Integrative taxonomy of the Merodon aberrans (Diptera, Syrphidae) species group: distribution patterns and description of three new species Author Vujić, Ante Author Radenković, Snežana Author Tubić, Nataša Kočiš Author Likov, Laura Author Popov, Grigory Author Rojo, Santos Author Miličić, Marija text Contributions to Zoology 2023 2022-11-03 92 1 51 96 journal article 267808 10.1163/18759866-BJA10037 1675d5af-45e3-465f-b6a2-0488c00137aa 1875-9866 8349804 FF52A05B-BDC0-474E-9848-0DC95A8155B2 Merodon hamifer Sack, 1913 Sack, 1913: 436 ( Merodon hamifer nov. spec. ) Paramonow, 1936: 5 ( Lampetia hamifera Sack ) Paralectotypes (SIZK, examined): male with labels: yellowish, black ink, with black border [ Mer. hamifer / nov. spec. / det. Sack]; small printed [ Griechenland / Krüper]; pink, printed [Type von]; red [ Paralectotypus / Merodon / hamifer Sack, 1913 / G. V. Popov des. 2007]; female with labels: the same [ Mer. hamifer / nov.spec. / det. Sack]; the same [ Griechenland /Krüper]; the same [Sammlung /F.Hermann]; red [ Paralectotypus / Merodon / hamifer Sack, 1913 / G. V. Popov des. 2007]. Note . The species was described from two specimens from Greece (“Sammlung Hermann”) and two from Anatolia(“Sammlung Lichtwardt”), which were considered syntypes according to ICZN article 73.2 (1999) . A redescription of the species was given by Paramonov ( Paramonow, 1936: 5 ) on the basis of two Sack’s-type specimens transferred from Munich. Hurkmans (1993: 181) fixed the lectotype and paralectotype for two syntypes (male and female) of this species from Turkey (Lichtwardt collection, P. Sack determination), so here we mark the SIZK specimens from Paramonov’s collection as paralectotypes according to article 74.1.3 ICZN (1999) . Diagnosis: Large ( 12–15 mm ), dark species with bluish to brown lustre ( fig. 16 C-E); metafemur with modified apicoventral triangular lamina dislocated from the apical part ( fig. 15A–B ); basotarsomere of metaleg with distinct basoventral bulge ( fig. 15A : marked with arrow); protarsus extended as in genus Platycheirus Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 ( fig. 15C–D), less expressed in female; tarsomere of proleg usually yellow, with small basomedial triangular black maculae ventrally ( fig. 15D); antennae orange–reddish; basoflagellomere very elongated, 2.5 times as long as wide ( fig. 16A, B ); abdomen narrow and elongated ( fig. 16C, D ); body covered with yellow– grey pile, except fascia of black pile between wing bases ( fig. 16E ) and black pile on terga 2–5 medially in female; metafemur mostly black, pro- and mesofemora yellow apically, while tibiae and tarsi of the same legs mostly yellow; metafemur about 3.8 times longer than wide ( fig. 15A, B ); terga 2–4 each with a pair of narrow, white pollinose, triangular fasciate maculae ( fig. 16C, D ); male genitalia: posterior surstyle lobe quadratic ( fig. 17B : pl), with well-developed interior accessory lobe Downloaded from 08/29/2023 02:13:25AM via free access ( fig. 17A : il); anterior surstyle lobe large and oval ( fig. 17B : al); lingula long and very narrow ( fig. 17C : l). Distribution and biological data: This species is distributed in Greece and Turkey ( fig. 8 ). In Greece it has been found on the East Aegean islands of Chios, Lesvos, and Samos ( Speight, 2020 ; Vujić et al., 2020c ).This species prefers deciduous Mediterranean Quercus ( Vujić et al., 2011 , 2020c ) and Castanea forests ( Ricarte et al., 2012 ). Flowers visited: Apiaceae (white), Foeniculum vulgare , Ferula . Flight period: May-July. Developmental stages: not described.