Revision of Anoreina Bates (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Machado, Vanessa S.
Monné, Marcela L.
journal article
Anoreina nana
Bates, 1861
(Figs 1–46; 84–87; 90–91; 111)
Oreodera (Anoreina) nana
Bates, 1861
: 149
Aurivillius, 1923
: 378
Gilmour, 1965
: 606
(catalogue); Monné, 1994: 33 (catalogue).
Oreodera nana
Gemminger & Harold, 1873
: 3140
Blackwelder, 1946
: 608
Anoreina nana
Monné & Giesbert, 1994
: 233
Monné & Giesbert, 1995
: 240
(checklist); Monné, 2005: 168 (catalogue);
Morvan & Morati, 2006
: 35
Monné & Bezark, 2009
: 219
Male. Integument dark brown. Ventral region of the body and head with yellowish pubescence. Frons (Figs 1–4) with one seta near inner margin of the lower ocular lobe. Lower eye lobe about twice to 2.5 times wider than the upper lobe (Figs 1–4). Labrum (Fig. 7) almost as wide as long, apical margin rounded with two pairs of lateral, long setae and short, dense setae throughout, central-median region with one pair of long setae. Mandibles (Figs 5– 6) triangular, symmetrical and acuminated at apex; about a little shorter than the width across the base; rounded externally, with short setae and a long seta in the antemedian region; the inner cutting edge without teeth or setae fringe. Maxillae (Fig. 9): cardo and stipes well developed; galea narrow and elongate, enlarged at apex; apical third with long and dense setae, feebly curved towards lacinia; lacinia developed with sparse setae; palpi basal segment cylindrical, curved, short and about 1/3 as long as apical; second and third segments enlarged at apex, narrowing towards base, subequal in length and the second with a long seta; the apical segment acuminate at apex. Labium (Fig. 8): mentum trapezoidal; ligula semicoriaceous, diverging at sides to the apical region; apical portion divided into two rounded lobes; short pilosity concentrated on the anterior and inner margins of the lobes; the apical segment of the palpi acuminate at apex, with a long seta, about 1/3 shorter than preceding and this curved, enlarged with a long seta.
Anoreina nana
Bates, 1861
male: 1–4, head, dorsal, ventral, frontal, lateral; 5–6, mandible, dorsal, ventral; 7, labrum, dorsal; 8, labium, dorsal; 9, maxilla, dorsal.
Antennae (Figs 10, 90) with sexual dimorphism; long, exceeding elytral apex at antennomere
7 in
males and, antennomere
8 in
females. Antennae covered with light-brown pubescence, except antennomeres 4–6 with whitish pubescence on half or basal third.
Prothorax (Figs 11–14, 84–86) almost twice as wide as long; covered with yellowish pubescence concentrated on the median region and sides of prothorax, and dark brown pubescence. Pronotum with anterior margin slightly sinuous, with interrupted row of coarse punctures; three or four pairs of punctures near posterior margin. Prosternal process (
Fig. 86
) with microsculptured surface and sparse pores. Metasternum (Figs 15–16) with a longitudinal median sulcus, not reaching the anterior margin. Proendosternite (Figs 11, 14, 84, 86) developed and directed towards the posterior region of the body; large at the base, gradually narrowing to the apex; apex rounded. Mesendosternite (Fig. 17) obliquely directed towards the mesepimeron and entirely fused to the inner wall of the mesosternum; projections for tendons insertion well developed and fused to them, reaching the metendosternite. Metendosternite (Figs 17, 19) hylecoetoid, with elongate and cylindrical lamina, separated by large and rounded chamfer; arms perpendicular to lamina and divergent to each other; peduncle and lamina subequal in length. Scutellum with yellowish and dark brown pubescence. Stridulatory plate (Fig. 18) short, somewhat triangular, rounded at sides.
FIGURES. 10–14.
Anoreina nana
male: 10, antenna dorsal; 11–14, prothorax, dorsal, lateral, ventral, posterior. pr=proendosternite. Scale=
1 mm
Elytra (Figs 20–21) about 3.5 to 4.5 times as long as prothorax; apices acuminated; covered with dark brown pubescence, except: basal third with a longitudinal band of black integument, near humeri, not clearly visible, confounding with the pubescence; post-scutellum region with yellowish pubescence; median band of whitish pubescence and, in this, one spot of yellowish pubescence, near epipleura; postmedian with narrow irregular bands of yellowish and whitish pubescence. A narrow longitudinal ridge (Fig. 20), after median band, follows the elytral suture until the apex. Wings (Fig. 22) with length about three times its bigger width; Subcosta (Sc) restricted to 1/4 basal; Radius base (R) presents a carinate area (ca), Radius cell closed and oval; s-m developed, not reaching Cubitus (Cu); the apical section of the Anterior Media (AM) is present; Plical (P) reduced; Empusal (E) base attached to the 1st Anal (1A); branch a of Empusal (Ea) developed; 1st and 2nd Anal (1A e 2A) developed, transversal; 2Aa present and oblique; Jugal (Ju) long. Legs (Figs 23–35) with yellowish pubescence; tibiae apical half with dark brown pubescence and black, short setae more concentrated in the apical third. Empodium (Fig. 35) reduced, triangular, without setae. Fifth urosternite with apical margin rounded (Figs 43, 87) in females and truncate (Figs 36, 87) in males.
Male terminalia: sternite 8 (Fig. 38) membranous, except in the apical region. Median lobe (Figs 41–42) curved; dorsal lobe shorter than ventral lobe, both acuminate at apex; the apical region about 2/3 as long as the basal apophyses, rounded at apex; internal sac with two parallel sclerotized pieces "half moon-like". Tegmen (Fig. 39) almost as long as median lobe; apical region narrow and divided into lobes, base of the parameres with a row of short setae; rounded at apex with erect, long and short setae; ring piece elongate, and truncate at apex. Ventral arc (Fig. 40) fork-shaped, apophysis about twice as long as arm; curved at apex.
Female terminalia: sternite 8 (Fig. 45) rectangular with one pair of tuft of long setae near the apical margin; sternal apophysis about three times as long as apical region of the sternite. Segment 8 (Fig. 44) with tergals apodemes like two large plates; segment 9 (Fig. 44) membranous and shaped like an elongate sac, constituting the genital-anal chamber, about 1/4 as long as sternal apophysis. Ovipositor (Fig. 46) long; distal region with narrow and elongate coxites; apical region with a little cylindrical stylus. Spermathecal complex (Fig. 46): two triangular vaginal plates between the common oviduct and the bursa copulatrix, rounded at the end; spermathecal duct short and spermatheca straight and elongate at the base, this, slightly, wider; spermathecal gland short, about 1/3 as long as spermatheca.
Measurements, in mm, male/female. Total length, 4.9/6.0–7.0; prothorax length, 0.9/1.1–1.2; prothorax width, 1.7/2.2; elytral length, 3.4/4.0–5.0; humeral width, 2.0/2.7.
FIGURES. 15–19.
Anoreina nana
male: 15–16, mesosternum and metasternum, ventral and lateral; 17, meso- and metendosternite fused; 18, mesoscutum and scutellum; 19, metendosternite, ventral. te=tendon, me=mesendosternite, a=arm, la=lamina, sp=stridulatory plate.
FIGURES. 20–22.
Anoreina nana
male: 20–21, elytra, dorsal, lateral; 22, wing. Lr=Longitudinal ridge, C=Costa, Sc=Subcosta, ca=carinate area, E=Empusal, Ea= branch a of Empusal, Ju=Jugal, R=Radius, Cu=Cubitus, AM=Anterior Media, PM=Posterior Media, P=Plical, 1A=1st Anal, 2A=2nd Anal.
During the study of the
material of the
we found two specimens of
Oreodera (Anoreina) nana
Bates, 1861
, with no
selected. In order to promote nomenclatural stability a
is designated for the name
Anoreina nana
Bates, 1861
Anoreina nana
Fig. 90
) resembles
A. piara
Fig. 90
Fig. 98
) and
A. roosevelti
Fig. 97
) due to the visible median band of whitish or yellowish pubescence on the elytra. However, it differs from
A. piara
mainly by the body integument being dark brown, from
A. triangularis
by the absence of white modified setae on the body, and from
A. roosevelti
by the elytral apex being acuminate.
Anoreina piara
has the body integument reddish brown,
A. triangularis
has white modified setae on the body, and
A. roosevelti
has the elytral apex obliquely truncate. Concerning the studies of male terminalia,
Anoreina nana
is the only one that has a row of short setae on the base of the parameres.
Geographical distribution.
(Pará, Amazonas),
, and
French Guiana
. It is reported herein from two new states in
: Amapá and Rondônia (
Fig. 111
FIGURES. 23–34.
Anoreina nana
male: legs. 23–24, protibia and profemur; 25–26, protarsus dorsal, lateral; 27–28, mesotibia and mesofemur; 29–30, mesotarsus dorsal. lateral; 31–32, metatibia and metafemur; 33–34, metatarsus dorsal e lateral; 35, empodium. Scale=
FIGURES. 36–42.
Anoreina nana
male: 36, abdomen ventral; 37, tergite 8; 38, sternite 8; 39, tegmen; 40, ventral arc; 41–42, median lobe, dorsal, lateral. dl=dorsal lobe, vl=ventral lobe.
FIGURES. 43–46.
Anoreina nana
female: 43, abdomen ventral; 44, tergite 8 + segment 9; 45, sternite 8; 46, spermathecal complex. seg IX=segment 9, ta=tergal apodeme, tg VIII=tergite 8, sg=spermathecal gland, sp=spermatheca, bc=bursa copulatrix, vp=vaginal plate, co=commom oviduct, cx=coxite, st=stylus, sa=sternal apodeme, ts=tuft of setae. Scale=
Specimens examined.
, Track Bélizon, PK 15+17,
3 females
2 males
, J. L. Giuglaris leg. (MNRJ).
, Pará:
1 female
(figs. 90, 91) (present designation): “
/Bates ann N. H.” “
” “
/Pará Bates”, “Museum Paris/Coll. H. W. Bates/1952”; Amapá: Serra do Navio (Assentamento), male and female,
, Paulo R. Magno leg. (MNRJ); Rondônia: Ouro Preto do Oeste, male,
, O. Roppa, J. Becker & B. Silva leg. (MNRJ).
FIGURES. 47–52.
Anoreina piara
female: 47, tergite 8+segment 9; 48, sternite 8; 49, female terminalia.
Anoreina triangularis
female: 50 tergite 8 + segment 9; 51, sternite 8; 52, spermathecal complex. Scale=
1 mm
FIGURES. 53–58.
Male terminalia,
Anoreina triangularis
, 53, tergite 8; 54, sternite 8; 55, tegmen; 56, ventral arc; 57–58, median lobe dorsal, lateral.