New Species And Records Of Hypselothyrea De Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae) Author Papp, L. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2003 2004-06-30 49 4 271 294 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.12586958 2064-2474 12586958 Hypselothyrea brevipennis DE MEIJERE , 1906 DE MEIJERE 1906: 195 . Material studied ( HNHM ): holotype female: double mounted through a 10×5× 1.2 mm Sambucus-like bricklet, minuten covered by and transferred into FeS (?Ag 2 S) crystals, the original hole of minuten 4 mm deep, dark, the minuten was broken, the specimen repinned into bricklet behind the original hole; right wing on a white label pinned under the specimen, which is without head and abdomen, also hind legs lost and all setae broken . Labels on holotype : 1) [printed card, 11× 4 mm ] Sattelberg Huon Golf [on reverse side] “IX. 25.”; 2) [printed card, 10× 4 mm ] N. Guinea , Biró 1898, 3) [grey paper, 5× 4 mm ] “4” (a collection label of Biró or of the HNHM ; an additional label between 3) and 4), printed number, 39, I think it as an identity label of DE MEIJERE during his studies; 4) [dirty white paper, 20* 9 mm , handwriting of DE MEIJERE ] “ Hypselothyrea brevipennis de Meij. Type. de Meij. det.05.”; 5) [red margined Holotypus label of the HNHM , without writing] . Wing length 1.31 mm , wing breadth 0.485 mm . Another, topotypic female was found in the HNHM (rusty needle, double mounted in a Sambucus-like bricklet of 12×9× 5 mm with rusty minuten; specimen without head, left wing and left hind leg): labels 1) – 3) as on the holotype ; the last one is obviously a collection label referring to the same locality as of the type, 4) [dirty white paper, 18× 10 mm , handwriting of DUDA ] “ Hypselothyrea brevipennis de Meij. f d. Duda”, 5) [yellow paper, 15× 8 mm , handwriting of DUDA ] “l. Flügel photogr.” . There is a third pin in the HNHM , which is obviously a head of this species. Labels 1)–3) as above, 4) “ Hypselothyrea brevipennis f det. Duda” ( DUDA’ s handwriting, i.e. labelled by DUDA , which emerges a mystery, since labels 1) and 2) were printed in Budapest ). The head may belong to any of the two specimens . This head is without setae and left antennae and glued massively on a plastic (celluloide) label. Right antenna with 6 dorsal and 3 ventral long aristal rays, frontal shield granulose. As a matter of course, I cannot decide whether the holotype specimen is a male or a female (cf. BÄCHLI 1984 b : 30 ). OKADA (1980) did not see the type of this species and some of its characters were erroneously given there. This is why I add some additional features here. I was able to detect only the posterior pair of dorsocentrals. Mesonotum microgranulose, mat, dark graphite-grey. Scutellum comparatively small, upright. Legs not unicolorous, as stated by OKADA : fore coxa, basal half of fore femur, basal 3/5 of mid and hind femora, whole mid tibia, mid and hind tarsi yellow, fore tarsus (except for the dark base of metatarsus) whitish, apical half of fore femur, apical2/5ofmidandhindfemoraandforetibiadark;righttibiaofthesecondspecimen is brown. Wing patterned (see fig. 4 of DUDA (1928)) : dark brown with 3 light transverse bands consisting of 3 confluent light spots each, Cx 3.0 or so, 2.95 on holotype . OKADA’ s (1980) key is improper to identify this species, which is otherwise a very distinct one.