New taxa and notes of some described species of Agraeciini (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae) from Malay Peninsula
Tan, Ming Kai
Ingrisch, Sigfrid
journal article
Paragraecia gracilis
Ingrisch, 1998
Fig. 3
Paragraecia gracilis
Ingrisch, 1998
Ingrisch, 1998
: 112
Material examined.
1 male
3 females
, Selangor:
1 female
, coll. H. N. Ridley;
1 female
, Kuala Lumpur, coll. N. C. E. Miller,
1–30 November 1938
1 female
1 male
, Kuala Lumpur, Guillemard Road, coll. H. T. Padgen,
1 October 1952
14 July 1954
The species was so far only known from the female
. In BMNH, SI found beside of three females and one male, which gives the opportunity to describe the male characters for the first time.
Description (male).
Habitus as shown in
Fig. 3
A. Fastigium verticis with apex truncate. Frons smooth to slightly punctuated (
Fig. 3
B). Pronotum with transverse sulcus little distinct; posterior margin truncate. Tegmen only little surpassing abdomen (in females reaching middle or apex of ovipositor). Prosternal spines long. Mesosternal lobes angular, subflat; metasternal lobes subflat, terminating into a small tubercle. Femora with the following number of spines on ventral margins: profemur 0 external, 1 internal; mesofemur 4-5 external; postfemur 7-8 external, 6 internal. Knee lobes of profemur obtuse on external, short-spinose on internal side, of mesofemur obtuse on external, spinose on internal side.
Male. Stridulatory vein on underside of left tegmen faintly sinuate,
2.1 mm
long, with 165 teeth; teeth in apical area very dense (
Fig. 3
C). Tenth abdominal tergite at apical margin with wide concave (obtuse triangular) excision. Epiproct triangularly rounded; with dorsal furrow. Paraprocts ‘normal’. Cerci short conical with large curved basointernal process reaching nearly to tip of cercus (
Fig. 3
D). Subgenital plate with lateral margins roundly curved up in a larger than 90° angle; at distal end with a small tubercle; apical margin roundly excised and styli inserting on internal margin of excision (
Fig. 3
E). Styli dorso-ventrally compressed with dorsal surface slightly convex, ventral surface concave; at base with a large obtuse ventral projection; inner and apical margins provided with a row of acute teeth (
Figs. 3
E–F). Titillators largely reduced: there is a faint darkening of what might be the relics of the apex of the probably fused titillators and a pair of distinct fusiform baso-lateral sclerites (
Figs. 3
Colouration. Yellow brown; could be green when alive. Head green; antennae and mouthparts yellow. Tegmen with a white “callus spot behind stridulatory area.
Measurements (
1 male
1 female
). BL: male 20.0, female 22.0; BWL: male 23.0, female 27.0; PL: male 6.3, female 6.3; TL: male 15.5, female 19.0; HFL: male 16.5, female 18.5; OL: female 11.0 mm.