On the genus Paralobella (Collembola: Neanuridae: Lobellini) with description of a new Chinese species Author Luo, Yongzheng Author Palacios-Vargas, José G. text Zootaxa 2016 4066 3 343 350 journal article 51186 10.11646/zootaxa.4066.3.10 3dbc6f71-420a-472c-9653-6c74b0e59ba6 1175-5326 265576 43A58F86-770D-4DDC-B294-4FA29C201EC6 Paralobella breviseta sp. nov. Figs 1–9 , Tables 1–3 Material examined. Type-locality. China , Anhui Province, Huang Mountain (alt. 1600–1700 m ), 30°17’–19’°N, 118°13’–15’E, collection number C9290. Type-specimens. Holotype female and 33 paratypes (Seven females, three males, three juveniles, and about 20 in alcohol). Holotype and 30 paratypes deposited in the Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, P. R. China ( NAU ). Three paratypes deposited at the Lab. of Ecología y Sistemática de Microartrópodos, Fac. Ciencias, UNAM . Diagnosis. Very large neanurids, about 4.5 mm , long tubercles similar to digitations on lateral parts of the body, all the setae on tubercles Di from Th. I to Abd. V very short. Description. Body length. Up to 4.5 mm . Colour. Red alive, white in alcohol. Cuticular granulations fine. Tubercles very developed on head and body, and with subcuticular reticulations. Tubercles Di of thorax and abdomen short and small as half spheres; De , Dl and L very large as digitations. Body dorsal macrosetae thick, slightly serrate with blunt tips, mesosetae with expanded subapical tip, microsetae serrate on one side with acuminate tips ( Fig. 6 ). Head. Eyes 3+3, with black pigment ( Fig. 1 ). Length ratio of antenna to head as 1: 1.1. Ant. III and IV dorsally fused. Ratio of antennal segments as I: II; III + IV = 1: 1; 1.3−1.9. Ant. I and II respectively with 9 and 11 setae. Ant. III with 18 setae and Ant. III organ, 5 sensory setae, including sgd, sgv, ms and 2 strongly curved rods in separate pits. Ant. IV apical bulb trilobed, dorsal chaetotaxy as 12 mou, i, or and 8S (S1−S8), S1 and S2 setaeshaped ( Fig. 2 ). Labrum setal formula 0/2, 2. Labium with 2 x and 3 setae (A, C, D) on proximal part of palp, 4 (E, F, G, f) on submentum and 4 (b, c, d, e) on mentum (after Massoud 1967 ) ( Fig. 3 ). Mandible with 4 apical teeth, 1 middle tooth and 1 basal big tooth ( Fig. 4 ). Maxillary head styliform with 2 apical teeth and 1 middle tooth, with a thin and transparent apical lamella sometimes distinguishable ( Fig. 5 ). Cephalic tubercles and chaetotaxy. Dorsal central area with 6 separate tubercles (Cl, 2An, Fr and 2Oc) and 21 setae; tubercle Cl with 4 setae (2F, 2G), An with 8 setae (2B, 2C, 2D, 2E), Fr with 3 setae ( O , 2A), and Oc with 3 setae (Oca, Ocm, Ocp). Dorsal posterior area with 4 separate tubercles (2 Di , 2 De ) and 8 setae; tubercles Di and De respectively with setae Di 1 and De 1, Di 2 and De 2 out of tubercles. Dorso-lateral area with tubercles Dl, L and So respectively 3, 3, 10 setae ( Fig. 1 and Table 1 ). Ventral side respectively with 6 and 9–12 setae in internal (Vi) and external (Ve) areas. TABLE 1. Cephalic tubercles and chaetotaxy of P. breviseta , sp. nov.
Tubercle Number of setae Types of setae Names of setae
Cl An 4 4 M M 3me F, G B C, D, E
Fr Oc 3 3 2M Me M A O Ocm
Di 2 Me M Mi Oca, Ocp Di1 Di2
De Dl 2 3 M Mi Me De1 De2
L 3 Mi M
So 10 Mi M Uncertain homology
Number of other cephalic chaetae: Vi, 6; Ve, 9–12; IV, 8S+i+or+12 mou. Mi labrum, 0/2, 2; labium, 11, 2x; Ant. I, 9; Ant. II, 11; Ant. III, 18+5s; Ant.
TABLE 2. Body tubercles and chaetotaxy of P. breviseta , sp. nov.
Terga Di De Dl Legs L Scx Cx Tr Fe T
Th. I Th. II Th. III me me+2mi me+2mi me+mi M+2me+mi+s M+2me+mi+s M 2M+2me+s+ms 2M+2me+s − 0 3 M+2me 2 7 M+2me 2 8 6 6 6 13 12 11 19 19 18
Terga Abd. I Abd. II me+mi me+mi M+me+mi+s M+me+mi+s M+me M+me Sterna M+(2–4)me VT: 4 M+4me+s Ve:?
Abd. III me+mi M+me+mi+s M+me M+4me+s Ve: 4 Fu: 3 Abd. IV me+mi M+me +s M+2me 2M+5me+s Ve:? Vl:? Abd. V 2 me+mi s 2M+2me M+5me Ag: 3 Vl: 2 Abd. VI --------------------- 6M+me ----------------------- Ve: 14 FIGURES 1−3. Paralobella breviseta sp. nov. 1 dorsal tubercles and chaetotaxy of body 2 right antenna, dorsal view 3 labrum and labium. FIGURES 4−9. Paralobella breviseta sp. nov. 4 right mandible, dorsal view 5 right maxilla, dorsal view 6 , different types of dorsal body setae 7 , chaetotaxy of leg III from subcoxa to femur 8 , chaetotaxy of tibiotarsus III and unguis 9 ventral chaetotaxy of Abd. III −VI. TABLE 3. Diagnostic characters of P. breviseta sp. nov. and related species in the genus Paralobella . Body length Colour Mandible teeth Setae on Th. I Setae of tubercle Di on Th. II– (mm) III breviseta sp. nov. 4.5 Red 6 4 3 khaochongensis 2.8 Red 6 5 3
orousseti palustris 1.6 2.4–3.0 Tricolour 5 Red 20 4 4 3 3
perfusa 2.8 Red 7 4 2
breviseta sp. nov. Setae of tubercle L on Abd. I–III 4–6 Setae of tubercle L on Abd. IV Tubercles De and Dl Abd. V 8 Separate
khaochongensis orousseti palustris 3 4 4 6 Separate 6 Fused 6 Separate
perfusa 3–4 5 Separate
Body tubercles and chaetotaxy. Th. I with 3+3 tubercles ( Di , De , Dl). Th. II-Abd. IV respectively with 4+4 tubercles ( Di , De , Dl, L); tubercles L on Abd. I −IV each with 1 additional sensory seta besides common setae. Abd. V dorsally with 3+3 tubercles ( Di , De , Dl), De separated with only 1 sensory seta; tubercle L ventrally situated. Abd. VI with 1+1 tubercles. Sensory seta (s) and sensory microsensillum (ms) formula as: 2+ms, 2/2, 2, 2, 2, 1 ( Fig. 1 and Table 2 ). Ventral chaetotaxy of Abd. III–VI shown in Fig. 9 and Table 2 . Setae of genital plate of female 3 + 3 pregenital, 19–31 circumgenital and 2 eugenital, male with 3+3 pregenital, 18–19 circumgenital and 4+4 eugenital. Each anal valve (Av) with 3 microsetae in both sexes. Appendices. Chaetotaxy of legs shown in Figs 7– 8 and Table 2 . Tibiotarsi of legs I −III respectively with 19, 19, 18 setae; M present; B5 very long; and B7 on tibiotarsus III absent. Unguis with 1 big inner tooth, basal granules and medial transverse striae ( Fig. 8 ). Ventral tube anteriorly with 1+1 proximal and 3+3 distal setae. Furcula reduced to elliptic area with 3 mesosetae and without microsetae ( Fig. 9 ).
Etymology. The name of the new species “ breviseta ” means seta Di 1 very small and short on tubercles Di from Th. I to Abd. IV, comparatively long macroseta on other known species. Distribution. Only known from the type locality. Ecology. Found on lichen around a cistern.