Three new species of Laelaspis Berlese from Iran (Acari: Laelapidae), with a review of the species occurring in the Western Palaearctic Region Author Joharchi, Omid Author Halliday, Bruce Author Saboori, Alireza text Journal of Natural History 2012 2012-08-08 46 31 - 32 1999 2018 journal article 276131 10.1080/00222933.2012.707240 1ee471b0-aef3-43f2-98fb-a60802490e74 1464-5262 5200545 0F0A8627-2D99-4B2C-8DF0-F23F429F0D9F Genus Laelaspis Berlese Laelaps ( Laelaspis ) Berlese, 1903: 13 . Type species Laelaps astronomicus Koch, 1839 , by original designation. Diagnosis Laelapidae with a two-tined palp tarsal claw; genital shield wide, strongly expanded posterior to coxae IV, with characteristic ornamentation including two distinct Λ- shaped lines. Pre-sternal shield usually absent. Genu IV with nine setae including one ventral seta. Dorsal shield setae smooth or slightly serrated, sometimes with paired Zx setae between J and Z series setae, and sometimes also with unpaired Jx setae. Notes on the genus Laelaspis belongs to a group of genera of Laelapidae in which the genital shield of the female is greatly expanded, so that its posterior margin abuts the anal shield and its lateral margins extend outward behind coxae IV. The expanded genito-ventral shield in these genera captures at least two pairs of ventral setae in addition to the genital setae. Laelaspis is distinguished from Gymnolaelaps by its two-tined palp tarsal claw, the absence of pre-sternal shields, and the presence of two distinct Λ- shaped lines on the genital shield. Laelaspis differs from Pseudoparasitus because Pseudoparasitus has at least two pairs of setae on the surface of the genital shield, well separated from the edges of the shield, whereas all the genital setae of Laelaspis and Gymnolaelaps are on the extreme edges of the shield.