Lispe (Diptera, Muscidae) of Africa Author Vikhrev, Nikita E. text Amurian Zoological Journal 2021 XIII 3 369 400 journal article 10.33910/2686-9519-2021-13-3-369-400 2686-9519 12816585 A1FD5F19-4965-42CD-AAC6-4914E21FA70A Lispe flavicornis Stein, 1909 Lispe silvai Paterson, 1953 , syn. nov. Lispe flavicornis Stein, 1909 ( Pont 1991 ; Zhang et al. 2016: 55–57 and figs 1E, 2C, 3E, 14–16, 30C, 31I, J; Vikhrev 2020 : fig. 17) Material examined: see Vikhrev (2020) , about 140 ♂ and from: Cambodia ; India : Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat states; Indonesia , Papua prov. ; Malaysia , Borneo , Sabah state ; Taiwan ; Thailand : Chonburi and Phuket prov. ; Tanzania : Lindi , Mtwara and Pwani regions . New record : EGYPT , Sinai , Al-Bardawil (≈ 31.1 ° N 33.3 ° E ), 25 July 1967 , Margalit, 1♀ ( TAUI ) . Distribution . A Palaeotropical species, widespread near seashores in Africa, Asia and New Guinea . African records are from Egypt , Mozambique , Tanzania ( Lindi , Mtwara and Pwani regions). Synonymy . The detailed Paterson’s description leaves no doubt in the true identity of L. silvai , cercal plate and sternite 5 as follows from the drawings ( Paterson 1953 : figs 8, 9) fit too. The type locality is Lourenсo Marques (= Maputo , 26.0 ° S 32.5 ° E ), river bank. It is not a freshwater river but a saltish Estuario do Espírito Santo, a common estuary of Tembe, Umbeluzi, Matola and Infulene Rivers . Such places are typical habitats of L. flavicornis . So, Lispe flavicornis Stein, 1909 = Lispe silvai Paterson, 1953 , syn. nov.