A new genus of Zodariidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from Tajikistan Author Zamani, Alireza Author Marusik, Yuri M. text Journal of Natural History 2022 2022-09-09 56 25 - 28 1187 1198 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2022.2115422 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2022.2115422 1464-5262 7087046 E70AB248-A42C-4822-82E9-88C16C93781B Genus Spinozodium gen. nov. Type species Zodarion denisi Spassky, 1938 from Tajikistan . Etymology A combination of spino -, referring to the characteristic spine-like setae on the retrolateral tibial apophysis of the male palp, and - zodium , a common ending for zodariid genera; gender neuter. Diagnosis The males of the new genus differ from those of the other Zodariinae genera occurring in Middle Asia by having spine-like setae on RTA ( Figures 3 and 4 (a,c)) (vs lacking). The females of Spinozodium gen. nov. differ from those of the other Zodariinae genera by having a distinct epigynal septum and distinctly sclerotised anterior hood bearing setae that cover the anterior half of fovea ( Figures 4 (b,d) and 5(a–d)) (vs lacking both septum and sclerotised anterior hood with setae). Description Small: males 2.4–2.6 long, carapace 1.2–1.42 long; females 3.1–3.6 long, carapace 1.5–1.65 long. Carapace either uniformly light brown or with darker cephalic region. Legs and palps uniformly coloured. Abdomen blackish with light median band in posterior 2/3, band either continuous with angled lateral branches or composed of roughly triangular to diamond-shaped spots; lateral sides and venter pale. Leg formula 4132 or 4123. Male palp . Tibia with only RTA; RTA long, about ½ of cymbium length, longer than tibia, anterior half bent ventrally, proximal half with around a dozen spine-like setae, distal half slender, spineless and more heavily sclerotised than proximal half; cymbium 2 times longer than wide, without diverticulum or tutaculum, but with longitudinal fold ( Cf ) in S. denisi ( Figure 3 (f)); cymbial trichobothrium as in Figure 3 (g); bulb oval to almost round; tegular apophysis ( Ta ) about 1.5 times longer than wide, located in anterior half of bulb, with either very short claw-like or straight process ( Tp ), and retrolateral lobe ( Tr ); conductor ( Co ) small, located at 12 o’clock position; embolus broad, originating from about 6 o’clock position, terminal part with small membranous process ( Ep ), opening of sperm duct ( Os ) located on anterior and close to tip of embolus. Epigyne . Plate wider than long, with distinct fovea and septum; fovea ampullate, with distinctly sclerotised anterior hood ( Ah ); anterior hood bearing row of long, converging setae partly covering anterior half of fovea; stem of septum ( Ss ) thin, base of septum ( Sb ) more than 2 times wider than stem; base of septum bent antero-dorsally and barely visible in intact epigyne; receptacles ( Re ) separated by 4–7 diameters, each consisting of a base and a globular head ( Rh ). Composition Two species: Spinozodium denisi comb. nov. and S. khatlonicum sp. nov. Distribution Known only from Tajikistan ; although the distributions of the two currently known species overlap, they are not known to occur sympatrically ( Figure 6 ).