Hominidae Author Russell A. Mittermeier Author Anthony B. Rylands Author Don E. Wilson text 2013 2013-03-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 3 Primates 792 854 book chapter 79582 10.5281/zenodo.6700973 7ccd2ab0-dc06-457d-8fff-2c307a355ba4 978-84-96553-89-7 6700973 Family HOMINIDAE (GREAT APES) • Large apes with relatively short trunk, broad chest, long arms, robust canine teeth, simple molar teeth, long hands and feet, and no external tail; males larger than females n .. „ wu “ • 70-200 cm. • Afrotropical and Indo-Malayan Regions. • Lowland to montane equatorial forests, swamps, savanna-woodland mosaic. • 3 genera, 6 species, 13 taxa (excluding humans). • 2 species Critically Endangered, 4 species Endangered, none Extinct since 1600.