Taxonomic contributions to Ageniella Banks, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from Brazil
Waichert, Cecilia
Colombo, Wesley Dondoni
Von Dohlen, Carol D.
Pitts, James P.
journal article
Key to the species of
from Brazil (females)
1 Forewing maculated with dark bands or distinct dark spots..................................................... 2
- Forewing without maculations of dark bands or dark spots, if dark spot present, then very weak...................... 10
2 Integument black and rufous............................................................................. 3
- Integument entirely black............................................................................... 5
3 Clypeus large, apical margin with two median teeth; head and pronotum rufous; metasoma black with blue metallic reflections; forewing hyaline with two dark bands..................................................
A. sanguinolenta
- Clypeus various; head black (clypeus rufous in
A. fabricii
), pronotum various; metasoma various; forewing with or without dark bands........................................................................................... 4
4 Metasoma entirely rufous; mesosoma and head black; forewings with two dark bands, the one on the basal vein narrow..........................................................................................
A. similaris
- Metasoma black; mesosoma entirely or partially rufous, head black, clypeus rufous; forewing with two dark bands, the most apical incomplete........................................................................
A. fabricii
5 Forewing with dark spots partially covering cell 2M and fully covering cell 2Rs; cell 2Rs 0.69 X as long as 3 Rs; clypeus trap- ezoidal, slightly arched; fore tibia pale brown................................................
A. agitata
- Forewing with one or two transversal dark bands; cells 2Rs and 3Rs different size; clypeus various; fore tibia black........ 6
6 Forewing with only one distinct dark band (sometime inconspicuous); silver setae covering integument on face and distal por- tion of propodeum..................................................................................... 7
- Forewing with two distinct dark bands..................................................................... 8
7 Mid and hind femur, and inner side of fore femur pale brown; absence of blue reflections on the hindwing venation and integu- ment................................................................................
A. rustica
- Fore, mid and hind femur black; blue reflections on hindwing venation and integument.................
A. zeteki
8 Integument black without golden pubescence; antennae yellow or at least some segments yellow..................... 9
- Integument black with golden pubescence, except propodeum, which has silver pubescence; antennal segments all black..........................................................................................
A. banksii
9 Clypeus black; antennal segments 7–10 yellowish.............................................
A. citricornis
- Clypeus pale brown; antennal segments entirely yellow........................................
A. pretiosa
10 Integument black with fore, mid and hind tibia pale brown; forewing with a faint dark spot on cells 2Rs and 2M........ 11
- Integument black, tibia black; forewing various............................................................ 12
11 Integument with faint bluish reflections on head and metasoma; frons covered with silver scale-like setae from torulus to clypeus; clypeus trapezoidal................................................................
A. cleora
- Integument without bluish reflections on head and metasoma; frons without silver scale-like setae; clypeus rounded...............................................................................................
A. varipes
12 Clypeus large, arched, anterior margin angulate medially.........................................
A. clypeata
- Clypeus truncate..................................................................................... 13
13 Legs and antennae entirely black; cell 2Rs about 0.65 X as long as 3Rs, tCu2 vein curved, very arched, as well as vein tCu1.........................................................................................
A. thione
- Legs and antennae black, tibia with yellowish coloration; cells 2Rs and 3Rs almost equal size.............
A. serrula