Revision of Anoreina Bates (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) Author Machado, Vanessa S. Author Monné, Marcela L. text Zootaxa 2011 2970 1 32 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.207490 37bc9c84-64ac-4fbc-ad6c-ebd3cd72c3dd 1175-5326 207490 Anoreina piara Martins & Galileo, 2008 (Figs 47–49; 88; 94; 111) Anoreina piara Martins & Galileo, 2008 : 72 , fig. 3; Monné & Bezark, 2009 : 219 (checklist). Male. Integument reddish brown. Ventral region covered with yellowish pubescence. Head with yellowish pubescence. Frons with one erect seta near inner margin of lower eye lobe. Lower eye lobe about three times wider than upper lobe. Apical segment of labial palp slightly longer than preceding and basal about 1/3 as long as following. Apical segment of maxillary palps about 1/3 longer than preceding. Antennae, long, exceeding elytral apex at antennomere 7 in females. Scape with yellowish pubescence; pedicel with yellowish pubescence on apical half and whitish on basal half. Antennae covered with brown pubescence, except antennomeres 4–6 with whitish pubescence on basal half. Prothorax almost twice as wide as long; covered with yellowish pubescence concentrated on median and sides of prothorax. Pronotum anterior margin slightly sinuous, with interrupted row of coarse punctures; two or three pairs of coarse punctures near posterior margin. Metasternum with longitudinal median sulcus reaching anterior margin. Scutellum with yellowish pubescence. Elytra about 4.0 to 4.5 times as long as prothorax; apices rounded; covered with reddish or dark brown pubescence, except: basal third with a median region covered with yellowish pubescence; median triangular band of whitish pubescence not reaching suture and postmedian region with irregular spots of yellowish and whitish pubescence. Narrow longitudinal ridge follows elytral suture from the basal third to the apex. Legs with yellowish pubescence; tibiae apical half with dark brown pubescence and short, black, erect setae. Urosternite 5 rounded at apex in females, and truncate in males. Female terminalia: sternite 8 (Fig. 48) rectangular, with one pair of tufted, long setae, fused near apical margin, and triangular; sternal apophysis about 3.6 times as long as the apical region of the sternite. Segment 8 (Fig. 47) with tergal apodemes like two large plates; segment 9 (Fig. 47) membranous and shaped like an elongate sac, constituting the genital-anal chamber about 1/3 as long as sternal apophysis. Ovipositor (Fig. 49) long; distal region with narrow and elongate coxites; apical region with a little cylindrical stylus. Spermathecal complex (Fig. 49): two triangular vaginal plates between the common oviduct and the bursa copulatrix, and this rounded at the end; spermathecal duct short and spermatheca straight and elongate; spermathecal gland short, about 1/3 as long as spermatheca. Measurements, in mm, male/female. Total length, 8.7/6.6–8.2; prothorax length, 1.5/1.1–1.5; prothorax width, 2.6/2.2–2.5; elytral length, 6.6/4.6–5.8; humeral width, 3.4/2.6–3.3. Type material. We examined the male holotype ( Fig. 94 ), from Pará, Brazil ( MNRJ ). Comments. Besides the features mentioned in the key, Anoreina piara ( Fig. 94 ) differs from all other species of the genus in having the lower eye lobe about three times wider than the upper lobe, in having the basal third of the elytra with a median region covered with yellowish pubescence; in having a median triangular band of whitish pubescence not reaching the suture on the elytra, and in urosternite 5 of females with a sulcus ( Fig. 88 ) on basal third and not only a longitudinal, smooth and glabrous band. Concerning the studies of female terminalia (Figs 44– 46, 47–52, 65–67), Anoreina piara differs in sternite 8 (Fig. 48) with one pair of tufted, long setae, fused near apical margin and this triangular, and also in spermatheca (Fig. 49) straight and elongate. Geographical distribution. Brazil (Pará). It is reported herein from Brazil (Rondônia) and Ecuador ( Fig. 111 ). Specimens examined. BRAZIL , Pará: Rodovia Transamazônica (Km 97), holotype male, 4.VIII.1980 , Bicelli leg. (MNRJ); Rondônia: Ouro preto do Oeste, female, X.1986 , O. Roppa, P. Magno & J. Becker leg. (MNRJ). ECUADOR , Lago Agrio, female, X.1977 , J. Escobar leg. (MNRJ).