A review of Scaphisomatini from Sulawesi, with descriptions of ten new species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae) Author Löbl, Ivan Muséum d’histoire naturelle, Route de Malagnou 1, CH- 1208 Geneva, Switzerland ivan.lobl@bluewin.ch text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2018 2018-05-30 58 1 151 165 journal article 10.2478/aemnp-2018-0013 7b94dd56-d3a7-4462-8da2-72ceb277835f 1804-6487 3699163 BF2CDC12-C555-4187-BFAB-274C9C674A5D Scaphisoma flavolineatum sp. nov. ( Figs 25–27 ) Type locality. Indonesia , South Sulawesi , Gowa District, 6 km E of Malino, Gunung Bawakaraeng [Mt.] Area, near Lembanna Base camp, ca. 05°15.4 S , 119°54.5 E . Type material. HOLOTYPE : ( NMPC ), INDONESIA , S SULAWESI : Gowa Distr. / 6 km E of Malino , Gn. Bawakaraeng Area / border of gardens and mixed forest / (dominant Pinus) nr Lembanna Base camp / 05°15.4 S , 119°54.5 E , 1520 m / J.Hájek & J.Šumpich leg., 11-13.ii.2015 . Description. Length 1.72 mm , width 1.13 mm . Head, thorax and most of elytra black; elytra each with well delimited yellowish subapical fascia covering most of apical third but not adsutural area and not apical 0.10 mm ; abdomen blackish-brown. Antennomeres IV to XI dark brown, basal antennomeres and legs light, ochreous. Antennae long, length/width ratios of antennomeres as: III 15/11: IV 38/8: V 48/8: VI 47/7: VII 50/12: VIII 45/10: IX 56/14: X 55/13: XI 56/14. Pronotum and elytra not microsculptured. Pronotum strongly narrowed anteriad, with regularly rounded lateral margins, lateral margins carinae concealed near angles, hardly visible in middle section; punctation on disc fine, dense, visible at magnification 20×, consisting of sharply delimited punctures, puncture intervals much larger than puncture diameters, punctation along lateral carinae very fine. Tip of scutellum exposed. Elytra distinctly narrowed apically, lateral margins almost regularly curved, lateral margin carinae exposed throughout in dorsal view, apical margin rounded, inner apical angles situated in same level as outer angles, apical serration conspicuous, sutural margin not raised, adsutural areas flat, narrow, each with single puncture row. Sutural striae converging apically, curved near pronotal lobe and ending at basal margins, not extended laterad of pronotal lobe. Punctures along lateral margins very fine. Elytral disc with punctures fine, similar as those on pronotal disc or somewhat larger, sharply delimited, puncture intervals mostly about three to five times as large as puncture diameters. Hind wings fully developed. Exposed tergites with strigulate microsculpture and extremely fine punctation. Hypomera not microsculptured. Mesepimera about 1.5 times as long as intervals between them and mesocoxae and four times as long as wide. Metaventrite with strigulate microsculpture, sparsely and extremely finely punctate, flattened in centre, lacking impressions, without mesal stria, antecoxal puncture rows absent; apical intercoxal margin slightly concave. Submesocoxal lines convex, distinctly punctate; submesocoxal areas 0.04 mm , about as long as fourth of shortest intervals between them and metacoxae. Metanepisterna flat, hardly narrowed anteriad. Tibiae straight. Abdomen with microsculpture and punctation as that on metaventrite; ventrite I with submetacoxal line convex, distinctly punctate; submetacoxal areas 0.04 mm , about as long as fourth of shortest intervals between them and apical margin of ventrite. Male characters. Protarsomeres I–III moderately enlarged, narrower than apices of protibiae. Apical margin of abdominal ventrite VI narrow, subangular. Tergite IX with one macroseta on each plate, stalk evenly narrow, rounded laterally ( Fig. 25 ). Aedeagus ( Figs 26, 27 ), 0.63 mm long, symmetrical. Basal bulb large, narrowed apically, with pair of apicodorsal, inconspicuous plate-like areas. Apicoventral side of basal bulb concave in lateral view, articular process minute. Apical process strongly bent, vertical to aedeagal axis near tip, comparatively long, tapering in lateral view. Parameres with wide bases, from midlength to tip gradually narrowed in lateral view, lightly bent in apical halves in dorsal view, with inner margins weekly sclerotized. Internal sac tubular, with minute, weakly sclerotized denticular structure. Female . Unknown. Differential diagnosis. The aedeagal characters suggest a close relationship of this new species to S. bugi and S. ogawai sp. nov. , though the median lobe is significantly longer than that of S. ogawai sp. nov. , and the apical side of the basal bulb is oblique, almost as in S. ogawai sp. nov. and quite distinctive from that of S. bugi . The internal sac with minute, weakly sclerotized spine-like structures differs from that of both related species. This new species may be readily distinguished from its Sulawesi congeners by the light transverse elytral fascia, similar to that of the Philippine S. lunabianum Löbl & Ogawa, 2016 , S. binaluanum Pic, 1947 and S. bicuspidatum Löbl & Ogawa, 2016 (see LÖBL & OGAWA 2016 ). Etymology. The species epithet is a Latin adjective flavolineatus , - a , - um , referring to the elytral colour pattern. Distribution. Indonesia , South Sulawesi .