Taxonomic notes on Recent Foraminifera from the Continental Shelf-Slope Region of Southwestern Bay of Bengal, East Coast of India Author Symphonia, Tabita K. Author Senthil, Nathan D. text Palaeontologia Electronica 2019 55 A 2019-09-30 22 3 1 89 journal article 10.26879/811 1094-8074 10961656 Cibicides kullenbergi Parker, 1953 Figure 11.5-6 1953 Cibicides kullenbergi Parker in Phleger et al., p. 49, pl. 11, figs. 7-8. 2012 Cibicides pachyderma (Rzehak) ; Debenay, p. 190. Description. Test biconvex, slightly convex on the spiral side, strongly convex on the umbilical side, wall calcareous, dorsal side coarsely perforate, ventral side moderately perforate, surface smooth; periphery subacutely rounded, sutures curved backwards, slightly elevated on spiral side, radial and depressed in the final chambers on the umbilical side; aperture an interiomarginal, equatorial arch, under a thin lamina.