Two new species of the subfamily Xyleninae from China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Author Kononenko, Vladimir text Zootaxa 2009 1993 53 60 journal article 29770 10.5281/zenodo.1302869 111ec1e3-9549-4bc1-84bf-479ba57cfd5b 1175-5326 1302869 Chasminodes behouneki Kononenko sp. n. ( Figs. 1, 2, 4 ) Material examined. Holotype : male, China , Prov. Shaanxi , “Süd Tabei-Shan, Tsinling Mts., Umgebung Haozhenzi, Höhe 800 m ”, 33° 53ʹN, 107° 48ʹE, 6.vii.1999 , leg. by S. Murzin / Pr. Nr . 5416m GB. Paratypes: 1 male with same label data, in same collection. 1 male with same label data, coll. Stumpf ( Lauda-Königstein , Germany ) . The holotype and one paratype are presently in the collection of Gottfried Behounek ( Grafing bei Munich , Germany ), and will be deposited in Zoologische Sammlung des Bayerischen Staates , Munich , Germany; one paratype is in the collection of Mr. Stumpf ( Lauda-Königstein , Germany ) . Diagnosis. The new species is similar to C. ussurica , but differs in its larger wing expanse, distinct discal spot, presence of terminal maculation on the forewing, and by the structure of male genitalia (particularly the configuration of valva and shape of vesica and cornutus). Description. Adult ( Figs. 1, 2 ). Wingspan 31–32 mm . Body and wings pure white with bluish-silver shining. The 3rd segment of palpi with some black scales at base. Tibia and 1–2 segment of foretarsi with black scales at base. Forewing with distinct discal dot represented by group of 4–5 black scales on discal vein in lower angle of R-Cu cell (which are weakly expressed in C. ussurica ). Terminal line represented by distinct small black transversal streaks (lacking in C. ussurica ). Cilia white. Underside white. Male genitalia ( Fig. 4 ). Similar to C. ussurica , but differing in shape of juxta, thinner, somewhat shorter and more curved end of valva and shape of cornutus. All structures strongly sclerotized. Uncus moderate, relatively short, straight; tegumen curved, with wide branches; juxta wide, rhomboid (in C. ussurica it is shield-shaped). Valva wide at base, with well expressed transtilla; sacculus large (substantially smaller in C. ussurica ); clasper with small sclerotized patch, harpe absent (reduced to tiny extension in C. ussurica ); distally from sacculus valva narrower and in terminal fourth represented only by costa, which is strongly curved ventrally and pointed (in C. ussurica somewhat longer and curved to a lesser degree). Aedeagus narrower than in C. ussurica ; vesica short, bulbous, larger than in C. ussurica ; cornutus beak-shaped, somewhat smaller than in C. ussurica , not spatulate and apically extended. Female unknown. FIGURES 1–6. Chasminodes spp., adults and genitalia. 1, 2. C. behouneki , China. 1. male, holotype; 2. male, paratype; 3. C. ussurica , Russia, male, paratype (IBSS); 4. C. behouneki , male, holotype, genitalia prep. 5416m GB; 5. C. ussurica , North China genitalia prep. 167 HL CIS; 6. C. ussurica , female, genitalia prep. 162 HL CIS. Distribution and Biology. ( Fig. 12 ). The species is known only from the type locality, Prov. Shaanxi in Central China . Adults were collected in early July. Etymology. The species is dedicated to my colleague and friend, Gottfried Behounek, who presented the material from his collection for description.