A revision of the genus Atypus in China (Araneae: Atypidae) Author Zhu, Ming-Sheng College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China; mingshengzhu@263.net Author Zhang, Feng College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China; zhangfeng@mail.hbu.edu.cn Author Song, Daxiang College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China; dxsong@mail.hbu.edu.cn, Author Qu, Ping College of Life Sciences, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding, Hebei 071000, China shmqp@mail.hebau.edu.cn text Zootaxa 2006 2006-01-30 1118 1 42 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5778239 1175­5334 5778239 3E49DC9C-33E6-4F36-A32F-9FFAFF58C3CE Atypus flexus sp. nov. ( Figs 10–15 ) Type material. Holotype male, CHINA : Guangxi Province , Nanning City , 22°48’N , 108°18’E , Gaofeng Forestry Centre, 1 July 1985 , Y. Q. Zhang leg. ( MHBU ). Diagnosis. Males differ from those of other species by the shorter conductor of the bulb with its upper distal corner strongly folded downwards. The species is similar to A. largosaccatus sp. nov. in that the first pair of sternal sigilla are remote from the anterior margin of the sternum, but it differs in the first pair of sigilla being smaller than the second pair ( Fig. 12 ), and in the strongly folded upper distal corner of the conductor of its palpal bulb ( Fig. 14 ). Etymology. The specific name is taken from the Latin participle or noun “flexus” (= being bent or a bend) and refers to the strongly curved upper distal corner of male conductor. Description. Male ( holotype ). Total length (including chelicerae) 12.42. Carapace 4.14 long, 4.05 wide; abdomen 4.59 long, 2.88 wide. Carapace red­brown and smooth, dark brown marginally, with pars cephalica elevated. Cervical groove and radial furrows dark red. Eyes set on elevated reddish brown tubercle, with eye region occupying nearly one­third width of pars cephalica. Anterior eye row distinctly recurved, posterior eye row slightly recurved and wider than anterior eye row. Eye diameters: AME 0.25, ALE 0.25, PME 0.15, PLE 0.20. Distances AME–AME 0.18, AME–ALE 0.10, PME–PME 0.73, PME– PLE 0.03. MOA 0.48 long, front width 0.70, back width 1.00. Fovea transverse, occupying about 2/9 of carapace width at that point. Chelicerae red­brown, with 11 teeth on promargin and granular texture on pro­ and retrolateral faces. Anterior lobe of pedipalp coxa red­brown, with one or two rows of cuspules. Labium red­brown. Sternum redbrown, 2.79 long and 3.15 wide. First pair of sigilla remote from anterior margin of sternum. FIGURES 10–15. Atypus flexus sp. nov. , 10–15, male holotype. 10, carapace, dorsal view; 11, left chelicera, inner­lateral view; 12, labium and sternum, ventral view; 13, male left palp, prolateral view; 14, left palpal bulb, prolateral view; 15, same, retrolateral view. Scale bars: 10–12, 1.0mm; 13–15, 0.2mm. Abdomen yellow­brown, covered with thin yellow­brown hairs. Dorsal scutum reddish brown. ALS 0.48 long, PMS 0.82 long, PLS 2.21 long (basal joint 0.58, median 0.54, subapical 0.58, apical 0.51). Palpal femur with furrow on prolateral side. Legs covered with short and thin hairs. Tarsi III, IV and metatarsi III, IV yellowish brown, other segments red­brown. Femora I and II with granular texture. Metatarsus IV lacking dorsal spines. Leg formula: 4123. TABLE 2. Leg measurements of Atypus flexus sp. nov. , male.
Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
I 3.69 1.80 1.89 2.70 1.62 11.70
II 3.15 1.80 1.44 2.34 1.62 10.35
III 2.79 1.44 1.35 2.61 1.62 9.81
IV 3.60 1.62 1.89 3.15 2.25 12.51
Male palp ( Figs 13–15 ): conductor basally widened, its upper distal corner short and strongly folded downwards. Female. Unknown. Habitat. Found in a purseweb attached to the base of a China fir tree.
Distribution. China : Guangxi .