Four new crane fly species of the subgenus Vestiplex (Diptera: Tipulidae: Tipula) from Tibet and Yunnan, China Author Men, Qiulei 1751E6CF-F0D6-461E-B5DB-C25E7D9845E1 School of Life Sciences, Provincial Key Laboratory of the Biodiversity Study and Ecology Conservation in Southwest Anhui Province, Anqing Normal University, Anqing, Anhui 246011, P. R. China. Author Sun, Zhongqiu 8FDCF739-8F24-4914-B677-1D57545B3C7F School of Life Sciences, Provincial Key Laboratory of the Biodiversity Study and Ecology Conservation in Southwest Anhui Province, Anqing Normal University, Anqing, Anhui 246011, P. R. China. Author Starkevich, Pavel 47C691AB-859B-4BC3-A185-9B5658F2FB3C Nature Research Centre, Akademijos 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-02-06 856 170 192 journal article 54338 10.5852/ejt.2023.856.2037 f5a4c2bd-d244-4ccc-8c9c-f928f4d591f4 2118-9773 7616228 50E202D5-BB02-469B-B946-27736CA86162 Tipula ( Vestiplex ) paramonovi sp. nov. ADED21BA-6943-4624-A0C4-23CE80046423 Figs 28–40 Diagnosis Tipula ( V. ) paramonovi sp. nov. can be recognized by unarmed gonocoxite and tergite nine ventrally bearing a pair of strongly blackened elongated rods which are greatly expanded at base; antenna reaching base of wing if bent backward, flagellum brown; wing light brown, cell c more yellowish than ground color, stigma dark brown; basal four abdominal segments yellow, trivittate, rest dark brown. Figs 28–32. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) paramonovi sp. nov. , , holotype (coll. Inse-XZ3769). 28 . Head, dorsal view. 29 . Thorax, dorsal view. 30 . Thorax, lateral view. 31 . Wing. 32 . Abdomen, lateral view. Scale bars = 1.0 mm. Etymology The species is named after our colleague and crane fly researcher Dr Nikolai M. Paramonov (Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg , Russia ). Figs 33–40. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) paramonovi sp. nov. , , holotype (coll. Inse-XZ3769). 33 . Hypopygium, dorsal view. 34 . Hypopygium, lateral view. 35 . Hypopygium, ventral view. 36 . Left lobe and clasper of gonostylus, lateral view. 37 . Dorsal lobe of A9S. 38 . Ejaculatory apodeme of semen pump. 39 . Semen pump, lateral view. 40 . Semen pump, dorsal view. Scale bars: 33–36 = 1.0 mm; 37–40 = 1.2 mm . Material examined Holotype CHINA ; Tibet , Bomi , Zhuolonggou ; 31 May 2019 ; Q. Men and Lin Lv leg.; AQNU . Paratypes CHINA2 ♂♂ ; same collection data as for holotype; AQNU . Comparative material examined CHINA ; holotype of Tipula ( Vestiplex ) zayulensis Alexander, 1963 ; S.E. Tibet , Ata Kang ; alt. 8000 feet ; 29 May 1933 ; F. Kingdon Ward and R.J.H. Kaulback leg.; BMNH (E)#246045; BMNH 1 ♀ ; paratype of Tipula ( Vestiplex ) zayulensis Alexander, 1963 ; S.E. Tibet , Zayul ; alt. 8000 feet ; 6 Jun. 1933 ; F. Kingdon Ward and R.J.H. Kaulback leg.; BMNH (E)#246046; BMNH 1 ♂ ; paratype of Tipula ( Vestiplex ) zayulensis Alexander, 1963 ; same collection data as for preceding; 3 Jun. 1933 ; BMNH (E)#246047; BMNH 1 ♀ ; paratype of Tipula ( Vestiplex ) zayulensis Alexander, 1963 ; S.E. Tibet , Lepa Chu Valley ; alt. 12000 feet ; 6 Jul. 1935 ; R.J.H. Kaulback leg.; BMNH (E)#246048; BMNH . Other material Listed in Starkevich et al. (2019a) . Description Male ( Figs 28–40 ) MEASUREMENTS. Body length 13.2–13.4 mm (excluding antenna, n = 3), wing length 20.0– 20.2 mm (n = 3), antenna length 3.8–4.0 mm (n = 3). General body coloration brownish-yellow. HEAD ( Fig. 28 ). Rostrum with nasus brown, densely covered with yellow setae. Eye black. Occiput and vertex brown, medially with black vitta ( Fig. 28 ). Antenna 13-segmented, if bent backward reaching base of wing. Scape yellow, cylindrical, slightly expanded at apex. Pedicel yellow, oval. Flagellum entirely brown except first flagellomere having slightly yellow basal third. First flagellomere longest, subequal in length to scape, remaining segments progressively shortened and thinned. Each flagellomere except first one enlarged at base, with five longest yellow verticils. Longest verticils slightly longer than corresponding flagellomeres, surface of each flagellomere densely covered with short yellow setae. Palpus with basal three segments brown, apical segment lighter in coloration. THORAX ( Figs 29–30 ). Pronotum brown with medial region lighter in coloration. Prescutum and presutural scutum brown with four dark brown longitudinal stripes, intermediate pair fused with black median vitta ( Fig. 29 ). Interspaces gray, densely covered with short white setae ( Fig. 29 ). Postsutural scutum brown, scutal lobes each with two dark brown spots ( Fig. 29 ). Scutellum brown, with darker median line and short white setae ( Fig. 29 ). Mediotergite brown with black median line ( Fig. 29 ). Pleura brown, thinly dusted with grey ( Fig. 30 ). Leg with coxa and trochanter yellow, femur yellow with darkened tip, tibia and tarsal segments dark brown. Wing light brown, cell c more yellowish than ground color, stigma dark brown, variegated by light areas including apical area of cell c, and medial and basal areas of 1 st cell of cell r 1 , light band across apical area of cell r 1 , base of cells r 3 , r 4 and r 5 , and median area of discal cell; rest light area including base and apical areas of bm ( Fig. 31 ). WING VENATION. R 1 complete, R 3 1.4 times as long as R 2+3+4 , R 4 slightly longer than Rs, R 5 curved at apical half, r-m as long as base of R 5, discal cell narrow, at least 2.3 × as long as petiole of cell m 1, M 1 almost 3 × as long as its petiole ( Fig. 31 ). Halter pale yellow, knob basally brown, apically pale yellow. ABDOMEN ( Fig. 32 ). Basal four abdominal segments yellow with brown lateral and median stripes, latter broad and intermittent, rest abdominal segments including hypopygium dark brown ( Fig. 32 ). HYPOPYGIUM ( Figs 33–40 ). Hypopygium compressed, with tergite nine and sternite nine totally separated ( Figs 33–34 ). Tergite nine completely divided at midline by pale membrane ( Fig. 33 ). Dorsal portion of tergite nine deeply emarginated on posterior margin, strongly concaved on anterior margin, almost divided dorsal portion into two lobes. Ventral portion of tergite nine bearing pair of strongly blackened elongated rods; base of rods expanded and broadened ( Fig. 33 ). Gonocoxite short, without projections ( Figs 34– 35 ). Lobe of gonostylus small, slightly flattened apically ( Fig. 36 ). Clasper of gonostylus rounded at dorsal margin, terminating into black and acute beak; lower beak splitted into rounded transparent lobe and small, heavily blackened point; rounded lobe generated from base, its margin densely covered with long setae; many short and straight spines covered in medial area ( Fig. 36 ). Sternite nine with ventral lobe of A9S rounded and expanded, densely covered with long setae ( Fig. 35 ); dorsal lobe of A9S broad in basal half, from middle gradually narrowed to obtuse apex ( Fig. 37 ). Adminiculum nearly triangular in ventral view, broadened basally, gradually narrowed to truncated apex; distal part curved ventral in lateral view ( Figs 34–35 ). Semen pump with central vesicle swollen ( Fig. 39 ). Ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped, truncated apically, as long as posterior immovable apodeme ( Fig. 38 ). Posterior immovable apodeme expanded and truncated at apex in lateral view ( Fig. 39 ); curved directed inward in dorsal view ( Fig. 40 ). Anterior immovable apodeme narrow ( Fig. 40 ). Aedeagus thick basally, gradually thinned to apex, more than 2.0 × as long as semen pump ( Fig. 39 ). Female Unknown. Remarks Tipula ( V. ) paramonovi sp. nov. is considered here as a member of the T. ( V. ) divisotergata species group, which was proposed by Savchenko (1964) , with following discussion (Strakevich et al. 2019a). The new species is close to T. ( V. ) zayulensis Alexander, 1963 by the shape of the dorsal portion of tergite nine and the compact, rounded clasper of the gonostylus. Both species can be separated by the ventral armatures of tergite nine which are elongated and distinctly expanded at the base in T. ( V. ) paramonovi sp. nov. while small and narrow in T. ( V. ) zayulensis ( Alexander 1963 : fig. 7). And also, T. ( V. ) zayulensis has a yellow subterminal ring on the femur while such a ring is absent in T. ( V. ) paramonovi sp. nov. Distribution China ( Tibet ).