A new species of Euphranta Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae: Trypetinae: Adramini) from India Author David, K. J. National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bangalore- 560024, Karnataka, India. Author Hancock, D. L. 60 South Street, Carlisle, Cumbria CA 1 2 EP, United Kingdom Author Sankararaman, H. 0000-0002-5244-9833 Department of Entomology, Annamalai University, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University sankararaman 05 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5244 - 9833 sankararaman05@gmail.com Author Sachin, K. 0000-0002-1108-1913 National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bangalore- 560024, Karnataka, India. & sachink 8390204 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1108 - 1913 sachink8390204@gmail.com Author Sudhir, Singh Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. text Zootaxa 2020 2020-10-29 4868 4 584 590 journal article 8863 10.11646/zootaxa.4868.4.8 11f0cf97-3cbb-40c4-82e4-094d21031faa 1175-5326 4418218 Key to species of Euphranta Loew from India (modified after David and Singh, 2015 ) 1. Wing fully hyaline with a faint transverse band along crossvein dm-cu ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 23)............................................................................................. E. hyalipennis David & Freidberg - Wing with either dark transverse bands or with apical black patch.............................................. 2 2. Wing with apical half dark brown to black with or without hyaline markings...................................... 3 - Wing with prominent transverse bands.................................................................... 4 3. Wing with hyaline band extending from cell r 1 just beyond pterostigma to posterior margin diagonally, then curving anteriorly to reach cell r 4+5; large apical brown patch with longitudinal hyaline band in cell r 2+3 ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 56)............................................................................................ E. klugii (Wiedemann) - Wing with subcostal band continued as costal band and a preapical brown patch covering crossveins dm-cu and r-m ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 71)............................................................... E. macularis (Wiedemann) 4. Apex of cell r 4+5 without hyaline spot; subapical band over crossvein dm-cu fading and merging with anterior yellow fumose area ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 16)............................................................ E. diffusa David - Apex of cell r 4+5 with hyaline spot and devoid of yellow fumose area............................................ 5 5. Wing with a hyaline V-shaped marking extending from anterior margin to cell cu 1 ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 70)........................................................................................... E. lemniscata (Enderlein) - Wing with straight or curved transverse bands, never forming hyaline V-shaped marking............................. 6 6. Face wholly fulvous or slightly fuscous towards oral margin................................................... 7 - Face wholly black, black towards oral margin, or with spots along antennal groove................................ 11 7. Wing with a V-shaped black band connected to subapical band ( Fig. 7 )............................................................... ........................................................................ E. siruvani David, Hancock & Sankararaman , sp. n. - Wing without a V-shaped black band...................................................................... 8 8. Wing predominantly hyaline with one or two transverse bands.................................................. 9 - Wing not predominantly hyaline, with three to four crossbands or apical three-fourths dark brown to black with hyaline indentations.............................................................................................. 10 9. All femora yellow, wing predominantly hyaline, discal band narrowed to end before or at crossvein r-m ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 65).................................................................................. E. cassiae (Munro) - Forefemur with apical one-third black, wing with discal band reaching cell dm (David and Singh., 2015: fig. 15)................................................................................... E. pseuodcassiae David & Singh 10. Wing hyaline with four discontinuous transverse bands ( David et al ., 2013 : figs 66-69)............... E. crux (Fabricius) - Wing hyaline only in basal quarter; apical three-fourths dark brown to black except hyaline indentations in cell r 1 that end at vein R 4+5 , in cell cu 1 that extend into cell dm and at apex of cell r 4+5 ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 72)..................................................................................................... E. notabilis (van der Wulp) 11. Face wholly black; scutum and abdomen shiny black; wing with four discontinuous, transverse bands ( Bezzi, 1913 :, fig. 35)..................................................................................... E. nigripeda (Bezzi) - Face not wholly black, at least fulvous basally or with two separate black markings................................ 12 12. Face black towards oral margin......................................................................... 13 - Face with two separate black spots...................................................................... 14 13. Wing with three transverse bands, subapical band fused with preapical band medially ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 29)............................................................................................. E. thandikudi David - Wing with two transverse bands, subapical band and preapical band not fused ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 3).............................................................................................. E. wrightiae David & Singh 14. Face with longitudinal marks along antennal foveae; dorsocentral setae vestigial or absent; apex of aculeus with preapical indentations ( David et al ., 2013 : fig. 7)........................................................ E. dysoxyli David - Face with two subtriangular spots; dorsocentral setae well developed; apex of aculeus acute and without preapical indentations ( Fig. 18 )............................................................... E. haldwanica Hancock & Goodger