A new combination and an update of Neotoumeyella Kondo and Williams, 2009 (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Coccidae) Author Kondo, Takumasa text Insecta Mundi 2018 2018-03-30 616 1 5 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.3699393 8e254953-d10f-4e33-aed8-9d0dab2953c2 1942-1354 3699393 5BACECB5-506F-4EFD-9FF9-C63A1B69E5EA Neotoumeyella ferum ( Hempel, 1920 ) , comb. nov. Mesolecanium ferum ; Hempel 1920 . Toumeyella ferum ; Granara de Willink 2012 . Type material. Brazil : São Paulo , Campinas , ex. Croton floribundus (Euphorbiaceae) . 1 slide with 2 adult female specimens (one damaged); not indicated as type material but possibly belonging to the same syntype series mentioned by Ben-Dov (1993) ( MZSP ) ( Granara de Willink 2012 ). Diagnostic characters (translated from Granara de Willink 2012 ). Stigmatic clefts broad, with spiracular pores with 5–8 loculi. Dorsal surface with microducts and ducts with a conspicuous outer aperture, circular in shape, large, concave, highly sclerotized, with a cribriform center, convex; dorsal setae thorn-like, short. Marginal setae similar to dorsal setae, arranged around margin in one to two rows. One or two short and robust stigmatic setae slightly displaced onto dorsal surface. Prevulvar setae not differentiated from other setae on [ventral] surface. Multilocular disc-pores with 6–10 loculi, with a central loculus, present on abdomen and thorax. Tubular ducts very small, lacking a terminal filament, present on area near vulva and on the border of the stigmatic furrows ( Granara de Willink 2012 ). Remarks. See comments below in square brackets concerning the different types of microducts in the redescription section of N. ferum . Redescription (translated from the Spanish redescription of M. ferum provided by Granara de Willink 2012 ). Body round, possibly convex, anal cleft about 1/3 of body length. Legs greatly reduced with four segments, tarsal digitules and claw digitules slender, claw without a denticle. Antennae with three segments and seven setae on last segment. Anal plates (together) subquadrate; each plate 195.0 μm in length, antero-lateral margin 168.0 and posterolateral margin with a convex border, 117.0 μm in length, with four dorsal apical setae; inner surface of plates with a broad sclerotized bar with four subapical setae [on each plate]; a long and strong fringe seta [on each plate] and approximately 16 hypopygial setae. Anal ring with pores and eight setae. Dorsal surface . Ducts of different types : a) [a pore type ] with a circular opening, some small, numerous and scattered on surface; b) [a pore type ] with a large circular opening, 43 μm in diameter, concave, with a highly sclerotized surface, with thin borders, becoming thicker towards the center, which is convex and granulated (when seen longitudinally, the duct can be seen; these structures can be seen dispersed throughout the entire surface, around margin they form groups of 3–6 pores “like in a rosette” [based on Figure 6, provided by Granara de Willink (2012) , probably it is not the pore opening which is 43 μm wide, but the diameter of the sclerotic plate which surrounds the microduct); the term “sclerotic pore” was coined by Kondo (2010) to refer to these type of microducts which are commonly found in various species of Cryptostigma Ferris ]; and c) small circular pores with a long and slender duct [probably a simple pore; in figure 6 provided by Granara de Willink (2012) , these small pores are drawn resembling a microduct, however, what appears to be a long slender duct may be an optical illusion, result of the sclerotization process]. Setae on dorsal surface small, short, spur-like, 12.0 μm long, with a circular base. Preopercular pores absent. Body margin . [Marginal] setae spur-like, slightly longer than dorsal setae and with a sturdier base, tuberculated [although not written, in Granara de Willink’s figure 6, there are two setae drawn, one of which has a rounded tip (tuberculate) and the other with a broadened lanceolate tip], extending around margin but absent from the [margins of the] anal cleft. Stigmatic cleft broad, with most of the marginal area located towards the dorsal surface, highly sclerotized, [each cleft] with one or two robust [stigmatic] setae, short, about 24 μm long. Ventral surface . Pregenital disc-pores with 10 loculi (although pores with eight and nine loculi appearing more numerous), each 12.0 μm in diameter, with highly sclerotized rims, extending from vulvar area through the median and sublateral areas of the abdomen up to median area of the mesothorax. Spiracles enlarged, [each] 156.0 μm long; spiracular pores with a central loculus and five loculi (scarce), normally with seven and eight loculi, each 7.0 μm in diameter, with highly sclerotized rims, forming a broad band, 4–5 pores wide. Microduct openings oval and circular, dispersed throughout surface. Tubular ducts lacking a terminal gland, [each] about as long as a genital disc-pore, found laterally to the spiracular pore bands, in the area laterad to abdominal segments and in the area near the vulva. Setae flagellate, longer and thinner than the dorsal setae. Differentiated prevulvar setae not observed. Two pairs of short interantennal setae present. Remarks. In N. ferum , ventral tubular ducts are found in the perivulvar region and on submedian areas of the abdomen and on area around both anterior and posterior spiracular pore bands, a characteristic feature of Neotoumeyella . Neotoumeyella ferum corresponds to Figure 6 (page 25) in the paper by Granara de Willink (2012) , which was mislabeled as Mesolecanium baccharidis (Cockerell) .