Austrelmis Brown (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea: Elmidae) from Argentina: five new species Author Manzo, Veronica Author Archangelsky, Miguel text Zootaxa 2015 4058 3 403 416 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4058.3.7 90f54d67-431c-4a72-b48b-86b9768830d8 1175-5326 243269 A12C5DAA-E8D0-4478-B364-90BEE0CA6F9F Austrelmis robustus sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 e; 6 a–c) Diagnosis. This new species may be distinguished from all the other known Austrelmis species by the following combination of characters: 1) pronotum with complete sublateral carinae, more prominent on apical 2/5 and hardly perceptible at base; 2) prosternum with lateral carinae in basal half; 3) metaventrite and disc of ventrite I with complete lateral carinae; 3) eighth elytral intervals with complete carinae; 4) aedeagus long; penis elongate, apex slightly folded forward (in dorsal and lateral view); fibula and corona present; basolateral apophyses short; parameres subtriangular, shorter than penis; phallobase asymmetrical and open. Description. Holotype : male. Body subovate, robust, convex. Length: 2.60 mm ; greatest width: 1.30 mm (at midlength of elytra). Color: cuticle shiny, dark; antennae, mouthparts and legs reddish dark. Plastron: covering genae, sides of prosternum, meso- and metaventrite, inner face of coxae, femora, epipleura and sides of all ventrites. Head: surface microreticulated and rugose, with disperse golden setae. Fronto-clypeal suture straight; clypeus broad, surface as that of head. Labrum subrectangular, lateral angles with long golden setae; surface smooth; anterior margin smooth and shiny. Antennae with 11 antennomeres, apical segment longest. FIGURE 6. Austrelmis robustus sp. nov. (holotype): a) male genitalia, dorsal view; b) male genitalia, lateral view; c) female genitalia, ventral view. Scale bars 0.2 mm. Thorax. Pronotum: wider than long (length: 0.75 mm ; width: 0.97 mm ) ( Fig. 1 e), with oblique and lateral impression at 3/5 of pronotum; anterior margin arcuate; lateral margins subparallel, with anterolateral angles acute and long; posterolateral angles blunt; base trisinuate. Surface punctured, space between punctures shiny and smooth; disc punctured, punctures deep and larger than facet of eyes, separated by 1–2 times their diameter; surface between sublateral carinae and lateral margin with punctures separated by ½ time their diameter. Sublateral carinae present, extending from apical margin to base, hardly perceptible at base. Hypomeron microreticulated and rugose. Prosternum wider than diameter of procoxa; lateral carinae on basal half; prosternal process subquadrangular, almost as wide as long; apex acute. Mesoventrite with groove for reception of prosternal process. Metaventrite with median longitudinal line extending from base to anterior 2/3; surface microreticulated and punctured; punctures larger than facet of eyes, separated by 1½ times their diameter; disc with basal third depressed; lateral carinae complete. Legs: elongated; pro- and mesotibiae with lateral cleaning fringe on apical 2/3, metatibia with lateral and lateroventral cleaning fringes on apical 2/3. Length: forelegs 1.95 mm , middle legs 2.05mm , hind legs 2.15 mm . Tarsi 5-segmented, tarsomeres with golden setae, fifth tarsomere longest; tarsal claws long and slender, not modified. Elytra: more than twice as long as pronotum (length: 1.80 mm ; greatest width: 1.30 mm ); eight punctuate striae formed by punctures larger than facets of eyes, separated by 1–1½ times their diameter; intervals convex, surface punctured, punctures small separated by 2–3 times their diameter, with disperse golden setae; eighth interval carinated; elytral apex moderately protruded. Scutellum subtriangular, almost as wide as long, surface punctured, punctures small, separated by 2–3 times their diameter. Abdomen: ventrites convex; surface of all ventrites punctured, punctures like those on metaventrite; disc of ventrite I with complete lateral carinae; surface of ventrite V punctured, punctures separated by their diameter; lateral margin produced as prominent tooth; apex rounded, and margin with long golden setae. FIGURE 7. Distributional map of Austrelmis species from Argentina. Male genitalia: aedeagus ( Figs 6 a–b) long and moderately broad. Penis elongate, subtriangular tapering towards apex; apex slightly folded forward (in dorsal and lateral view); fibula and corona present; basolateral apophyses short. Parameres subtriangular, shorter than penis, apices acute. Phallobase asymmetrical, longer than penis, open. Female: externally similar to male except for: 1) small punctures of metaventrite and all ventrites separated by 2–3 times their diameter; 2) surface of posterior half of ventrite V with large, deep and contiguous punctures. Female genitalia: as in Fig.6 c. Type series. Holotype (dissected and illustrated): Male. Argentina : Salta Province, El Tala River, 17-IX-1998 , E. Domínguez leg. Paratypes : 5 females and 3 males , same data as holotype ; 15 specimens , PN El Rey, nameless stream, 24°43ˈ29S 65°26ˈ42̎W, 23-III-1999 , H. Fernández and F. Romero leg. Jujuy Province: 5 specimens , Sierra de Santa Bárbara, between Santa Ana and El Fuerte, nameless river (E), 16-IX-1998 , E. Domínguez and C. Molineri leg.; 2 females , Los Toldos, Vallecito River, 25°13ˈ0̎S 64°56ˈ0̎W, 27-X-1999 , C. Molineri leg. Catamarca Province, 95 specimens , Departamento El Alto, afluente El Durazno River, 28°21ˈ06 ̎S 65°25ˈ53 ̎W, 8 - II-2000 , H. Hernández, F. Romero V. Manzo leg.; 20 males and 11 females , Balcozna, s/n stream, 27°53ˈ26 ̎S 65°43ˈ48 ̎W, 1200 m , 11-XI-1999 , C. Molineri and V. Manzo leg.; 1 female , A Pampichuelas, 28°40ˈ 18 ̎S 66°04ˈ44 ̎W, 980 m , 20-XII-2000 , H. Fernández, F. Romero and V. Manzo leg.; Tucuman Province, 16 males and 7 females , Departamento Burruyacu, A Artaza, 26°36ˈ13̎S 64°59ˈ20̎W, 30-VIII-2008 , V. Manzo and F. Romero leg.; 28 specimens , Nio River, 26°26ˈ28̎S 64°59ˈ20̎W, 30-VIII-2008 , V. Manzo and F. Romero leg. Etymology. robustus latin word it meaning “robust” in reference to the strong and compact appearance of this species.