Morphology of the prothorax and procoxa in the New World Cryptocephalini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae) Author Chamorro-Lacayo, Maria Lourdes Author Konstantinov, Alexander S. text Zootaxa 2004 676 1 46 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.158400 569e20ad-92b4-4bd0-bf08-d3cfc05beef1 1175­5326 158400 30D76986-064B-41D7-9799-AEB7FA5D74DC PACHYBRACHINA PRONOTUM: Denticles absent on basal margin ( Figs. 85 , 88 , 100 , 108 , 118 , 131 ); basal margin convex and sinusoidal, mesally truncate over mesoscutellum; pronotal punctures distinct throughout, strongly pronounced on all margins (Figs, 90, 102, 120). HYPOMERON: Hypomeral projection flat ( Figs. 86 , 91 , 103 , 111 , 123 ); hypomeron with distinct punctures. PROSTERNUM: Prosternum similarly or more coarsely punctured than hypomeron; intercoxal prosternal process unimodal (Figs, 85, 88, 100, 108, 118, 122); intercoxal prosternal process without caudal M­shaped rim ( Figs. 91 , 103 , 111 , 123 ); prosternal opening narrowly open or closed in caudal view; posterior margin of intercoxal prosternal process convex, projecting beyond hypomeron ( Figs. 85 , 88 , 100 , 108 , 118 , 131 ); anterior margin of prosternum uniformly concave; intercoxal width equal to, greater than, or less than width of coxal cavity. TROCHANTER: With two dorsoproximal ends, with a subapical projection, or with only one dorsal end ( Figs. 87 , 106–107 , 114–116 , 128–130 , 134–135 ). Pachybrachis : Basal margin of pronotum sinusoidal ( Figs. 85 , 88 ). Prosternum and hypomeron equally coarsely punctured; prosternal opening closed in caudal view; anterior margin of prosternum uniformly concave ( Figs. 85 , 88 ); intercoxal width less than width of coxal cavity. Trochanter with subapical projection on dorsoproximal end ( Fig. 87 ) Griburius : Basal margin of pronotum sinusoidal ( Fig. 108 ). Prosternum more coarsely punctured than hypomeron; prosternal opening closed, in caudal view ( Fig. 111 ); anterior margin of prosternum uniformly concave ( Fig. 108 ); intercoxal width greater than width of coxal cavity. Trochanter with one dorsal end ( Figs. 114–116 ). Ambrotodes : Basal margin of pronotum sinusoidal ( A. signatipennis ) ( Fig. 131 ) or convex and mesally truncate ( A. chilensis ) ( Fig. 118 ). Prosternum more coarsely punctured than hypomeron; prosternal opening slightly open in caudal view ( Figs. 121 , 132 ); intercoxal cavity less than ( A. chilensis ) or greater than ( A. signatipennis ) width of coxal cavity. Trochanter with one dorsal end ( Figs. 128–130 ). Metallactus : Basal margin of pronotum sinusoidal ( Fig. 100 ). Prosternum more coarsely punctured than hypomeron; prosternal opening closed, in caudal view ( Fig. 103 ); intercoxal width equal to width of coxal cavity ( Fig. 100 ). Trochanter with two dorsoproximal ends ( Figs. 106–107 ).