Revision of Flabelliderma Hartman, 1969 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae)
Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I.
Journal of Natural History
33 - 36
journal article
Flabelliderma pruvoti
Fauvel, 1930
n. comb.
Figure 7
Flabelligera pruvoti
Fauvel 1930
a, p 544
–546, Figure 8;
Fauvel 1947
, p 65
, Figure 60 (repeated description).
Type material
Southwestern Pacific Ocean
(MNHN-194) and
(MNHN-195) collected in
Île des Pines
, southeastern
New Caledonia
309S, 165
309E), low tide, among corals or breaking corals,
1 January 1928
A. Pruvot-Fol
, coll.
slide (IRFA- M659) from the type material (with four neurohooks or crests) has been partly dehydrated
(MNHN-194) complete, greyish, slightly damaged, cylindrical, with long, whitish, cylindrical notopodial lobes (
Figure 7A, B
). Body densely papillated; papillae small, capitate, globose, very abundant dorsally (eroded in
; 40–50 per segment in
), smaller laterally, tiny ventrally. It is
32 mm
3 mm
wide (including notopodia
7 mm
), cephalic cage
2 mm
long, 42 chaetigers.
Figure 7.
Flabelliderma pruvoti
Fauvel, 1930
n. comb.
(A) Holotype (MNHN-194), oblique lateral view; (B) same, close-up, lateral view of the anterior end; (C) same, ventral view of the lateral part of the body; (D) paratype (MNHN-195), tip of a neurohook from a median parapodium, without cuticle or papillae. Scale bars: 2 mm (A); 1.5 mm (B); 0.5 mm (C); 90 Mm (D).
Prostomium a low cone, with four dark eyes. Caruncle well developed. Palps white, thick, as long as branchial filaments; palp bases low, rounded. Lateral lips massive; ventral and dorsal lips reduced. Branchial groups with filaments arranged in 12 rows, each with three to five filaments, about 40 filaments per group; longest as long as palps. Nephridial lobes large, base foliose, tips missing, placed at the same level as the eyes.
Cephalic cage chaetae as long as one-fifteenth body length or two-thirds body width (most damaged in
); about 60 chaetae per side. Anterior dorsal margin of first chaetiger papillated. Anterior chaetigers without especially long papillae. Chaetigers 1–3 of about the same length. Chaetal transition from cephalic cage to body chaetae abrupt; neurohooks present from chaetiger 2. Gonopodial lobes not seen.
Parapodia well developed, lateral; median neuropodia ventrolateral. Notopodial lobes cylindrical, soft with surface smooth, made by closely packed globular papillae (
Figure 7C
). Large dorsal sediment tubercles absent; dorsal papillae smaller than notopodial lobes, all of the same size. Neuropodia projected lobes, carrying globular papillae, less densely packed, but each papilla larger, ovoid or club-shaped.
Median notochaetae arranged in a short transverse line; multiarticulated capillaries with very short articles basally and medially, become longer distally; about five notochaetae per bundle; chaetae about two-thirds as long as notopodial lobe or about two-thirds as long as body width. Neurochaetae multiarticulated hooks from chaetiger 2, one per ramus (rarely two). Handle articulation without long articles, most articles short, poorly defined. Crest darker, basally wider, then tapering, blunt, markedly curved distally (
Figure 7D
). Posterior end as a rounded lobe; pygidium with anus darker, dorsoterminal, no anal cirri.
Flabelliderma pruvoti
Fauvel, 1930
n. comb.
differs from other species in the genus because it has very small dorsal papillae. The record of a hirsute articulation in the neurohooks by
Fauvel (1930
, Figure 8d) is explained as the breakage of the oblique chaetal filaments.
Only known from the
de Pins
New Caledonia