Uncovering Local Endemism in the Kimberley, Western Australia: Description of New Species of the Genus Amplirhagada Iredale, 1933 (Pulmonata: Camaenidae) Author Köhler, Frank text Records of the Australian Museum 2010 2010-11-24 62 2 217 284 http://dx.doi.org/10.3853/j.0067-1975.62.2010.1554 journal article 10.3853/j.0067-1975.62.2010.1554 2201-4349 5239086 749A271A-6942-4D4C-B0DF-B968462BFF0C Amplirhagada mitchelliana Solem, 1981 Amplirhagada mitchelliana Solem, 1981a: 272–280 , pl. 13b, figs. 37i, 55c–d, 61c–e, 62a–b, 64a (Mitchell Plateau, Warrender Road). Material examined . WAM S41462 (lookout on track between Mitchell Plateau camp and Walsh Pool) ( Fig. 1 , Pl. 2.19), AMS C144039 (Mitchell Plateau, Mitchell Plateau Road, 43.6 km W of Gibb Road-Kalamburu turnoff). Remarks . Found in the same area as A. varia , this species differs most significantly from the former by a distinct anatomy of the interior penial wall. The penis anatomy of the present sample corresponds with that shown by Solem (1981a) . This species is represented in the molecular tree shown below. The two samples sequenced herein do not form a monophyletic cluster but are separated by a considerable uncorrected pair-wise genetic distance of 17% and are shown as non-monophyletic with respect to A. varia . This indicates problems with the species recognition and probably the presence of an unidentified species.