral view . (1.75+0.65+1.60+1.75+1.15), IV 7.45 long (2.00+0.55+2.00+1.90+1.00). Chaetotaxy: FeI: 2-1-0-0; II-IV: 2-0-0-0; TiI-II: 2-1-1-4, III-IV: 2-1-1-3(4-2); MtI-II: 0-0-0-2, III- IV: 0-1-1-4. MtI twice as thick as MtII, with a narrow groove on dorsal side (Figs 84 & 85). Metatarsus I-IV with a trichobothrium. TmI 0.28. Palp (Figs 86-92): Upper branch of cymbium slightly curved. Paracymbium relatively small, J-shaped, with a row of long stout spines on upper edge. Anterior tegular apophysis with hook-shaped apex and saw-toothed lower edge distally. Radix flattened, with a thin outgrowth anteriorly. Radical apophysis situated near base of embolus, long and stout, highly sclerotized. Embolus slightly shorter than radix, flattened. Abdomen 2.50 long, 1.55 wide, dorsally grey, with a dark median band flanked by paramedian spots connected to it with thin bands. FIGS 87-92 Stemonyphantes serratus sp. n. , Ƌ paratype , from Uludağ , Turkey . (87) Left palp, retrolateral view. (88) Paracymbium , lateral view. (89, 90) Tegulum , prolateral and retrolateral view, respectively. (91, 92). Embolic division, different aspects . TAXONOMIC REMARKS: The new species is similar to S. abantensis Wunderlich, 1978 and S. agnatus Tanasevitch, 1990 , but differs well by its curved upper branch of the cymbium, as well as by its saw-shaped anterior tegular apophysis. S. serratus sp. n. together with S. abantensis , S. agnatus and S. montanus Wunderlich, 1978 form the abantensis species-group, which is characterised by a bifid cymbium, a relatively short and stout embolus, the presence of a spear-shaped apophysis on the radix at the base of the embolus (except for S. montanus ). The abantensis species-group is restricted to the Anatolian-Caucasian region. DISTRIBUTION: The species is known from the type locality only.