Agathotanaididae (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from the Angola Basin Author Guerrero-Kommritz, Jürgen text Zootaxa 2003 330 1 15 journal article 51263 10.5281/zenodo.156207 c90a777b-d156-49b0-966b-9bb21c8a4dee 1175­5326 156207 Genus Agathotanais Hansen, 1913 Agathotanais sp. AB 1 ( Fig. 5 ) Material : MCZ 16766, one non­ovigerous female, 3.25 mm , Atlantis II cruise 42 Station 193 Walfis Bay, 2094 – 2191 m , AD. Description : Non­ovigerous female. Body: ( Fig. 5 a) 3.25 mm in length, cylindrical and slender, six times as long as broad. Cephalothorax: ( Fig. 5 c) longer than pleon. Pereon: ( Fig.5 a) pereonite 1 as long as 6. Pereonite 2 longer than Pereonite 4 and shorter than Pereonite 3. Pereonite 3 longest pereonite. Pereonite 4 as long as 5 and longer than 6. Pleon: ( Fig. 5 a) cylindrical. Pleonites of subequal length narrowing towards the pleotelson. Pleotelson as long as two pleonites together and as wide as last pleonite. Apex pointed. Antennule: composed of three articles. Article 1 longest, longer than the following articles together, naked. Article 2 as long as broad, naked. Article 3 with three terminal simple setae. Antenna: absent. Pleopods: absent. FIGURE 5. Agathotanais sp. AB 1. MCZ 16766: a, body, dorsal view; b, uropod; c, cephalothorax, ventral view. Scale bar 1 mm Uropods: ( Fig. 5 b) uniramous and uniarticled with two long simple terminal setae. Remarks : Only one specimen was available for this study, therefore it was not possible to present a more detailed description of this species. This species resembles Agathotanais ahyongi Larsen, 1999 in lacking the antenna and in the form of the antennula. Agathotanais ahyongi is more slender and the proportions of the cephalothorax differ. It is unlikely that A. ahyongi , known only from the tropical Pacific, would be found to also occur in the Angola Basin.