Lispe (Diptera, Muscidae) of Africa Author Vikhrev, Nikita E. text Amurian Zoological Journal 2021 XIII 3 369 400 journal article 10.33910/2686-9519-2021-13-3-369-400 2686-9519 12816585 A1FD5F19-4965-42CD-AAC6-4914E21FA70A Lispe selena sp. nov. 42db-4b1f-9003-45730fdd9d3b Figs 40, 41 Lispe flavipes Stein, 1913 ( Vikhrev 2014 ), misidentification Holotype , male, MADAGASCAR , Toamasina reg., Manambato , 18.75 ° S 49.15 ° E , 27–30 November 2012 , A. Medvedev ( ZMUM ). Paratypes 6♂ , 7♀ : the same data as the holotype . Description . Male . Body slender, length 5.1–5.6 mm ( Fig. 40 ). Head densely dusted: fronto-orbital plates yellow-white (without shining black spots on upper part as in L. scalaris ); interfrontalia dark grey; frontal triangle very distinct, wide, yellow; face and parafacials golden-yellow, gena whitish; occiput whitish-grey (without shining black spots on upper part). Fronto-orbital plates with 2(3) inclinate, 1 reclinate seta and several setulae in outer row. Parafacials narrow, with a row of minute hairs. Pedicel yellow, postpedicel black, yellowish at very base; aristal hairs half as long as antenna width. Palpi medium wide, yellow. Thorax densely grey dusted, scutum with indistinct pair of narrow vittae along dorsocentrals. dc 2+3 all strong; prst ac hairs in 3 rows (anteriorly sometimes in 2 widely separated rows, posteriorly in 3–4); Katepisternals 1:2; anepimeron with 1–3 setulae; meron bare. Wings slightly brownish darkened in apical 1/3 from level of M-Cu crossvein ( Fig. 40 ). Legs . Trochanters, femora, tibiae and fore tarsus yellow, posterior tarsi darkened. f2 with 1 pd at apex and 1 pd at apical 1/3; f3 with short submedian ad (and ground setulae on pv surface elongated in basal half); t1 without setae; t2 with 1 p ; t3 with a short ad . Abdomen evenly grey dusted. Cercal plate as shown in Fig. 41 . Female similar to the male, differs as follows: f3 without av ; wings hyaline. Diagnosis . Lispe selena sp. nov differs from related L. scalaris by larger ( 5.1–5.6 mm ) body; occiput, abdomen and scutum without shining black areas; abdomen without any dark pattern; yellow frontal triangle; darkened in apical 1/3 wings. Etymology . Named selena to place the new species in the African list immediately below related L. scalaris .